So, Windows 8 worth it?

edited December 2012 in General Chat
Hey y'all,

I see a lot of posts from people who have trouble running Walking Dead under Windows 8, which got me thinking why people installed Windows 8 anyway.
Any stories or experiences to share why you should definitely (not) install Windows 8? Is it really better than Windows 7, which (as a Mac user) is the best Windows OS yet, in my humble opinion.


  • edited December 2012
    Windows 8 is good if you have a tablet computer. Whether it's good for anything else remains to be seen.
  • edited December 2012
    Windows 8 is horrible and unless you have a touchpad. And if you want a touchpad why not get an iPad.
  • edited December 2012
    I don't understand all the Windows 8 hate. Sure, it's different than Windows 7, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I've been using it since the Consumer Preview, and I've been liking it.
  • edited December 2012
    I'll probably get a free version of Windows 8 from my school, so I guess I'll wait until that comes out and then dual boot my Mac to see how it runs.
  • edited December 2012
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Windows 8 is horrible unless you have a touchpad. But if you want a touchpad, why not get an iPad?
    Because iPads are so horribly overblown on ease-of-use that advanced customization and/or changing various advanced settings is impossible without jailbreaking (perhaps not even then);

    Apple almost requires you to use the clunky bloatware that is iTunes to transfer files;

    When you do transfer files, you can't just dump them on the device and let the device figure out which programs can use it--you have to tell iTunes to tell the iPad which program is going to use it first before copying;

    If iTunes doesn't expect a certain program, that you want to use with a file, can use it, then it's a bitch to fix;

    And the damn thing is $500 MINIMUM, which is way too much to spend if you're not using it for work purposes (ie. if you're only playing Angry Birds, watching Netflix, reading email/Facebook, and browsing the net) when there are $200 devices that do the same thing.
  • edited December 2012
    I don't see a purpose in ever getting a tablet for anything. I'm fine with my laptop. If I want a portable computer I'll just get a smartphone of some kind. Someday. I have no interest in Windows 8.
  • edited December 2012
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Windows 8 is horrible and unless you have a touchpad. And if you want a touchpad why not get an iPad.

    Because Android.
  • edited December 2012
    Because Android.

    I've played with the iPad my Dad gave me (long story--he got it for free. Don't ask.) and also with his iPhone, and at length with a coworker's Samsung Android phone.

    Android is superior.
  • edited December 2012
    In my experience, and iPad feels like a large iPod touch. And android tablet, so much more like a computer, whilst still retaining the nice "pick up and play" usability that a decent smartphone has.

    Heck, my tablet even crashes like a computer! :D
  • edited December 2012
    I would say that an iPad is a good substitute for a computer for people who don't really use their computer for much. Like my mom. She uses her expensive Apple laptop as a storage device for photos and as a word processor... and very little else. She says it's because it's too heavy and then uses her iPad for everything under the sun. She's barely even using the word processing stuff on the laptop anymore. She's got an iPhone as well, but she barely uses that for anything other than calling people. It's kinda weird.
  • edited December 2012
    Because Android.

    Except it sucks.
  • edited December 2012
    Windows 8 is honestly okay and I didn't mind paying the 20 bucks or whatever it was to let me get it.
  • edited December 2012
    DAISHI wrote: »
    Except it sucks.

    It's not perfect, but next to the hilarious iOS, it's amazing.

    In my experience, iOS is best suited for people who want a smartphone or tablet but aren't great with technology.
  • edited December 2012
    It's not perfect, but next to the hilarious iOS, it's amazing.

    In my experience, iOS is best suited for people who want a smartphone or tablet but aren't great with technology.

    Eh, iOS is fine as long as you don't need to know where anything is. Or be able to do anything that the Apple manufacturers haven't already thought of.
  • edited December 2012
    Ha ha, the mere mention of iOS in a room full of PC gamers (or just nerds) is like dropping a cow into a piranha tank. Whatever, I'll just be over here playing Middle Manager of Justice for free on my vastly inferior large format iDevice. What's that, Android users? Double Fine's awesome new FREE game isn't available on your cutting edge and more affordable hardware? Bummer.
  • edited December 2012
    Yes, the one real plus iOS has going for it is that the hardware is more standardized, so game developers are more willing to put their software on it, leaving us Android users out in the cold.

    Of course, developers have been making games for PCs of all shapes and sizes for years, so it's kind of lame that they're not willing to do the same for mobile devices.
  • edited December 2012
    So anyway, on the topic of Windows 8, all I can say so far is that it's different. For most things, you are going to need to unlearn everything you know about Windows (like shutting down, anything involving the start menu and so on). So basically, I'd only go for Windows 8 when I really have to.
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