All of a sudden I need a telltale games account.

edited December 2012 in The Walking Dead
I started the Walking Dead today after having bought it about two days ago when it was on sale on Steam.

I'm already done with the first two episodes and half way through third and now it's asking me for a Telltale Games account?

Excuse me but what the shit is this? There was no mention of me having to create another account next to my Ubisoft one, my Rockstar Social Club, my Origin account and my Steam account just to play a game.
This is absolutely absurd.

Still, now I've registered on this stupid website and it wants me to email you about my order number. What order number?!?!
Holy crap, I just want to be able to play one game nowadays without having any stupid problems. One of the reasons why people switch to pirating is because they don't have to deal with this kind of ripoff, it just runs smoothly, straight after the download. No registrations, no limitations, just pure fun.
Just please let me play my game that I paid for, is that too much to ask?:confused:


  • edited December 2012
    This has never happened to me nor any of my friends. The game probably just hates you. :P
  • edited December 2012
    No registrations, no limitations, just pure fun.

    That's what I paid for a few months ago and that is what I done did recieve.
  • edited December 2012
    Mhh that is weird. I bought it on steam myself the day Episode 1 was released and I never had to make an account anywhere. Must be some kind of error.

    All you need is your steam account and that is it. No Uplay, Telltale, Origin or Socialclub.
  • edited December 2012
    This is what it looks like. Afterwards, I get a prompt to register my game with Telltale account.

    Help, please!
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