I'm back and have played the game
Hello, all Walking Dead fans
I said one day I should return and so I have.
Soon, to follow my escapades of finally playing Telltales gem of a game.
I said one day I should return and so I have.
Soon, to follow my escapades of finally playing Telltales gem of a game.

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And without further adieu
-Looked for help while there was still daylight
(Be dangerous at night especially not knowing where walkers are)
- Told Shawn I was just some guy
(To me this was the honest lie and it worked for me)
- "It smells like..." Manure
(Simple and to the point)
- Tried to save Shawn
(Shawn was in the worse predicament than Duck)
- I took the blame for Shawn's death
(I took the heat for my friend Kenny. I hoped that would count for something)
- During the argument in the drugstore, I tried to reason with Larry and keep everything from escalating, but when it reached a boiling point I choose "No, you want to get violent you old f&#*, WE'LL C'MON! YOU BETTER HAVE A PLAN TO KILL ME THOUGH, BECAUSE IT'S ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE IN HERE!!
(Goes to show don't push or I push back)
- I kept "hush, hush" on my connection to the drug store. When Lee recognized his brother when searching outside with Doug, "He might work at the drugstore" to avoid suspicion. With Carley, her explanations were smart and I decided to trust her.
- With telling Clementine the truth ("It's complicated." I wasn't sure she would want to hear and I'm trying to ignore that past sin)
-Clementine, Duck, Lilly and Carley received energy bars
- I remained silent on choosing to give Irene the gun
(To offer someone death just didn't sit well with me)
- I gave Clementine hope that her parents will track us down. (She needed something to keep her going besides me)
- Save Carley or Doug? Carley hands down. Cause do I need to explain the reasons?
-She's smart, brave, takes no guff from anyone and considerate. We need people like her.
EPISODE 2 to follow soon
Just pointing that out there.
Most of what Doug can do electronics-wise, he does not have the parts/supplies necessary to use(he says this himself in episode 2). The only useful thing he can make is the alarm system(which is good) but compared to Carley, he is very limited in usefulness with those skills.
Anyway, I felt if Doug lived longer, he would of been more useful.
Just a opinion, don't worry
- Couldn't bring myself to chop the trapped man's leg off and kept trying to pry it open with axe.
- With the escalation argument between Lilly and Kenny, I remained neutral for obvious reasons.
- Whom received the food rations: Clementine (Apple); Duck (Cheese & Crackers);
Mark (Cheese & Crackers) and Larry (Beef Jerky). The kids always need to be looked after, Mark my new friend and Larry for upon Carley's suggestion for mending things with Lilly. Tried to feed Carley but once again her understanding and reason are worthy traits.
- When the St. John brothers asked about our group, I gave only small samples of info, on the weary side of caution. Plus while at the farm learned their history.
- Upon being confronted by Jolene, I tried to calm things down, until Danny shot her.
(I would always try reason and compromise; pulling the trigger after all other options have failed)
- The shocked truth had me run like a bat out of hell downstairs stop Clementine from eating human meat, a direct answer "Mark is upstairs LEGLESS!", They're picking us off to trade as meat, tried to plead with them to let us go.
- When it came to wether or not to kill Larry, with Lilly pleading for help, even though Larry was a jerk at times, I tried to save his life. Sure it would weaken my friendship with Kenny but at times we just gotta do what we feel is right.
- Wpn: Mini cattle prod
- When confronting Danny and realizing the sick truth, while Danny was heckling me, in my mind's I could only see the blood stained walls, organs in jars, skinless people hanging over the mini blooding pit, and the boxes. Then the images repeat faster and faster and FASTER and FASTER. I snapped and hurled the pitchfork into Danny's black heart. When Clementine screamed, I paused and felt guilty when she looked scared.
- After giving Andy a few good punches after what he did, I stopped after realizing my friends were watching. I told him both his mama and Danny were dead, the pain in his voice was the pain I got for their deception ten-fold! When Andy told me to come back and finish it...
No, he's been punished enough. Like Batman Begins "I'm not going to kill you..."
Clementine: There getting in!
"...but I'm not going to save you either!"
- Final comment to Kenny: Silence (I couldn't think of any of those hurtful choices for dialogue, well maybe "You're no hero" but for me the silence was the only good one.
Final comment to Clementine: I'm sorry you saw that (reassuring) (I feel bad for what I did but I did it to protect her. She did say get the bad ones if memory serves.
- For the final choice, I took the supplies because this is a matter of survival and I feel bad for hurting Clementine by doing this deed but I feel Katjaa was right about survival.
Whew! When playing this game, I respond how I would have done things in real life.
Now for the Extremely depressing episode, EPISODE 3: LONG ROAD AHEAD
- The woman screaming and drawing the walkers out, I shot her. The situation with the man in the bear trap was diffcult for me to chop a man's leg off, but with this it was quick, clean, final. Plus, didn't feel right leaving her as bait.
- Carley suggested I devuldge the truth about my past and rather wait until it blows up in my face, tell the ones I trust the most Kenny (hoping to mend our friendship), Katjaa (trusted her since she's been very helpful, but when she asked about the meat locker incident, I avoided the question fearing it would just make matters worse), Clementine (she deserved the truth, since I dodged the question in the drugstore) and Lilly (woman was a nervous wreck and wanted her to trust me)
- I also helped Lilly question others about the disappearing supplies and even allowed Duck to help out (even gave him a high five :-) )
- This moment rocked me to my core: Carley getting shot by Lilly! When the bullet hit her, I felt like I was shot. I couldn't believe it but I remember this is the Walking Dead world. Stuff like this happens
- Despite an anger at Lilly for killing my friend, I brought her along under restraints (I could not let my emotions cloud my judgment and I want to show even in extremely dark situations, some acts of humanity can still be decided.) Plus, my idea was find a spot suitable for survival and leave her there. Would that have been a more humane thing to do I wonder?
- Another surprise was finding out Duck was bitten.
- Upon finding a pencil, Lilly freed herself and offered me to come with her away from the group I responded "Come on, Lilly" And the rest is of course history for some.
In closing to Lilly I say Go with God
- Chose the Spanner as my new melee weapon.
- Duck was getting worse and Katjaa urged me to tell Kenny to stop the train.
I talked him into stopping the train; my choice dialogue as follows: [show cloth of blood], Your son's blood, He won't be, You're in denial!, Calm down, By talking to your friend, You think you're the reason Duck was bitten, Stop thinkin about yourself.
- As a friend, I took the option of shooting Duck because I didn't want Kenny to be in any more pain (with the suicide of Katjaa)
- I liked newcomer Chuck/Charles and his advice about teaching Clementine to protect herself was wise in some part. When it came to come up with a plan, I chose we look for her parents, I owned Clementine that. She at least had to know if they were alright.
- I was a little cautious with Omid and Christa but they showed to be good folks.
- With the herd coming and the new duo chasing to get into the boxcar, I picked Omid since with the injured leg and all. I had no doubt Christa would climb inside. One thing I learned, some females in the game are strong and can take care of themselves.