Do you think Season 2 should have more going on?
If so, PG-13 or R-rated? should they go for a sex scene 'ala Heavy Rain?
or given it's the zombie apocalypse, does this seem unlikely/impossible?
If so, PG-13 or R-rated? should they go for a sex scene 'ala Heavy Rain?
or given it's the zombie apocalypse, does this seem unlikely/impossible?
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Buuuuuuut.... I hope not. Call me a prude or whatever, but I don't like sex in my video games. I have yet to see one game where it's handled maturely and not as fanservice. Even then, I'd be uncomfortable with it.
I'm fine with characters having sex. It's part of being a life form, but I just don't need to watch it, or hear it, or anything. Have it off screen, cut to the next morning and I can deal.
Really? You don't want a quick time event?
Not what I meant at all. When I say have it happen off screen, I mean in a place where the player doesn't see or hear it.
Besides... I would probably fail that QTE pretty spectacularly.
Clem: Let's do it now, Ben.
Ben: Clem, I, I... I've never kissed anybody.
Well, there was that one time in the gym with Mr. Parker, but he told me not to tell anybody about -
Clem: Ben, I said nothing about kissing. I'm settling for you out of pure desperation. Rabid, horny animals do this. And you're the only option.
Ben: Without even kissing?
Rick Grimes, off in the distance: NO MORE KID STUFF.
The Ben/Clem stuff is starting to get out of hand xD
Yes it can add alot to the story provided it is done right
I know right..I just taught Clem had a small little ''crush'' on him or they were just friends but this is just some weird poop out here..
Internet is weird..
Yes, new main charecter with Lilly or Molly
I was serious
I think the sex scenes in Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain were fitting, well done and enhanced the story and the expressed connection between the characters.
Hey, failing it can just be another determinant. “So and So will remember you’re a terrible lover.”
All joking aside, I rather not see whatever the player character of the next season being entangled in any particularly complex romance scenarios. Some light implications are fine but usually anything more in video games tends to be along the lines of cheap pulp fiction romance. Harmless bet forgettable.
That said, I do agree with people saying love and romance and sex are all part of the human experience, but I think it could be better represented in story with characters you don’t control. Like you have a pair of young people in your group who fall in love over the course of the story and then something horrible can happen to one of them, something like that.
I think that could create some interesting story situations. Like where maybe there’s a couple in your group and at one point you’re given one of those sadistic choices where you have to choose to save only one. They sorta had a version of that in Season 1 with Carley and Doug except it was in a preemptive fashion. They like each other but one of them must die so nothing ever becomes of it.
Imagine if they both made it, got to know each other, hooked up and THEN you had to choose to save only one. Or Lilly shoots one right in front of the other and we’d see how the fallout changes them. Lot of rich ground there to emotionally torment the audience with the romance angle.