What if the new "survivor group" in S2 were bandits?

It would definitely be a stark contrast to the more family-orientated band of survivors in season 1. Imagine a gang not unlike the Save-Lot Bandits; a bunch of cutthroats not above resorting to savagery and self preservation. Their behaviour is justified in their own eyes, of course. Remember when Lee asked the bandit in episode 3 why they were holding everyone else at gunpoint? "'Cuz we have to, that's why!"

But imagine if the PC were allowed to exert a redeeming influence on the bandits, or at the very least, shaping them into something a whole lot less bloodthirsty than they were before. Some of the bandits would refuse to change their ways, while others...well, you get the idea. It would put the player into an incredibly suspenseful situation almost throughout the entire game, and this time, you wouldn't be given as many chances to catch your breath as you did in season 1.


  • edited March 2013
    Sounds cool, I was wondering about how the players choices would effect clem in season two, it would be good if you chose to play as a bad lee instead of a good lee and therefore clem fell into a bandit gang rather than try to help people. Y'know.
  • edited March 2013
    Fascinating and frightening idea. The choice to play according to two extremes (as opposed to Lee's mostly subtler changes in demeanor) would make for a truly varying gameplay experience.

    I mean, depending on how you played him, Lee had his questionable moments. But despite this, he was still a good man in the end.

    But maybe Season 2 will have a wider gap between right and wrong. Maybe you can try hard to make the bandits redeem themselves, or play the whole game evilly, and without remorse.
  • edited March 2013
    Good idea. As long as the bandits aren't total morons, as they are in season 1.
  • edited March 2013
    Very creative. Sounds fresh and new. Anti hero like the punisher. Only problem i could see is tying it to S1. That being said. I like the idea.
  • edited March 2013
    So long as the PC isn't forced along a bandit path, I think it'd be a good idea.

    The PC should have as many options as possible.
  • edited March 2013
    I would worry too about what options we would have. There were hints of rape in S1, and I'd hate to be given the choice between let the little girl live in suffering or put her down. It would really depend on how in-line they kept with the bandits they set up in S1. If we played as a group of 'raiders', where they steal and maybe kill or beat up people, that'd be fine. But I don't want to be a cannibal or a rapist in S2. I wouldn't find that too much fun lol.
    Having said that, I do agree that it would be a nice change in pace, and that the bigger contrasting choices would be very interesting. And seeing "good Lee" vs "bad Lee" effects on Clem when meeting the bandits would be really cool.
    I just really do wonder how dark they would go if you were one of the really bad guys.
  • edited March 2013
    ESTAS ENFERMO, luego están quejándose hay un loco disparando en las calles un atentado terrorista, que mentalidad tienes, por el amor de Dios y eso que no soy creyente, si consideras esa como tu mejor carta como persona dejas mucho de qué hablar, simplemente demuestras el tipo de persona que eres como para llamar a los Federales y que te visiten a tu casa, solo creas un estado mental enfermo a leguas se ve que jamás has estado en combate y para los que opinen, si se puede tomar como asunto de nivel nacional TE PUEDES METER EN PROBLEMAS SI CONTINUAS CON ESTE TEMA Y LOS QUE ESTEN OPINANDO.

    You're sick, then complain there are crazy in the streets shooting a terrorist attack, that mentality you have, for the love of God and that I'm not a believer, if you consider this letter as your best as a person leave much to talk about, simply demonstrate the type of person you are as to call the Feds and visit you at your home, just create a mental state leagues looks sick never been in combat and for that think, if you can take as a matter of standard TE national can get into trouble if you continue with this topic and those who are reviewing.
  • edited March 2013
    Do not get in trouble
  • edited March 2013
    You're sick, then complain there are crazy in the streets shooting a terrorist attack, that mentality you have, for the love of God and that I'm not a believer, if you consider this letter as your best as a person leave much to talk about, simply demonstrate the type of person you are as to call the Feds and visit you at your home, just create a mental state leagues looks sick never been in combat and for that think, if you can take as a matter of standard TE national can get into trouble if you continue with this topic and those who are reviewing.

  • edited March 2013
    Me disculpo de deje llevar pero lo primero que te enseñan en el ejército es no abandonar a nadie, acabar con el enemigo y salvar vidas, pero insisto que este tipo de temas pueden causar problemas.

    I apologize swayed but the first thing they teach you in the military is not leaving anybody, kill the enemy and save lives, but insist that such issues can cause problems. lol wut?, which means?
  • edited March 2013
    Amigo - if you're going to post in two different languages, please put both blocks of text in the same post. I've merged your previous posts, and if you could do it like this yourself in future posts, that'd be great. Thanks.

    LOL WUT?, in this case, means that (s)he* didn't understand what you meant.

    The original idea (and that's all it was, mind) is an interesting one and genuinely worthy of discussion. There's not a single thing wrong with that. If you disagree with it, then fair enough. We'd love to hear why.
  • edited March 2013
    So long as I don't have to be a bloodthirst, murdering, cannibal, rapist for the entireity of the season, then sure. Maybe if the PC realizes exactly how evil they've been acting at some point, and then the player has the option of turning their act around.
  • edited March 2013
    What about pirates? 0.o we always see land groups, but what about having bandits who live on the water and raid cities along the coast, going to land for supplies, however they can can get them. Groups that live on the bays/beaches or Georgia. I think it'd be an awesome change of pace. As far as I know no pirates have been seen in the TWD universe. I don't mean middle age pirates, but more like seafaring bandits.
  • edited March 2013
    Yeah sounds cool, the idea of playing a scumbag all the time though you don't want to, but what about if you start a bandit, and the character just feels so shitty, that he decides to leave the bandits' group, maybe like that: (didn't want to start new thread, but your idea inspired me to write something myself, based on your idea.)

    You start as some goon in a little group of bandits, you don't get to decide shit, and you have to do whatever they tell you too, or it's your ass. In the first episode you get to do nasty shit, and your character talks to himself, and realizes, that what he is doing is simply wrong. At a late point in the first episode of season 2 you then sit in your tent one evening, and a friend of the pc enters the tent, they start talking about how crazy the shit they do is, and decide to leave by the first opportunity they get, as he leaves the tent, you see a flashback of some nasty things, like shooting innocent people, or beating old people to death, something horrific like that and your char gets out a bottle of whiskey, and his gun, you see two markers, one on the bottle (drink yourself to sleep) and one on the gun, if you choose the gun, he slowly moves it up to his head, and pulls the trigger, the slide moves back, but doesn't snap back forth, and you realize, the thing is empty, and the pc realizes, he was about to do something stupid.

    after this point I have two ideas:

    1) The next day you go out for scavenge with the pc's friend and two other goons, as you stumble upon a lone survivor, they are about to shoot him, and you can whether watch it and wait for another opportunity to run, or yell "RUN!" If you tell the survivor to run, the two bandits turn around, and you will be forced to shoot them, now you (the pc) and his friend have succesfully escaped, he looks at you, surprised, the pc says "fuck..." as he exhales, and the screen fades to black.

    In episode two you move further away from the camp, on a hill as you spot a little girl in the distance...

    or 2) The next day 2 bandits return with a little girl, the pc doesn't know her, but you do of course, she looks like she's been treated bad, some bruises and stuff like that, you figure those sumbitches were punching her. The bandit leader comes to you and tells you to look after her, because he thinks you're pretty useless, and that this is a task even you wouldn't fuck up. The pc feels real bad, and gets to talk to the girl, now the guilt he feels is overwhelming and he decides to get his friend, and escape with the girl, because otherwise his sicko friends would do nasty stuff... they leave camp and the screen fades to black...

    what do you think?
  • edited March 2013
    ZeroShoot wrote: »
    what do you think?

    I think if Telltale were to choose a "bandit" scenario for S2, this is probably how they'd go about it. The indirect hints of Clementine being raped by the other goons would be dark as hell (even for WALKING DEAD), and would definitely force the PC to realize that the group has crossed the line from doing bad shit for the sake of survival, to doing bad shit just because there's no one to stop them.

    (I'm actually wondering if the PC could even be masked in a balaclava for almost the entire game, thus making it easier for the player to project him/herself into the character. Narrowing the PC's features down to a pair of eyes could heighten the emotions of particularly dramatic scenes in ways different from Lee, where everything was made clearly visible by his facial expressions.)
  • edited March 2013

    (I'm actually wondering if the PC could even be masked in a balaclava for almost the entire game, thus making it easier for the player to project him/herself into the character. Narrowing the PC's features down to a pair of eyes could heighten the emotions of particularly dramatic scenes in ways different from Lee, where everything was made clearly visible by his facial expressions.)

    Yeah that would be cool actually.
  • edited March 2013
    Haha! Being a pirate is actually a pretty interesting idea. It would come with a unique set of problems (do the zombies lurk at the bottom of bodies of water as depicted in many-a-zombie-movies? are they eating the fish? [meaning fishing would not be an option, or a very limited one] is your group capable of fixing up a large-ish boat if repairs needed to be made, are you all in one ship or are there a few smaller boats [and also, what happens if one of those boats with supplies decides to leave in the middle of the night?]). It would definitely be interesting.
    Also the faster traveling pace would be nice. And being able to visit different cities. Being stuck due to the boat breaking down or getting stuck in the city would also be cool.
    Imagine if all episode one you're looting your ass off, killing people, so on, wearing your mask, then in episode two you get left behind and you're stuck to deal with the consequences. You can either own up to the fact that you destroyed the group that's now trying to help you, or hide it. Very cool :D

    I also like your idea, ZeroShoot, but I don't know if I'd want to be a goon. :P Goon to me implies stupid, but I don't think that's how you were meaning it? More like a go-for or something? I would be interested in that! Especially if you could combine yours and Mark$man's ideas hehe.
  • edited March 2013
    Desmodus87 wrote: »
    I also like your idea, ZeroShoot, but I don't know if I'd want to be a goon. :P Goon to me implies stupid, but I don't think that's how you were meaning it? More like a go-for or something? I would be interested in that! Especially if you could combine yours and Mark$man's ideas hehe.

    I mean to be the guy for the dirty work :D
  • edited March 2013
    Goon- Low level member of a gang/group. AKA Do Boy/Crash Test Dummy. Usually charged with doing the jobs that are beneath leadership. Violence/Stealing/High risk etc....Mural is the govenor's goon.
  • edited March 2013
    This could be an interesting direction, but I'd hate to be with an entirely unsympathetic group for too long.

    One thing I loved about Lee's group was that there were a lot of normal, inherently good, people who were still forced to do terrible things. It was relatable in the sense that I could have seen myself stealing from that RV, or potentially killing the St. Johns, if I was forced into situations that desperate.

    But if I was forced to play as someone choosing to stay with people going out of their way to murder others? I don't know if it would hold as much emotional weight.
    Rock114 wrote: »
    So long as I don't have to be a bloodthirst, murdering, cannibal, rapist for the entireity of the season, then sure. Maybe if the PC realizes exactly how evil they've been acting at some point, and then the player has the option of turning their act around.
    Heh, I wouldn't want to start as a cannibalizing rapist period.
    Lee was a good man despite being a convicted killer, but there are some extremes where no feasible redemption story would work.
  • edited March 2013
    I don't know. I believe MOST things could be redeemable, IF given the right back story. For example, if you're tricked into eating human meat so that one of your "friends" has dirt on you, or if it was just a sick joke to prove something to you, I could see the "you" in the story being redeemable. Same way with rape. Say it's a case like Lee (where you're already on the way to prison), guy was accused of rape (although playing two criminals back-to-back would be kind of boring for me :P) it could be, she was 17, "you" were 23, thought she was 18/21 got slapped with statutory rape. Same with the ex-gf was really bitter and lied, said that you raped her, and you got in trouble. But both of those are pretty lame story lines hehe.
    I do get what you mean, though. I would hate to play the irredeemable asshole.

    And thanks for the goon clarification, guys :D I would definitely be open to playing THAT kind of goon! Hehe
  • edited March 2013
    Fascinating and frightening idea.cool
  • edited March 2013
    It will be a complicated story
  • edited March 2013
    A path of redemption or continued banditry...

    Banditry is a word now :D
This discussion has been closed.