Would you like a suicidal person in your group in season 2?

edited March 2013 in The Walking Dead
Just as the title says would you like a suicidal person in your group in season 2? He/She would self harm and try to kill herself in episode 2 at this point your group is feeling like kicking her out of the group because she has become a unstable and lilly like girl/boy but this person isnt going around shooting anyone. what would your opinion be?


  • edited March 2013
    aaron1290 wrote: »
    Just as the title says would you like a suicidal person in your group in season 2? He/She would self harm and try to kill herself in episode 2 at this point your group is feeling like kicking her out of the group because she has become a unstable and lilly like girl/boy but this person isnt going around shooting anyone. what would your opinion be?

    Help said person out, stand by them and not throw them out, we need every able body to survive.
  • edited March 2013
    Ah, just like Andrea from one of the first episodes of season one on TWD tv show. It'd actually be a bit tense and "exciting" to have a suicidal character in season 2. Imagine that character wanting to jump from the roof of a building because he/she can't take it anymore and you having the option to save that person or to let them fall to their death (kinda like Ben)
  • edited March 2013
    I wouldn't want it to be their only defining trait, but I could see having to talk down a friend looking for a way out.
  • edited March 2013
    Yeah, I'd like having a character that TRIES, and you can either stop them like Dale did to Andrea, or let them, like T-Dog to Jacquie.
  • edited March 2013
    No, somebody with a death wish would not only endanger themselves but very likely others in the group. If they're intent on killing themselves better to let them do it, its their life, it should be their choice. I'd only insist they leave the group to do it.
  • edited March 2013
    So essentially like Carol from the comics?

    Not sure what I'd do with a character like that; it'd probably depend on a lot of factors.
  • edited March 2013
    If the player's conversation choices with said suicidal character affect whether or not he or she indeed kills him or herself, thus putting an enormous amount of pressure on the player, then I'm all for it.

    It'd be a great source of tension and drama for the game.
  • edited March 2013
    As long as we, the player, have the ability to have them get their shit together or to put the gun in their hands and tell them to "nut up or shut up".... then I think it'd be ok.
  • edited March 2013
    It'd be a great source of tension and drama for the game.

    That's what I was thinking.
  • edited March 2013
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    As long as we, the player, have the ability to have them get their shit together or to put the gun in their hands and tell them to "nut up or shut up".... then I think it'd be ok.

    Maybe they keep on and on about doing it finally your like here do it or STFU.
  • edited March 2013
    DreadMagus wrote: »
    As long as we, the player, have the ability to have them get their shit together or to put the gun in their hands and tell them to "nut up or shut up".... then I think it'd be ok.

    Hahaha I'd like to see that dialogue. Kinda like lee to Vernon in the morgue. "You ain't got the balls. Now give me the damn gun."
  • edited March 2013
    Well didn't we have plenty of suicidal characters in season 1 with Katjaa, girl from the motel, and Kenny and Ben argubably. It's a given.
  • edited March 2013
    What i would find interesting would be if the way in which you talked them out of it would impact their future behavior, like if you convinced them it was selfish and others needed them they might leap at the chance to perform a heroic sacrifice later on etc..
  • edited March 2013
    blanchett wrote: »
    Well didn't we have plenty of suicidal characters in season 1 with Katjaa, girl from the motel, and Kenny and Ben argubably. It's a given.

    Yes, but their fates are sealed no matter what you do. There really is no effective "talking down" option with any of these people.
  • edited March 2013
    Yes, but their fates are sealed no matter what you do. There really is no effective "talking down" option with any of these people.

    Another reason why I'm hoping Telltale grants us a few more variables in season 2's story.

    As for a suicidal member of the group...hell, almost everyone's suicidal enough already. I can only stand so much bleakness before I wonder why I'm playing in the first place. This is a video game, for crying out loud, not Cormac McCarthy's THE ROAD.
  • edited March 2013
    I think it would be terrible to just kick them out unless they became a true threat to the welfare of the group. At that point might as well just put the gun in their hand.
  • edited March 2013
    Like lily fans you people wanna keep the crazy person around til they kill someone. Then your like "Why did you do that?" oh thats rite your crazy. My bad i forgot.
  • edited March 2013
    SE honesto y realista, ¿Tendrías a un elemento pensando de ese modo en tu grupo?, lo más apegado a la realidad es la desesperación, estar en medio de la nada pensando que va a pasar, si pasa esto y aquello, te vuelves loco, un ejemplo claro, tu servidor dos años en una cama de hospital vuelve loco a cualquiera ni siquiera podía ir al baño solo, Estar encerrados en un motel aislado de todo fue lo que causó la muerte del equipo de Lee, nadie vota nadie opina, cada quien hablando con sigo mismo, esta de locos, se desintegraron por dentro, pero todo tiene solución, si perdiste todo, que te queda pelea por eso y si alguien te necesita ya tienes motivos para vivir, a menos que sea un total inútil que se le puede hacer.
  • edited March 2013
    SE honesto y realista, ¿Tendrías a un elemento pensando de ese modo en tu grupo?, lo más apegado a la realidad es la desesperación, estar en medio de la nada pensando que va a pasar, si pasa esto y aquello, te vuelves loco, un ejemplo claro, tu servidor dos años en una cama de hospital vuelve loco a cualquiera ni siquiera podía ir al baño solo, Estar encerrados en un motel aislado de todo fue lo que causó la muerte del equipo de Lee, nadie vota nadie opina, cada quien hablando con sigo mismo, esta de locos, se desintegraron por dentro, pero todo tiene solución, si perdiste todo, que te queda pelea por eso y si alguien te necesita ya tienes motivos para vivir, a menos que sea un total inútil que se le puede hacer.

    That means - - - Be honest and realistic, would you have an item thinking that way in your group?, The more attached to reality is despair, being in the middle of nowhere thinking what will happen if this or that happens, you go crazy a clear example, your server two years in a hospital bed mad anyone could not even go to the bathroom alone, being locked in an isolated motel around what caused the death of Lee's team, nobody believes nobody votes, everyone talking with itself, this crazy, disintegrated inside, but everything has a solution, if you lost everything, you're left fighting for that and if someone needs you and you have reason to live, unless it is a total useless you can do.

    I didnt understand it would ANYBODY care to translate that english into english someone can understand? Cheese.
  • edited March 2013
    I wish i knew how to make a vote.
  • edited March 2013
    I wouldn't like to have one, as that would drag everyone's spirit down, and maybe give us a nasty situation to deal with, and that why I want to have such a person in the group, as such situations and persons are interesting.
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