How did you play The Walking Dead?

edited March 2013 in The Walking Dead
I'm curious to see how people went through the game; who did you side with, who did you kill, how many times have you replayed it?
For my first play-through I played it as if I was Lee; I made the choices that I would have made if I was actually in that situation.
For my second play-through I went through the entire game siding with Kenny.
For my third I sided against Kenny.
How did you play it?


  • edited March 2013
    CsVictory wrote: »
    For my first play-through I played it as if I was Lee; I made the choices that I would have made if I was actually in that situation.
    For my second play-through I went through the entire game siding with Kenny.

    I've only played the game twice, but this is exactly what I did.
  • edited March 2013
    I've played it many times. First play through: I saved Carley, killed Danny but not Andy, did not shoot Jolene, did not shoot the girl in the street, tried to save Larry, let Lilly back in RV, did not steal from car, killed the stranger, did not threaten or lie to Vernon, wasn't always on same side as Kenny, but got everyone to come with me to look for Clem, and did not drop Ben. Always tried to be a good role model for Clem.
    Cut off Lee's arm, did not handcuff, and left him.

    Second playthrough: I did not save Larry, always was nice to Duck, made kenny kill the walker in the attic, stole from car, kicked Lilly out on her ass, and did not cut Lee's arm off. I was also complete bros with Kenny.

    After second playthrough, all playthroughs were similar to the second.
  • edited March 2013
    I've played the game multiple times; enough to experience most (if not all) of the dialogue choices.

    I usually don't replay the game choosing different moral decisions. I just choose different dialogue options on replays.
  • edited March 2013
    First playthrough (the one that I will carry into season 2, if that is really going to be possible) I did whatever it took to keep Clementine save, and as happy as possible, I killed anyone who could be a threat to her or the group or me, by the first chance I got, I saved Carly, I pitchforked Danny, salt-licke-'d Larry, and let Ben drop to death, I was a horrible person, and kind of a... how do you call it, damn I forgot the word for saying stuff and doing the opposite, it's late here sorry, but you know what I mean, I always told Clementine to not kill unless there is absolutely no other way to solve the situation, and yet I killed people, because of the simple thought that they might be a threat eventually. I regret the most choices I made, including the one at the end, I had her shooting Lee... man... after all she's been through... I regret the very most things I did, and that's kind of the interesting thing about it, heat of the moment I guess...

    On the second playthrough I did some things a little different, and nonetheless I killed Larry, because I wanted to gain Kenny's loyality...

    On the third playthrough I tried to prepare Clem for her life alone in that fucked up world, I had her at Crawford, she shot the Stranger and so on... (Did not kill Larry on this one...)

    And on my so far last playthrough I tried to be as much of a saint as anyhow possible...

    But there were two things I never dared to do, and never will: telling Clem that her parents are dead, and lying to her, well those two statements contradict each other, considering that after the first playthrough I knew what happened to her parents, yet Lee didn't so that's not a lie there... I guess. I expect her to trust me with her life, so I guess it's fair enough to trust her with my past, isn't it?

    And I watched 3 "Let's plays" for the same reason you're asking this question, curiosity, it is fun to watch how people react in certain situations, and how they make their decisions. If anyone cares: I watched PewDiePie's LP ChaoticMonki's LP and another one from a german youtuber SarazarLP's LP I can recommend all of them!
  • edited March 2013
    ZeroShoot wrote: »
    and i watched 3 "let's plays" for the same reason you're asking this question, curiosity, it is fun to watch how people react in certain situations, and how they make their decisions. If anyone cares: I watched pewdiepie's lp chaoticmonki's lp and another one from a german youtuber sarazarlp's lp i can recommend all of them!
  • edited March 2013
    My first one, whre I did what I felt was best (what I'd probably, actually do). I became really pragmatic and ended up siding with Kenny enough to get his bro speech, which was pretty badass. I basically did things that were best for the group, and didn't put people in danger. I helped kill Larry so he wouldn't turn, left Lilly so she wouldn't hurt anyone else, and dropped Ben so nobody would get hurt/killed because I took too long saving him. Showed the bite and elected to go alone so nobody would die or get hurt because I turned, but those bastards had to be there in my hour of need.

    I was completely different around Clem though, for the most part. I always tried to keep her hope alive and never lied to her or put her in danger needlessly. Told her I thought things would go back to normal in time and told her the truth about my past. I always told her that killing was wrong, and that she should never, ever do it unless it was necessary. Near the end, I tried to prepare her in case something happened to Lee (which it did) by giving her the gun when I left her at the house (I thought crazy people with guns who hated children/sick/elderly was a bit out of her league by that point), and in the end having her shoot Lee so she could do it if she had to in the future, and because I really couldn't stand the thought of Lee becoming one of them.
  • edited March 2013
    CarScar wrote: »

    Didn't like it?
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