Continous Errors with TTG Software

edited December 2012 in General Chat
Forum Members,
Like you...I have been a gaming enthusiast for many years. The titles that Tell Tale Games have published have attracted thousands of gamers around the world and have gained a great deal of notoriety. That said...there has been numerous issues reported across most of the titles and in all of the forums related to similar issues loading and running their games. A specific example is the infamous "xxxxx.exe101 stopped working" (fill in the name of your game). Despite persistent pleas from the user community for several years...there has been very little done by TTG to correct the issue. The company continues to pump-out new titles, while users continue to encounter the same problems with their software. When asked for refunds..users struggle mightily with their distributing vendors and get very little sympathy from TTG.

I'm sure all those that have encountered this situation are similarly frustrated (as can be read throughout the forums). Why is this situation any different than if you purchase a defective product at the store and return it?! In's not. Given TTG's awareness of the issue and continued lack of support and negligence addressing the issue, I feel it necessary to take further action than pleading in the forums.

Shortly, I plan to pursue a class action lawsuit if we don't see TTG addressing the issues. I will be consulting with legal entities in the US to determine how to proceed. Let's face it....if you own a PC on a windows platform..there are bound to be software conflicts. Other vendors have the same issues...However, the difference is that other vendors acknowledge the problem and apply resources to address and support resolution of the issues. Clearly better communication and transparency is required with users in the community. Perhaps TTG will hear us and address the pervasive, software quality issues they continue to have through legal channels. Would like to hear your thoughts. :mad:


  • edited December 2012
    I'm not sure this sort of thing can be taken to court with a strong case, but the best of luck to you. By the way, it's smart that you didn't name this something like "I'm taking legal action against Telltale Games". Not sure how long it would've lasted then.
  • edited December 2012
    Ohhh OHHH TTG! let me be your defense attorney I'm one of the few people who played Law and Order legacy. I know how to law.
  • edited December 2012
    Well I played the CSI games so I would like to collect evidence starting with TTG's fingerprints. I look forward to working with you.

    But, I've never encountered a problem with TTG's games. Of course, it helps that I've only played the CSI and Puzzle Agent ones but still. What are the games that have these problems?
  • edited December 2012
    TTG hire me and I will take your case naked!

  • edited December 2012
    You know, I've only had one bug crop up and that was the big one in BttF with the Glass House and they fixed that pretty fast.
  • edited December 2012
    There are errors in their games? Where???
  • edited December 2012
    Prodigious! errors in a Telltale Game!? Prodigious! a computer virus on the internet!
  • edited December 2012
    I can really only remember coming across two bugs in any of Telltale's games, but admittedly, one was pretty huge.

  • edited December 2012
    It got so bad it stoped me going online.

  • edited December 2012
    As entertaining as this is, I think I'm gonna shut it down.
This discussion has been closed.