Transfer the saved game

edited January 2008 in Sam & Max
:confused:How can I transfer a saved game from my desktop to my laptop? I don't want to replay that part of the game saved to one; I want to continue the game from the other. Thank you.


  • edited January 2008
    I installed games ( recommended root directory by installing) to
    c:/program files/telltale games/Sam and Max - Season two

    and behind that is a folder for each episodes.. and there's save files.. for example 01-12-08
    or Auto
  • SegSeg
    edited January 2008
    Buuga is correct about the saves, but a few additional notes. will always be overwritten (hence auto saving), so keep that in mind with your saves.

    The prefs.prop contains all of your resolution, pop-up text, audio, and hint settings and are all independent of your save games, so saves are a bit more portable this way. It's actually best NOT to copy over the prefs.prop if only for the resolution settings.

    The decals on your car are a different story as I honestly don't know exactly how they'll work for you. It all depends on what's on the save and the previous play state of the previous episodes.
  • edited January 2008
    I noticed the decals are stored in the registry, at least for the purpose of transferring them between episodes. Simply start the registry editor, select Export from the File menu, and enter "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Sam & Max Season 2" as the branch to export. Import the file on your laptop and you should be done.

    The registry also stores settings for resolutions, hints, pop-up text (basically everything that can be set up from the in-game settings dialog); why this is duplicated in the prefs.pop file I don't know.
  • edited January 2008
    Soultaker wrote: »
    why this is duplicated in the prefs.pop file I don't know.

    Redundancy is always a good precaution when it comes to writing software.
  • edited January 2008
    Seg wrote: »
    The decals on your car are a different story as I honestly don't know exactly how they'll work for you. It all depends on what's on the save and the previous play state of the previous episodes.
    ..but if you happen to have a savegame with all your decals and extras it should be added to the registry sooner or later. during autosave or at least when you complete the current game, right?
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    I'll have to check with Randy, but I'm pretty sure decals are added to the registry as you get them. So if you deleted the registry and then loaded an old save, you would have them in the save, but it wouldn't update the registry. You would have to go back through and gather them in a new game to have them save.
  • jmmjmm
    edited January 2008
    Or you can cheat by adding them manually to your registry.....and brag to your friends and foes.

    bDecalSomething: DWORD=1
    bDecalLevelSomething:BINARY=[00 00 40 40] (Need to check this though)
    bDeSotoSomething: DWORD=1

    For instance bDecalCheese for the Rolling Cheese decal
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