The Walking Dead Possible Spoilers Need Help

edited January 2013 in Game Support
I've gotten through episode 4, but my decisions don't follow through to episode 5. For example, I showed Ben, Kenny, Christa, and Omid my bite and they agreed to come help me find Clementine. Then I get to the morgue, and Vernon was not there. Then Crawford contacted me on the walkie talkie, and the episode ended. So, I proceeded on to the final episode, and I pass out trying to open the elevator. When I wake up Kenny has a saw to my hand and is about to cut it off when I wake up, he yells at me for not telling him about the bite, when I'm pretty damn sure I told him. I told everybody. Also, when Into my saved game files, it always says i'm still on episode 3. Its quite frustrating, any suggestions?


  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited January 2013
    It's possible that your issue is caused by having multiple prefs.prop files, which sometimes happens for unknown reasons.
    There should be only one prefs.prop, and that's in the savegame folder:
    Win Vista/7: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Telltale Games\The Walking Dead
    XP: %userprofile%\My Documents\Telltale Games\The Walking Dead\
    Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/

    If you run TWD in compatibility mode for win95 or win98/me it might save to:
    %PUBLIC%\Documents\Telltale Games\GameData
    %PUBLIC%\Documents\Telltale Games\The Walking Dead

    Please check if there are additional prefs.prop files in the install folder
    (e.g. \Steam\SteamApps\common\the walking dead)
    or its subfolders.
    If so, make a backup copy of the prefs.prop and delete it from the install folder.

    If that doesn't help, make a backup copy of the savegame folder's prefs.prop, and then try copying the install folder prefs.prop to the savegame folder.
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