Number 2?

edited January 2013 in The Walking Dead
This isn't a problem or complaint, I was just wondering if there was a release date for the second game. I have played through the Xbox version with no problems, and I have to say that it is an amazing game. I have no doubt or question about this getting the Game of the Year award. So, I have finished the game, and I have also read that the second game is being developed in an issue of Game Informer. Has Telltale disclosed the release date yet? I am very excited for the next game. Please respond. (*^_^*)


  • edited January 2013
    They haven't confirmed a release date yet but rumors are going around saying it's a possibility that it might come out in the summer, maybe in July?
  • edited January 2013
    They haven't confirmed a release date yet but rumors are going around saying it's a possibility that it might come out in the summer, maybe in July?

    Thank you, I am so excited for this game! I am really sad about all the tragedies in the first one, though。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。
  • edited January 2013
    There is no release date. There have been so many theories as to when this game is coming out, that nobody can really tell. The dates range from April of this year, to late 2014.
  • edited January 2013
    I've read that they're only in the early writing stages, so it's unlikely that they'll have anything resembling a concrete date anytime soon.

    Until some news is revealed(and even afterward) we shall drool in anticipation.
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