Key configs?

edited January 2008 in Sam & Max
I haven't found much, ideally I wish there were a way to toggle through inventory, I could just keep going on interface changes that would makes things easier to use but I'll stop here and get to my question.

Are there keyboard shortcuts for the games? stuff to make it faster and easier to work with, or any for that matter.

so, anyone know?


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    You can press Escape to bring up the menu at the top of the screen, Alt-enter to toggle between windowed mode and full screen, right-click to skip through dialogue, and press the space bar to pause. There is no keyboard shortcut for scrolling through the inventory, but it's not a bad idea.

    I feel like there might be some new hotkeys in Season Two (Fsomething to save?) but I embarrassingly can't remember what they are. :o
  • edited January 2008
    Space = pause was the only one I didn't figure out, thanks for that one.

    What would be nice also is more interaction with max like in hit the road, among other things like actions from the scumm games (look, use, push, pull, pick up, etc...) other things too, but that's what I miss most. I love how well these captured the other parts of the original well, I was worried about how it'd translate to 3d, but it's good short of the classic actions.

    Right clicking outside of conversation would be nice if it could cycle actions like the original games too, no chance but a guy can wish.

    <edit> One thing I forgot, if such features were added, there should be a key config menu in options, so you can assign what you want where, and use the third and fourth (if you have one) mouse button(s) to switch actions like look at and such) </edit>
  • edited January 2008
    F5 is quicksave, F8 loads the quicksave. Arrow keys and WAD-cluster can be used in the minigames.

    edit: brief summary here
  • edited January 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    Alt-enter to toggle between windowed mode and full screen

    Windowed mode?! If only I'd known sooner! No longer will I have to Alt+Tab between applications to chat with my friends and play S&M at the same time! Thank you, Emily!
  • edited January 2008
    You can also turn off full screen in the normal prefs or during the setup wizard, by the way :)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2008
    Aestus wrote: »
    Space = pause was the only one I didn't figure out, thanks for that one.

    I should have mentioned that it's only in Season Two. In Season One (and Telltale's other games), the space bar skips dialogue.
  • edited January 2008
    Oh yeah, I forgot about that... these hot-keys should be posted somewhere in-game.
  • edited January 2008
    And while we're on the topic of windowed modes, might I offer a suggestion? When the window loses focus (i.e. you click on another application) it'd be nice if the game would pause itself, and if the game's window didn't try to remain the top-most window.
  • edited January 2008
    Yeah, I noticed that about space in 2 rather than 1.

    Also, I'd still say a custom config menu would be best, to bind your own keys as you like. In fact, there are a lot of options that should be added, it's pretty bare in these games.
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