video (moai better blues spoilers inside)

edited January 2008 in Sam & Max
Can some post a video on youtube where Max puts the sock crown on? I forgot to put it on him and i don't have a saved game anywhere near that spot.


  • edited January 2008
    I'd be more than happy to do it if you know of a free tool (Vista compatible) which lets me do that. :)
  • edited January 2008
    How about taking a video camera and recording the monitor?
  • edited January 2008
    How about taking a video camera and recording the monitor?

    That's not really gonna work very well. Trust me.
  • edited January 2008
    Just use this savegame instead; that's a lot easier.
  • edited January 2008
    That's not really gonna work very well. Trust me.

    Your monitor doesn't run at a multiple of 29.97 Hz?
  • edited January 2008
    tabacco wrote: »
    Your monitor doesn't run at a multiple of 29.97 Hz?

    Well, it does, if you consider 60 Hz a multiple of 29.97. But I still have my doubts that it would work well. Besides, loading someone else's save would be much easier!
  • edited January 2008
    its kinda dull when he puts it on its just head gear
  • edited January 2008
    Bit it's just so full of win and awesomeness when he wears it!
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