Would you have liked for Lee to take more of a leadership role in season 1?
- In episode 1 there was no real leader of the group as they had all just met in the Drug Store.
- In episode 2 both Kenny and Lily were battling for the leadership. Lee had to choose a side in the power struggle but there was no option where he could volunteer himself to be the leader.
- In episode 3 it is still between Kenny/Lily for the leadership. After Lily's departure Kenny then pretty much becomes the leader saying that they are going to stick with his boat plan.
- In episode 4 Kenny has withdrawn somewhat from his leadership role because of his families death,so Lee does slightly become more of a leader in the group. When Clem finds the boat Kenny's hope is restored and he becomes somewhat more of a leader again.
- In episode 5 there is no clear leader because generally the group is working together to save Clem. Although you could argue in the attic Kenny becomes a bit more of a leader again when he is telling Lee how things are gonna be if he takes another turn for the worse.
I would have liked the opportunity for Lee to become the leader of the group, a thing which Carley thought he would be good at because as she said in episode 2 that people looked up to him. Rick had his RICKTATORSHIP, it would have been nice for Lee to have a LEEDERSHIP. Hopefully in season 2 the protagonist will have this opportunity. Your thoughts?
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That said, I really think Lee should've step up to the plate more after episode 2 when it came to leadership roles. He was too much of a go-between at times trying to make peace between Kenny and Lilly. And when Kenny began pushing to go to Savannah even AFTER Duck died and Christa saying the cities are all screwed, Lee should've step up and taken over, for Clem's sake at least.
If we are put into a leadership position into the future, though, I hope that it is realistic and that other group members will not follow blindly. If I screw up as a leader, I want to be punished for it.
There's never actually a clear leader of the group at any point in the game, Neither Lilly or Kenny ever have majority support, outside of them and their families the group is quite small, Lee, Ben, Mark for a little while, Carley (or Doug), Clem. Clem and Ben dont really have a big say, so the leadership votes pretty much looked like this,
Kenny: Himself, Katjaa, Possibly Lee
Lilly: Himslef, Larry, Possibly Lee
Lee: Carley, Mark, Possibly himself
Then in episode 2 and 3 we lose most of those people, ands only Kenny and Lee left with a serious say in things, we gain Christa and Omid, but they seem very independent of you, its probably only the seriousness of the situation towards the end that stops another power struggle breaking out with Christa.
Having said that, I don't want the protagonist in the second season to be the leader of the group AT ALL. We've seen Rick and Lee be leaders, so I think that the protagonist should be someone different: someone who has an active role in the group, but not the actual leader. (Like episodes 1-2 Lee.)
Yeah thats a good point,Lee was pretty powerless while Larry was still alive but yeah like you said after episode 2 i would have liked to see him step up more.
Exactly, it's saying you can't please everyone, which is true. No matter the circumstances, there is always someone somewhere on the planet who will disagree with you. Probably even more so in a zombie apocalypse, because with no government everyone will be wanting to make their own rules and be their own boss.
(These quotes aren't accurate).
"Everyone looks up to you."
"Okay guys, Clem and I going to check out this abandoned station back here. Come if you hear anything!"
"We'll do both, Ben scavenge whatever supplies you can find in the house. Kenny and I will go to the river."
"Okay guys, here's the plan: we sneak in, take what we can undetected and get out."
"Christa! Fortify the windows! Kenny! Check our weapons! Ben! Go upstairs! Omid! ... Everyone, the front doors!"
I really liked his role in the group and development into a pseudo-leader.
True but a good leader can greatly increase the chances of survival.
In any case, considering how much influence he had on the rest of the group, he might as well be the "unofficial" leader.
However, I always felt that Lee was the one in charge (even though Lilly seemed to always jump at the title of being in charge and Kenny would make his own decisions and argue with her) as he always was looked at to make (or sit on the fence) a decision in favor of one or the other. Once Lilly was out of the picture, everyone always looked to Lee as the decision maker (except Kenny with his boat idea that he wouldn't let go) on what to do.
I did like the way TTG allowed you to make decisions or just sit out and let the others fight it out which allowed people who wanted to make decisions do so (at the peril of angering others) or just sit back and watch the fireworks.