Clementine's Expression
The most traumatizing part of the game is when you ask Clem to shoot you...She gradually psychs her self up to the deed and raises the gun to fire with tears streaming down her face...but right before she fires she gives Lee this look, and I can't tell if it's regret, anger, hatred or whatever...Did anyone else notice it? What was going through her head...
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Rage, her thoughts "You bustard, I love you, why did you make me to do it?"
The most heart breaking for me is when you say you where bit. Her whole body language drops as she says "No"
The Shame is seen as she keeps looking away, then looking back.
Sadness is seen as her eyes are squinted, closed, and she is crying.
The Disbelief is mostly verbal, but also seen in the wide eyes, eyebrows slanting up and together. Which also shows her sadness mixed in with her other emotions.
Never realized how great TTG did on facial expressions for this game.. Impressive this music + this picture = tears
She is in her nightmare right then. She cannot do anything about it and it is like a monster chasing her and she is running but cannt move. Her fate is locked in with Lee not being able to take care of her anymore....
Lee promised to take care of her and he did. He taught her how to shoot, trim her hair and tactics and strategies against zombies. It's up to Clementine the hero of the story to take care of herself through this nightmare.
I only feel how terrible this journey will be for her and how horrible it is.
All her fault anyway.
Actually it's all Kenny's fault
Actually it's all Ben's fault...somehow.
Carley gave Clementine the batteries for the walkie talkie so its her fault
Exactly! If Clem didn't get batteries, she would never communicated with stranger, stranger would never kidnapped her, and Lee would't bitten.
On a serious note, I cried for like an hour (seriously ;/) after I told Clem to leave me, because her expression is like "Why? Why did I have to do this?" as she leaves....
God damn it TTG....
dem feels
How so?
He took the food from the station wagon and inadvertently created that whole problem.
But he wouldn't have to do that if Lilly's shitty leadership hadn't led them all to starvation. So clearly this is all Lilly's fault.
Who knows if they would have even survived without all that food?
Yeah, I was kinda getting at you can't easily blame complex problems on a single action by going on to blame Lilly in a half-hearted manner. So much shit happens for so many different reasons that the simple cause and effect approach breaks down after anything beyond a single direct effect.
It really speaks to how well the story was written when people are coming up with so many different arguments about how this person shouldn't have done this, and then someone says they wouldn't have done this if not for this, and eventually they start going in circles and it all starts over. Telltale did a great job creating a harsh and complicated world where there are no easy answers.
Now, with that said, I say everything is Lilly's fault.
Part of being a leader is responsibility, meaning if something goes wrong YOU'RE RESPONSIBLE! Quit bitching, man the fuck up and either actually lead or get the fuck out of the way. And tweeze your damn eyebrows or something, they look like murderous centipedes.
I blame Larry for being an asshole and raising Lilly so poorly.
Well then I blame Larry's parents for ever giving birth to him. None of this would have ever happened if not for them.
She probably would have been occupied with Omid and unable to watch Clementine, since she was the "medic" of the group when she was there.
If you're going to play the blame game, trace it to the earliest possible points. Clem can not bear the fault before Carley/Doug can.