GOG Sierra Bundles

edited April 2013 in General Chat
Quest for Glory has finally been released on GOG, all V episodes and both versions of the first QFG.

This finally explains who maintains the ownership for the series. Activision.

Highly recommended for fans of KQ series is Quest for Glory series. It was an RPG/Adventure hybrid series (last game is pure Action-RPG stripped of most adventure aspects). It had a few nods to the KQ series as easter eggs, and like KQ the game took ideas from both fairy tales and myths from around around the world


  • edited May 2012
    Excellent! Quest for Glory is my second favorite series, after Space Quest. I was wondering when these games would finally be re-released :).
  • edited January 2013
    A "Greated Hits and Misses" collection of Leisure Suit Larry has been added to GOG. Can't tell if this is the anniverary collection with 1-6 (only had the floppy non-talky version of 6, and both EGA and VGA remake of Larry 1), or the 2006 Vivendi version that lacked Larry 7, and the EGA Larry 1.

    No idea why they didn't go with the Ulimate Pleasure Pack that had the complete Larry series up to 7 and Larry's Casino.

    Apparently it has both versions of Larry 1, and the CD Talkie version of Larry 6 (but only utilizes the VGA graphics).
  • edited January 2013
    Maybe the other Larry games will come in the future, hopefully. :)
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2013
    The GOG.com version only has the VGA version of Larry 6 (rather than the SVGA version) and no Larry 7 because they use ScummVM and ScummVM doesn't support those games yet.

    Hopefully once ScummVM gets support for SCI 2.1x and SCI 3 these games will get added to GOG.
  • edited January 2013
    I don't understand why they're using ScummVM. DOSBox is still the better choice for Sierra games. Especially SCI1.1 games. The speed is way off in ScummVM for those games. And they use DOSBox for plenty of other games in their library.
  • edited January 2013
    Yea I would have also thought they would use DosBox for the Larry games.
  • edited January 2013
    I thought someone said the package has a weird mix of some using scummvm and some using dosbox.

    The missing SVGA/VESA mode of Larry 6 is inexplicable considering the VESA dos version works as good as KQ7 or SQ6 in dosbox. It looks a whole lot better.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2013
    BagginsKQ wrote: »
    I thought someone said the package has a weird mix of some using scummvm and some using dosbox.
    The only game that uses DOSBox is Softporn Adventure.

    But, yeah, that makes it even more strange that they didn't use DOSBox for the SVGA version of Larry 6 since they are using DOSBox in the same collection.
  • edited January 2013
    I gotta reply back from GOG on the missing LSL6 Vesa/SVGA;
    "Hello, thank you for your concern, but we already have access to this version. We didn't release it due to technical issues. We just weren't able to make it run swiftly on modern systems.

    GOG.com Support"

    This of course doesn't make much sense. In my experience the SVGA version actually runs faster and more efficiently in Dosbox .74 than the VGA version, even at full screen.

    It doesn't work at all in ScummVM.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2013
    BagginsKQ wrote: »
    This of course doesn't make much sense. In my experience the SVGA version actually runs faster and more efficiently in Dosbox .74 than the VGA version, even at full screen.

    It doesn't work at all in ScummVM.
    The VGA version does work in ScummVM though (the 1.001.x version at least, which is what's available on GOG.com), which is probably what they mean by technical issues since they don't seem to want to use DOSBox for the LSL series.
  • edited January 2013
    I don't see why they didn't simply use DosBox for LSL 6 SVGA. Almost effortless. I doubt anyone would mind having ScummVM and DosBox in the package installer.
  • edited January 2013
    It's not as effortless as ScummVM. It's sad to see GoG taking the easy way out with some of these releases. Oh well.
  • edited January 2013
    Well, they may have an update in the future. They do that pretty frequently.

  • edited January 2013
    "The VGA version does work in ScummVM though (the 1.001.x version at least, which is what's available on GOG.com), which is probably what they mean by technical issues since they don't seem to want to use DOSBox for the LSL series."

    I've been testing them. The VGA version runs better in Dosbox, than it does in ScummVM. Both run rather slowly, compared to the SVGA version. But SCUMMVM version seems more sluggish than in Dosbox. ALso seemed that there were some animation glitches in ScummVM for example during the Sierra logo appearance. Cycling of the colors seemed a little off in ScummVM. General animation seemed a bit jerky and that's even with detail pushed all the way up.

    Even the initial load up of the game seems slow on both scummvm and in dosbox (initial load might actually be slightly slower in Dosbox).

    Now the SVGA version running in Dosbox runs fast, and very smoothly. It loads quickly too, even with detail turned all the way up and in full screen. I'd say its one of the best running SCI/VESA games I've seen running in Dosbox.

    Also keep this in mind, in the past, look at KQ6. They didn't just strip out files, they included the Enhanced version. Although the enhanced version was not supported in Gog's installation. You could access it using ScummVM. Which makes no sense why they didn't just keep the SVGA folders (it's only an extra 16 mb), and let people try to use it themselves.
  • edited January 2013
    ^ Baggins, in case you haven't already, you should send your config options to GOG! You'll be a hero. :)
  • edited January 2013
    My config options for Dosbox, is the basic "mount c: c:/" go to the folder in C drive, and then load the game using the "sierra.exe".

    As in I was just using default config options. The game runs quite well on default settings.

    Why bother trying to fine tune something that works well already?

    You could also build a shortcut to the same thing, but I'm lazy, LOL.

  • exoexo
    edited January 2013
    or you guys could just look up exodos vol1, which has preconfigured settings for every dos adventure game to run in dosbox..... ya know... just sayin...
  • edited January 2013
    Ah nevermind then, I thought you might have tinkered with config options. I wasn't talking about shortcuts. ;)

    So if the SVGA version runs well 'out of the box' in DosBox, y u no include it, GOG? I wouldn't see any customers having a problem with LSL1-5 using ScummVM and LSL6 using DosBox.
  • edited January 2013
    As I said on the other board my theory, and I'm stick to it until I get more evidence is;

    They must have tried to test LSL6 SVGA on SCUMMVM only (as the pack is primarily using SCUMMVM), and because of the simplicity of installing games into SCUMMVM. Because LSL6 SVGA/VESA does not work in SCUMMVM (it loads in the daily builds but runs very slowly, and is broken and has unplayable menus), they decided "technical issues" so they didn't include it.

    Which is silly because in the past they included other files like the KQ6 Enhanced, when dosbox couldn't handle the files (SCUMMVM can by the way)!
  • exoexo
    edited January 2013
    I think Baggins is on to something, but I also think the game was rushed to be the 500th game they released.
  • edited January 2013
    I guess I'm curious why the conversation in GOG didn't go like this:

    Person 1 - "Hey, did you try LSL 6 in ScummVM?"
    Person 2 - "Yea, but the SVGA version doesn't run smoothly."
    Person 1 - "Does it work in DosBox?"
    Person 2 - "Didn't try that yet. Let's find out right now."
    one minute later
    Person 2 - "Hey, look at that. It works pretty well!"
    Person 1 - "Cool. So we'll just bundle LSL 1-5 with ScummVM, and LSL 6 SVGA with DosBox?"
    Person 2 - "Yea."
    Person 1 - "Don't forget the super secret DRM nobody knows about."
  • edited January 2013
    I doubt it would go down that way. It seems to me that these things aren't conversations, but courtesy replies. Even if Baggins did press for fixing it, they probably wouldn't have. On their end, a business decision was made and carried out. End of story. That's usually the way these things go, in my experience anyway based on what I've seen and heard.
  • edited January 2013
    ^ I meant a conversation in GOG's offices, between people who test and configure games. The conversation is face to face.
  • edited January 2013

    Yeah, you got me. It seems they do cut corners without double checking things over there....it's sad because people in the community (for instance, the Sierra Help Pages) have gotten figuring out how best Sierra games work in ScummVM and DOSBox down. It's hard to see things done so sloppily. I suppose to them they see it as heralding the great comeback of lost greats to the world so it's no big deal to them. Whereas in reality they're just offering an easier solution than eBaying or pirating.
  • edited January 2013
    Although keep in mind that it was fan groups that kept up demand on Gog.com and EA to add in missing expansion packs for Wing Commander games. So there is always 'some" hope to fix things.

    Fans also convinced GOG and developers of Broken Sword to include both the originals the 'director's' cuts of the first two games.
  • edited January 2013
    BagginsKQ wrote: »
    Although keep in mind that it was fan groups that kept up demand on Gog.com and EA to add in missing expansion packs for Wing Commander games. So there is always 'some" hope to fix things.

    Fans also convinced GOG and developers of Broken Sword to include both the originals the 'director's' cuts of the first two games.

    YES. I am big believer in making one's voice heard. Yes, you absolutely can get GOG to listen. If enough people (or just one very persistent person) makes a big enough stink, then you can get the changes you seek.

    Never underestimate the power of persistent b**ching! And I hope I can say that here. Just can't think of another word.
  • edited January 2013
    Apparently GOG just updated many of their Sierra Quest bundles to the 2.0 edition installers. These seem to still utilize dosbox (rather than switched to 'scummvm'), which is a good thing imo.

    Good news PQ1EGA (the classical original and best version) has now been added to the pack. This has not been reflected on the store page yet though. It is is using dosbox.

    Unfortunately SQ and KQ didn't receive the remakes yet. Keep on contacting GoG, and maybe they'll finally answer the request.
  • edited January 2013
    For those who have complaining about it long and hard, PQ1AGI/EGA has now been added to the Police Quest pack at GOG.

    No updates to add KQ1 or SQ1, or LSL6 HD yet though.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2013
    BagginsKQ wrote: »
    For those who have complaining about it long and hard, PQ1AGI/EGA has now been added to the Police Quest pack at GOG.

    No updates to add KQ1 or SQ1, or LSL6 HD yet though.
    Nice. I do like how GOG.com does sometimes eventually respond to fans by adding multiple versions of the games. They seem to be the only digital distributor who goes the extra mile to do things like this.
  • edited January 2013
  • edited January 2013
    It would be nice if they would add the KQ4AGI version at some point! The version with the extra easter eggs. Considering its a bit of a rare and very hard to find version, with slightly different gameplay in places, and one of the last of the AGI games.
  • edited January 2013
    PQ1 is awesome. Quite possibly the hardest AGI Sierra adventure game (at least to get full points in without a walkthrough), but awesome nonetheless.
  • edited January 2013
    It's a tossup between PQ1 and Gold Rush... In both you kinda need the manuals/books that came with the games to have any idea what to do. If you make one mistake in completing policies, or getting the right resources you can be punished for it later on in the games.

    Maybe only KQ3 requires the most use out of a manual, but its much easier in comparision. Because it basically tells you what to do step by step.
  • edited January 2013
    Wait, what? Seriously?
  • edited January 2013
    Wait, what? Seriously?

  • edited January 2013
    Heh, wow, that's only one of two I'm missing.
  • edited January 2013
    One of two Sierra packs?
  • edited January 2013
    Either that or the earlier SCI version of KQ4 which has alternate backgrounds (not as detailed, more like the AGI ones) and green GUI buttons. V1.000.111, to be exact.
  • edited January 2013
    inm8#2 wrote: »
    One of two Sierra packs?

    The original first games of the Big Five. I'm missing this and the original King's Quest. But since both are now on GOG, I'll grab them during the next sale.
  • edited January 2013
    Either that or the earlier SCI version of KQ4 which has alternate backgrounds (not as detailed, more like the AGI ones) and green GUI buttons. V1.000.111, to be exact.

    That one is cool too. While some of the artwork looks unfinished, it has some places that look better. Some of the stuff is certainly directly inspired by the appearance of the AGI version. The night and day cycles look way better. Apparently it was installed on an extra disk? So they had artwork for both night and day, rather than just cycling colors?

    Still it doesn't have the the cool AGI easter eggs! The pirate easter egg, or the beam me up easter egg! Also the break dancing easter egg?
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