What was your most intense reaction?

edited January 2013 in The Walking Dead
Like the title says, what was your most extreme reaction while playing this game? Maybe you sobbed uncontrollably at the end, or yelled at the top of your voice at the screen, or punched a hole through your monitor in frustation. Whatever it was, let me know :D!

I had two: in Episode 4, when Ben was asking me to drop him, I was yelling at my screen "NO, NO, NO QUIERO!", which is Spanish for "NO, NO, I DON'T WANT TO!" (yes, this game made me switch languages mid-playthrough :eek:). Then, in Episode 5, when Kenny and Ben died, I was on the verge of tears and shaking. It got so bad that I started feeling cold and had to pause the game and grab a sweater.

So what was YOUR story :p?


  • edited December 2012
    Lee's bite in episode 4.

    I screamed loudly, my mom thought I was crazy.

    Episode 5:Lee's death
    "NO FUCKING SHIT NO!!!!" *Lee is shot by clem*
    after death: "Ohh my god" *cries*

    Episode 3: Lee's dream
    "WHAT THE FUUU---" *I shut console off* I thought clem turned into a walker so I didn't play for days

    but seriously I never felt this emotionally attached to a game character
  • edited December 2012
    Lilly shooting Carley in the face: mouth drops open and play the rest of the episode in a state of wtf.
  • edited December 2012
    I could barely resist the urgeto scream when Lee got bit, Kenny and Ben died, and when Lee died. But I remembered my parents and sister and everyone was in the house at that time.

    Also I cried a whole LOT when Lee, Kenny, and Ben died ;_;
  • edited December 2012
    Lee's bite. I was in a state of silent denial throughout the rest of episode 4.
  • edited December 2012
    One eye Carley...not even close. Total wtf moment to me. Wanted to take a salt lick to Lilly at that point.
  • edited December 2012
    Aww man, another one of these cheesy threads... "N-NOOO CLEM NO!!" "NO KENNY NO!!" NO LEE NO!!" "*Cries in the corner*"
    Yes, I'm pissed off and I'm never coming back to this thread. I'm out.
  • edited December 2012
    Lee's bite..First I was like: ''Dafuq? O.o''

    And when Clem was gone in ep 4 I was like: Oh did that bitch went exploring again? -.-
    And yes..I said bitch about Clem..Sorry Clemmy :/

    And of course in the end..
  • edited December 2012
    I had two - when Ben fell from the balcony, I screamed bloody murder and my family came running through to see what all the fuss was about. <
    My most intense reaction

    And second - "see where he is now" - yeah, thanks for that, Kenny. I opened the door, saw Danny pointing a rifle in my face, and jumped, froze up, curled into the foetal position, and stayed there, resulting in Lee dying.
  • edited December 2012
    Oh, and the walker Clementine, Jesus Christ. I was sitting there like "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING OH MY GOD"
  • edited December 2012
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    Lilly shooting Carley in the face: mouth drops open and play the rest of the episode in a state of wtf.

    i didnt even finished the episode, i quit right after the cutscene where i left lilly behind
  • edited December 2012
    I had alot but i think the 1st major oh shit moment, was when lily shoot carley, i leave that bitch behind, no second thoughts.

    Also i felt a little bad after killing larry, i felt like shit when clem saw me kill that cannibal, and i felt guilty that i didn't care when left ben die.
  • edited December 2012
    Lets see...

    Killing those 2 farmers in front of Clem

    The bandit killing the other bandit scene

    Lilly shooting Carley

    Katja Killing herself

    The Lee bite...

    I mean there's plenty.
  • edited December 2012
    Lets see...

    Killing those 2 farmers in front of Clem

    The bandit killing the other bandit scene

    Lilly shooting Carley

    Katja Killing herself

    The Lee bite...

    I mean there's plenty.
  • edited December 2012
    The meatlocker scene and when Lilly shot Carley, my jaw literally dropped.
  • edited December 2012
    The bell tower scene where you are given the choice of killing Ben or saving him.
  • edited December 2012
    Carley's death and Lee getting bitten.
  • edited January 2013
    Finding Mark's legs choped off.God,that scene was so tense for me the first time.But,the second one,definatelly Lilly shooting Carley. :P My jaw dropped.
  • edited January 2013
    Carley's scene and lee, being bitten.
  • edited January 2013
    Finding Mark, I screamed "WHAT IS THIS BALCK MAGIC FUCKERY?!?!"
    When Ben, Kenny, and Lee died all in the same episode, I stayed crawled up in the fetal position all night
  • edited January 2013
    Kenny was sacrifice himself when Ben falled "WTF?! WHY?! WHA...FU.... OH... Goddamn Ken"
  • edited January 2013
    Lee bite i was like "WTF? Are U ***** Kidding me?"
    Lee's death "No, no , WHY," <go cries in corner>
  • edited January 2013
    When Kenny jumps down so he can save Christa, this death hurt me more then the ending, as I had always sided with Kenny and we were good friends all the way through as he jumps in I was just watching in shock repeating " No Kenny, No, No Kenny!" In my head as he Saves Christa the worst part is not knowing what happened to Kenny after you just hear the infected
  • edited January 2013
    When Larry's head got smashed in by a giant cube. It did not expect that. I was trying to save him goddamnit.

    Other than that, probably when I found Mark without legs, Doug got shot and when Lee got his arm chopped.
  • edited January 2013
    When Carely got shot, it was just pure shock. I was like Andy

    "What did you do? What the FUCK did you do?!"
  • edited January 2013
    When Ben fell. I saw it coming when the balcony was a bit loose, but still. Fuck it, it was really a shock.
  • edited January 2013
    When I found Mark I was all like "Damn you telltale... Didn't expect for you to go that far..."

    Minutes later, making my Lee say "Mark is upstairs with NO LEGS!!!" just made me shiver.
  • edited January 2013
    Ep 1:


    Ep 2:


    Ep 3:


    Ep 4:


    Ep 5:

    "That walker looked at me funny, OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"
  • edited January 2013
    watching Robin die, very sad.
  • edited January 2013
    Losing my savegame twice and having to start over again.... and again.
    That was probably my most intense reaction.
    Almost cost me my relationship :P
  • edited January 2013
    Episode 3: the nightmare i was like: no, no... no,no,no don't fucking do this to me, this can't fucking be, no, no i can't do this (i didn't even fight against the zombiefied Clem, that shows how weak i am if it is about *dropping a salt lick* or *bashing a head in* if it's a char i like/love)
    Episode 4: on first Playthrough i dropped Ben thinking: "how long until he gets clem or ken killed?" 5 minutes later i was thinking: fuck... what the HELL did i just do?
    Episode 3: at the side of the road i couldn't get out a straight word (after what happened), and if i hadn't needed so long for getting the train started (i overlooked the stupid notepad like for an hour at least) i would've been still speechless after the episode.
    in Episode 4 i saw the bite comming he approached the walkie talkie way to slow and "cinematic" for such a thing not to happen.
    The Ending didn't make me cry in the first play through because it was like 7 am in the morning and i was too tired for it... the second playthrough though did.
    and not mentioned so far: Episode 4: when you return from the sewers and clem isn't there i was scared because i knew this radio guy made her think he had her parents and with molly beeing quite irresponsible in the begining, kenny drunk as hell, omid sick, christa busy with omid, and ben beeing a fucking dumbass (sorry even though he is a teenager) i though THIS time Clem was gone... i searched EVERY room until ben told me she was playing outside (thinking all the time: please, please don't let her be dead...)
    (in one playthrough he also lied to me, saying she was upstairs...)

    if my english is a little bad please excuse me.
  • edited January 2013
    When Lee got bit. I was like: NO! NO! NO! FFFFFUUUUUUUCK!

    Also that dream in ep3, scared the shit out me.
  • edited January 2013
    Carely's death. It was so sudden and to one of my favorite characters so i was genuinely shaken up for more than a day, First time a video games got a reaction anywhere near that from me.

    Lee's bite and His and Kenny's deaths were also huge moments to more of my favorites, but a combination of seeing some of it coming and being battled-hardened by the events of episode 3, dulled my reaction a little.
  • edited January 2013
    Carley's death. I had a feeling something bad was going to happen when I saw Lilly start to reach for her gun during the cutscene. I left that girl standing in the road for what she did.

    Dropping Ben. It was the first time my Lee went against his morality for the better of the group. But hearing that Ben survived that fall was cringe-worthy.

    When Lee passed out in the zombie horde with Clem and wakes up, the second I saw how pale his skin was and the yellow in his eyes. It was definitely a mixture of blood loss and liver failure.
  • edited January 2013
    In episode 2:
    Trying to revive Larry: KENNY NOOOOOOOOOOOO WHAT THE HELL! -followed by gagging because of the smashed head-
    Seeing the bloody room: wait they're not.... THEY'RE FREAKING CANNIBALS I KNEW IT ewww... xD

    In episode 3, Katjaa's death: speechless, just in complete shock :O

    In episode 4:
    Dies from jumping across the roof: -facepalm- god DAMMIT.
    Lee getting bit: NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOO! maybe .. maybe it's just a scratch ... yeah it's a scratch >.> -denial mode activated-

    In episode 5:
    Vernon stealing the boat(Kenny stayed): BUT THEY'RE OLD PEOPLE WTF KENNY.
    Ben and Kenny dying: why... why didn't you just shoot him and come with me... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO -sobs-
    Lee getting shot by clem: no...no...no... -crying my eyes out, my brother laughing at me- I'll miss you Clem .... BANG.. *cried for 30 mins. and depressed all week*
  • edited January 2013
    When Doug got shot and Lee got bitten.
  • edited January 2013
    Well, there was massive rage the one time I lost all my saves, which was right when Episode 5 was released. So the day Episode 5 came out I had to replay every single Episode. I made all my choices exactly the same, had all my good times with my bro Kenny...and then he jumped down to save Christa. I thought Kenny would live through the season, so as soon as he gave Lee that long, sad look, I was like "Goddamnit, NO!" I came to terms with Lee's death after Episode 4, and had braced myself for seeing Clem shoot him, but Kenny's death hit me harder simply because it was so unexpected. I was sobbing uncontrollably by the time he was saying "I'll...I'll be..."
  • edited January 2013
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    Lilly shooting Carley in the face: mouth drops open and play the rest of the episode in a state of wtf.

    Ditto. Didn't see that coming and was pissed. Was thinking Lee and Carley would make a good team and survive.
  • edited January 2013
    The attached file shows the worst part of the game. :(
  • edited January 2013
    The scene where Lilly shot Carley was very shocking, because I didn't see that coming. Another scene is where Lee gets bitten. I then knew that Lee won't survive the season and I totally felt sorry for him and Clementine. Finding Mark was one of the most frightening moments, too.
  • edited January 2013
    Choosing between Carley and Doug

    -Mah gawd, who will i choose... ITS SO HARD

    Episode 2

    Seeing Mark for first time

    Wow... We met this guy? Awesome

    Seeing Mark die


    Seeing Zombie Mark eating Brenda

    -Hahah, karma you bitch.

    Seeing Carley get killed by Lily

    Ok, so they are fi-

    *silence for 2 minutes*


    Larry crying for Duck and Katjaa

    Omg... No... Plz men dont cry *cries a little bit*

    Choosing fate of Ben

    No man, you are coming with me

    Lee getting bitten


    Cutting Lee's arm

    Ok, it will be not so- OOOOH MYYY GOD THATS



    Kenny and Ben's death

    Oh men, they died... Oh god *pause game*



    Finding Clementine

    Omg clementine, you are here! ^-^, let me kill this guy and ok ^-^

    Lee getting shot by Clementine

    *crying* Clem, you can do it, you can...


    Soo... This is the end... *cries*

    And in the Credits, i made a montage of all the greatest moments of the game

    Goodbye Lee.

    *closes game*.
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