Carley or Kenny
I've read the Carly or Doug threads out there and for the majority of ppl who saved Carley, myself included, it came down to screentime interaction and the gun, so I wanted to even up those factors a little. What if instead of the choices of Carley and Doug, you had too choose between Carley and say...Kenny of who to save. Carley would still have the advantage of the gun, but Kenny would probably have the advantage of screentime interaction. So what do you think..Carley or Kenny..who do you save and why?
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Made you think there was some hope in this hopeless world. Kenny just whined and hated everything you did unless you were spreading your cheeks for him on a constant basis.
However, I'd probably save Carley in Episodes 3 or 4. Even though I still sided with Kenny for the majority, I didn't like the way he treated Lilly after what he did to her father. I helped him and still think he made the right choice, but he was being a huge asshole about it. And, since he loses his family, he becomes emotionally unhinged and possibly a liability. Carley never really lost it, or went over the deep end as much as Kenny did, and she's still pretty handy with a gun, so I would probably save her.
Episode 5 is kind of a toss up, seeing as Carley (if she were still the same) is, in my mind, about equal to the reformed Kenny. After Ben yells at him and he sees the dead couple, he really becomes like he was in episode 1, a true bro and a hero. But, he still has no family and a lot of pain in him, while Carley still has her badass gun skillz and would be a good caretaker for Clem.
If Carley was still alive post Katjaa/Duck's departures and the decision was made then I'd save her. My relationship with Kenny at the point was incredibly strained and without his family Kenny started coming unglued. Not that I wanted him to die or anything but at it'd be hard to let Carley go at that point especially compared to a traumatized Kenny who on at least some level seemed like he wanted to die.
Carley is generally the kind of person who will always have your back through thick and thin, whereas Kenny is likely to abandon you if you don't follow his every step. They're both proficient enough with guns so that point matters little to me.
If push came to shove I'd consider myself a friend of Kenny regardless of his actions, but if it came to choosing him or Carley....I'd choose the latter.
Its always a frail relationship with Kenny, you're one decision away from him holding a big grudge against you, i was a solid 80% pro Kenny with my decisions in the game and he broke my heart a little when he initially refused to come with me to save Clem.
I liked him a lot, but with Carley when if you decide not to feed her in episode two she says something like "it's okay, i know you still have my back", and i just can't imagine Kenny ever saying that.
In episode one, it was an "I owe you" to Carley. I never really felt a strong bond to Kenny till the end. I wasn't sure of him because he froze at Hershel's farm. If he hadn't Shawn could've been saved. So until the last moment when Kenny saved me, Carley was the one who proved herself by saving me twice. Until that point, Kenny was really just a guy who gave me a ride to Macon.
I stood up for Duck earlier not for Kenny's sake, but for Duck's. So that scene with Larry didn't really bond me too much to Kenny either.
After that, I'd probably feel bad for having to pick between the two, but I'd still go save Carley for reasons other have mentioned. She's loyal and level-headed no matter what. Kenny becomes increasingly antagonistic if you disagree with him. Still, I understand his point of view though I usually disagree with it and still consider him a good man at heart.
Amen. lol If you are on his good side there is only one stronger relationship in the game, and that is Lee and Clem. Kenny can "Knock a few heads together" if he has too.
Because..... no matter what.... Kenny is still a whiny dick-arm with selfish family issues.
Also, that glorious mustache.
I'd like to know your justification for calling Carley a hoe, other than the fact that she is a woman.
BTW, your choice is clearly Kenny. So there, you don't have to throw your computer anymore.
LOL I mean women in general xD. Like you were friends first, and bros before hoes type friends
Okay, all serious now. It's just too hard to choose, because I really wanted Carley and Lee to be together. Both were awesome characters, and it would have given Clem a mother figure. Maybe even a Lee/Carley Jr.
However, Kenny helps you out from the beginning and calls you his friend, he doesn't care what you were before, and he sides with you when you need it. He is a good friend despite the shit he goes through from episode 3-4.
So it's almost impossible to choose, but having to, it'd just have to be Kenny. In the end of the day, he has had your back from day 1, and you've known each other real well. You save his ass a lot more, but it makes him more realistic in the sense that you can't always win in a zombie fight alone. Carley just goes badass 90% the time, her weakness was getting grabbed in da leg :P. So yeah, Kenny. Since he actually made it, and maybe still alive, I'd be siked to have him back on the team.
Sorry Carley... Lee + Carley = lovers
And how would you know my choice 0.o they both needed me, but I picked Kenny. Why?
So now my question is, what is your justification for calling women hoes?
This line below makes it very obvious, despite you claiming you don't know.
The 'but' is the keyword. Aside from this, you chose to save Kenny even when you admit to a certain degree that Carley's a better survivor (other than the leg grabbing scene). Carley saved your life without even knowing who you are - if it was Kenny (and you are still strangers), you bet the first thing he does is to ditch you, not save you. Carley also didn't mind the murderer past.
But before you gave all those reasons, your disrespect for women in general is also a clear signal of who you are going to choose to save. It's a no-brainer.
I'm wondering if you are female or not for giving me a hard time, lol. I am not sexist, nor do I mean to disrespect women. If you are a guy and have guy friends, sometimes you make pacts to put your friends over a girl you like, that no matter your feelings for the girl, your friend comes first. They got each other's back. I can understand how it sounds bad, but I don't expect you to understand my logic or read how I've been speaking with a lot of sarcasm as to why I am choosing. As far as it matters, they are both awesome. 'Bros before hoes' is not sexist, I'm not calling Carley or women in general hoes, it rhymes -_-. A lot of it matters as to how they both treat you, how you act is whether she doesn't mind your past. Same with Kenny. And IMO, Kenny does help you out despite being strangers, he takes you to Macon. he doesn't have to. Had he still had gas, that'd of been where you said your goodbyes.
I wasn't dodging your question, for their was nothing to dodge to. You assumed I was blatantly calling all women 'hoes' when i was making a joke. You assume i call Carley a hoe, when she and my Lee were BFFs in a sense.
You say I make it obvious to save Kenny, when you really don't know me. My only edge(s) for Kenny over Carley is I know who would survive, Kenny had a family to look out for and so I'd have to keep him alive, and that he keeps power even inside the group. The Lilly/Kenny struggle keeps things balanced. I'd wish neither would (have) die(d). They were both great members to the group. It wasn't a no-brainer, as anyone with a brain can see that xD. This very question was to ask basically if we saved Carley because of her looks/'assets' over Doug. So the question replaces the Doug with Kenny. If I hated women or disliked them in any way I don't think I'd have chosen Carley over Doug, since he was an awesome guy. So that point is technically void.
I'm sorry if I seemed to offend you, but if that is the case, ask that question and don't weed around/imply/assume. Ya know? My apologies again :P
If you are not sexist, then randomly calling women 'hoes', even as a joke, would not be acceptable.
I don't know your reason for choosing Carley over Doug, so I can't comment over your reason for choosing Kenny.
However, if you are name-calling a group of people using a term that is derogatory and which is meant to offend, hurt, and attack them, then don't blame people for misunderstanding your intentions. Or maybe you should learn to have some sense in using certain types of phrases and terms.
Not that I can't understand your explanation. It's just like how people call their friends 'a$$holes' or say 'f*** you' without literally meaning it, yes? I will take it as that, then. Thanks for explaining.
Eh... not really mam xD. That is just stupid, considering they are friends, although I do joke about them sometimes. The joke was over a video game character. And no, I don't mean that all girls are hoes. If you don't live where I do, then I'd say there are very few
And in truth i didn't think anyone would be offended by what I said, considering it is a video game character, and that I assumed people would know I was being sarcastic, as by what I say, I cared about Carley and Clementine, and even Katjaa as characters (not too sure on Christa yet). i guess I could consider that hypocritical though, so my apologies.
And meh, like black people calling other black people 'niggas/niggers', a term I abhor. Don't call me racist now LMAO.
I'll try to be more specific or serious, just for you Mrs. ^_^
And meh, telling me to have sense while ranting doesn't do much justice. And my reasoning for choosing Carley was just not even a question; a girl who is street smart and socially involved, can use a gun and use it WELL, knows Lee's secret and doesn't care, and take care of herself well and even Lee and Clem, helps him with helping Glenn (who is/was one of my favorite characters of TWD comics), and just gets attached to you much easier. So Doug seemed insignificant really. Only at about the end of episode 2 was I hoping some kind of relationship between Lee and her.
So that my explanation on that. Clear? No hard feelings? I can't really have much sexist thinking, or my ex would have killed me lol. And I'm only 16, so... not much reason to be.
Yeah. Think I covered it all.
Plus, she could have taken care of Clementine and also be a mother to her.