Can t Download : Episode 2

edited March 2013 in Game Support

First, i am french, i don t speak english well.. so i will do my best.

I bought the game. I downloaded the game, and install it. It works.
I finished episode 1, so i wanna episode 2.
I click on "pourshased" in game, but the download hold at 0%.... not in progress... i don t know why....
I see "downloading....0%" during 10-15min..... after i can read "connection lost during download... etc etc... '" But i have a good connection !


  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited March 2013
    What kind of Internet Connection do you have, and what is it's maximum download speed?

    Also please follow the instructions to run the Support Tool and attach the resulting "support_data_(pc|mac).zip" to your next reply in this thread.
  • edited March 2013
    I have 20Mega... i can download nice sources at 1m/s.
    Btw, it works now, i had a pb with DNS... i found how to resolve it.

    Most important, have the 2nd episode :)

  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited March 2013
    I am glad you found a solution.
    Can you specify what the DNS problem was, so others can benefit from your experience?
  • edited March 2013
    Can someone tell me what to do so can download them episode please hurry I donno how to reboot my iPod ether
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