Okay so Kenny's death made no sense what so freakin ever

edited January 2013 in The Walking Dead
I mean seriously....:mad:

1. He hated Ben..so what's up with the sudden change of heart?
2. He had 1 bullet..the goal was to end Ben's misery..
3. Yet he closes the gates and tells Lee to leave...
4. You see him put Ben out of his misery with the 1 bullet

But than what was freaking point of closing the gates and fighting the walkers? Why the hell was he sacrificing himself..it made no sense. Could he not just shoot Ben really quick and leave? What was the need to stay there and fight the walkers off while locking himself from an escape? What was the point...It was just ugh.

I'm not even disappointed that he died..it's the way he died...sacrificing himself in a seemingly just idiotic way. For what? For who?

I mean..if it was Duck..or Katja..than yeah, i could definitely see why he would have stayed and tried to fight the walkers off. But for Ben? The kid that killed his son and wife..and ruined pretty much everything...i just don't get it.

It seemed tell tale was just clueless in that regard and just wanted to kill him off as soon as possible.


  • edited January 2013
    I still don't think he's dead at all and will return somehow...
    I could be naive, but no body, no proof in my opinion.
  • edited January 2013
    JordyLicht wrote: »
    I still don't think he's dead at all and will return somehow...
    I could be naive, but no body, no proof in my opinion.

    An the statistic page at the end said Kenny joined the horde.

    Never said he died..so, that could indicate that as well.
  • edited January 2013
    Not this again... Kenny was broken. When he lost the boat, he blamed everything on Ben, and after Ben stood up for himself, he understood what the kid went through and forgave him. After Ben's fall, he lost all his hope again.

    PS: BTW, you're right, Kenny ain't dead, he just picked up Ben and they are the 2 people Clem sees at the end.
  • edited January 2013
    Well, I dunno.
    It didn't look like Ben could still walk.
  • edited January 2013
    I don't think Telltale would have thrown in dialogue between Lee and Christa about whether Lee might have survived, unless they wanted to leave his fate ambiguous. I also think the decision to have Kenny's 'death' occur off screen, was done with Season 2 in mind.

    I think Telltale was giving themselves an out in case they want to bring the character back in Season 2. Does that mean they will? Maybe. Maybe not.
  • edited January 2013
    It's simple. When the boat was stolen by Vernon, Kenny lost all hope. Even though he made the whole "suicide is wrong" speech in episode 5, he died while closing the gates because he didn't want to leave Ben. He wanted to do it for him.
  • edited January 2013
    Well, since he saved Christa in my game, I'm cool with how he went out.
  • edited January 2013
    I concur, Kenny's death for Ben didn't seem fully thought out. The death with Christa was much better, someone had to get her out and the two other guys had a bad leg and was bitten. Although people have suggested he could have held someone's legs and lowered them to help her out. (I can put it down to heat of the moment)

    For me the Christa death was more heroic and less dumb than with Ben. With the former I thought he had finally changed his ways and deep down was a hero, with the latter I assumed he had finally cracked and just gone insane. Not bad scenarios but its clear which is preferred.
  • edited January 2013
    Kenny went full retard in the Ben death scene.
  • edited January 2013
    I think he just gave up on life. If you say "Katjaa wouldn't want this, Kenny.", He replies with "Yes she would. I either save the boy or get to see her." I don't think this conflicts with his speech about suicide. He was talking about directly killing yourself, taking your own life. Also he was actively battling the walkers, so it wasn't suicide in the traditional sense. He lost his family, he lost the boat. He has no purpose anymore. The last thing he can do is spare the person he hurt the most from his biggest fear, and be reunited with his family.
  • edited January 2013
    Mornai wrote: »
    The last thing he can do is spare the person he hurt the most from his biggest fear, and be reunited with his family.

    Kenny didn't strike me as a religious person though.
  • edited January 2013
    JordyLicht wrote: »
    Kenny didn't strike me as a religious person though.
    "Look Lee, you know I care about Clementine, and I am a Christian man..."
  • edited January 2013
    Ah... well, I probably chose to ignore that line :P

    Btw, do you have the script ready, or just a really good memory?
  • edited January 2013
    I think he tried to save him since he was in danger, but then again, killing Ben was want he wanted before, so it's rather confusing.
  • edited January 2013
    Phil_TWD wrote: »
    I think he tried to save him since he was in danger, but then again, killing Ben was want he wanted before, so it's rather confusing.

    I think he initially was going to try to save him, but then very quickly realized that there was no way out of there. Ben says his worst nightmare is getting eaten alive by the walkers, so i think he killed him to spare him that fate, rather than for vengeance. After Ben tells him about his family his opinion sort of changes.
  • edited January 2013
    I like to think Kenny refused to leave another person behind and wanted to defend the kid as long as possile. His cold-heartedness and survivalist mindset just snapped and he couldnt give up on the kid, especially after seeing things from his point of view and feeling sorry for him.

    Of course he may have just been suicidal (he has lost his family and boat) and saw it as a good way to go out. But i like the first explanation more :D
  • edited January 2013
    Yea, his sacrifice with Christa is totally understandable, but the one with Ben? That makes no sense at all, especially if we remember his little talk some minutes earlier about not giving up and how important it is to give yourself a chance. Kind of ironic, huh?
  • edited January 2013
    I think that Kenny wanted to commit a suicide in a honorable way.

    His family died, his last hope was the boat, but Vernon stole it, so he had nothing left.

    He saw that Ben was about to die in horrible suffering and wanted to give him a "soft" dead, and kill himself by the way, in the most honorable way.

    If it wasn't a suicide I don't know why he stayed with Ben, he could have shot him and escaped then. And remember that 2 hours ago he wanted to kill ben. It's clearly a suicide in my humble opinion
  • edited January 2013
    DatDude wrote: »
    I mean seriously....:mad:

    1. He hated Ben..so what's up with the sudden change of heart?

    Try playing the game. :rolleyes:

    It's pretty clearly a suicide from my view. Kenny had nothing left. All this time, I got a clear vibe of him just continuing on for its own sake, nothing really left behind it.
  • edited January 2013
    The change of ehart came when Ben tore into him back at the house. Kenny realized just how lucky he had actually been, and saw things from Ben's point of view and understood how hard the kid had had it even BEFORE Kenny started treating him like shit. Kenny decided to forgive the kid, and tried to save him. At the very least, he spared the kid from being eaten slowly and painfully.

    I still prefer the Christa version though. Instead of only trying to save Ben, he actually pulls through and does save Christa's life, and goes down fighting. It's less suicidal than Ben's scene, and he actually doesn't die for nothing.
  • edited January 2013
    so i guess we assume that Kenny dies? I am playing all three versions~ one that is pro kenny from the beginning, 1 that is anti kenny and the other that i call silent Lee~ he answers everything with silence, unless silence is not an option.

    I havent seen the Krista version. Is it obvious that he dies?
  • edited January 2013
    I guessed Kenny was suicidal at that point because he could've shot Ben and escaped with Lee.
  • edited January 2013
    so i guess we assume that Kenny dies? I am playing all three versions~ one that is pro kenny from the beginning, 1 that is anti kenny and the other that i call silent Lee~ he answers everything with silence, unless silence is not an option.

    I havent seen the Krista version. Is it obvious that he dies?

    It's just as ambiguous(I'd say even more so than the other scene).
  • edited January 2013
    I'm still hoping he's still alive x)
  • edited January 2013
    Kenny could be alive. Tyreesee killed a whole gym of walkers by himself
  • edited January 2013
    Kenny could be alive. Tyreesee killed a whole gym of walkers by himself

    I love that scene :D
    Though Tyreese was very fit and muscular, Kenny though ...... o .o.. pretty sure his mustache would make all the zombies fall in love with him and let him through xD
  • edited January 2013
    The man is alive damnit... he wouldn't go to all that work keeping his mustache so clean and trim as it is without, at the very least, passing on his grooming techniques.
  • edited January 2013
    Rock114 wrote: »
    The man is alive damnit... he wouldn't go to all that work keeping his mustache so clean and trim as it is without, at the very least, passing on his grooming techniques.
    your right i hope he gives his secrets to me in this TWD
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