Everything for her...
If in second season you will have a difficult situation for example: the bandits seized the camp of your group, and set the group to his knees, but you and Clem are near the car, and you can quickly grab Clementine and jump in the car and drive away, leaving their people to certain death, or can not betray your people, and try do something with risk for your and Clem's life.
The situation can be any! Please don't pay much attention to my example. Just the question is: are you ready to betray their own group for the sake of that would ensure the safety of Clementines?
If you watched "Lost" you must remember
The situation can be any! Please don't pay much attention to my example. Just the question is: are you ready to betray their own group for the sake of that would ensure the safety of Clementines?
If you watched "Lost" you must remember
guy named Michael, he betrayed his group for saved his son. He led his friends to "others" whom gave him the boat for this, and he swam away from the island, together with his son.
So, you have a similar situation, what do you choose? This discussion has been closed.
Of course, it depends on the situation. If the camp is completely overrun, fuck the group. If there are just a few bandits and I think I can take them, I will choose the group.
Otherwise, I won't betray my group, because I have a responsibility to both Clem AND my group. If it's a group of good people I get along with, they'll be part of the extended family so to speak. If Clem and I were in the opposite position, I'd hope my group would save us too.
And if I look at from a more practical perspective, saving the group now means they owe me a favour for a rainy day in the future.
I cannot see Clementine living with that decision, nor do I see myself living with that. A traitor is something I will not become and if it was up to me I would raise Clementine the same way.
So yeah, I'll take the risk and try to calm the bandits down >.>
You and me both, pal.
Otherwise it feels like game over. Clementine dying isn't an option at this point.
Agreed. I may reconsider if it was a bunch of Larry's who have done nothing but try to kill me ever since the apocalypse began, but otherwise... my life will go before anyone else.
I'd probably tell Clem to run away(presuming this is when she knows how to shoot and etc.) then confront the bandits. To quote a certain someone: "If we're not back by nightfall, we're not coming back at all."
P.S. I repeat that the situation can be any, not necessarily the bandit attack.
I'd be sad, but Clem would be a zombie happy meal.
Well, depending on the group....
If we wouldn't left them behind , it means that everybody can die.
If i was sure she would die, I would sacrifice the group for her sake, but if the odds were good we could save everybody I would give it a try.
It's a nasty decision... gamble with the live of your loved one(s) or leave a whole group of people to die for sure.
Kenny would take Duck and run off.
It also depends on the people left in the group, like: Are there friends of mine left? Are there other kids?
One thing I know for sure, I would catch the bullets for Clem, if they noticed us while trying to save the group, and quickly tell her to run away.
I totally agree with you, but whatever you decide, if you do not know what will happen after your choice?
In the group are all good people, but there is a risk of losing them in the event of an escape. If not escape you have a risk losing Clem .
P.S sorry for my english .
It isn't fact that everybody in the group are good people. Maybe someone in the group is traitor or he planning something bad... it's "The Walking Dead"
can you tell us all the details of the situation ?
No one deserves to be betrayed... Clem would never forgive this decision, she's not stupid, we could lying her that they are sacrificed theirselves (as like we can told her about Ben death), but I'm not sure that she would trust us this time. It's depended of group, and how thay relate to Clem.
I know no one deserves to be betrayed, and i know that Clem did not believe us if we lie... but we need more information about our group and about bandits , for to do our choice .
Why only a bandits? How about the horde of walkers?
So, I made a choice and I'll trying to explain my decision. When I played at first time I didn't left Lilly behind. To be honest I like her more then Carley. When she was free of the handcuffs and told me to leaved the group, together with her: "...to walk hand in hand into the sunset" - as Shane told, I said that I'm ready to run away with her and Clem, because I was tired of this group, I'm tired of the whining of Kenny, annoyed me that Kenny constantly throws me in trouble. Well I thought that leaving group with Lilly is the best way for me.
Few hours later when I discussed the plan with Clementine, I told her that we must leave the group "You and me, we are stronger togeather". But when I had a choice between saving Ben or killing him, I was saved him. He's a person, he's a Clem's best friend, and by my opinion he didn't deserve this death.
I ready to leaving a group if they irritate me, or if I thinking that they are dangerous for Clementine.
But I can't leave in group in critical danger situation.
I'm not a traitor - this is my vote.