Rick Grimes Vs Lee Everett
Hey Guys! I'm new to The Walking Dead Forums and this is my first Thread:) I hope you all like it:) Anyway, I wanted to know, who is the better Walking Dead Protagonist? In my opinion I believe Lee Everett is the better 'Hero' in The Walking Dead universe. I chose Lee as he's a likable and generally awesome character (Depending on your choices). He's considerate of others and protective over those he cares for. Of course Rick shares the same traits, but I think Lee wins as he maintains his Sanity during his time 'In a World ruled by the Dead'. Rick slowly stumbles out of control and in both the TV and Comic Universe loses his Sanity relatively quickly. However Lee hadn't lost as much as Rick did in such a short time, so it's a difficult choice. And Lee is an original the player gets to develop... What do you guys think?;)
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Both mostly were good people although Rick has definitely had some questionable moments.
That could be chalked up to luck. Even the best make mistakes.
*comic spoilers*
Rick was a great man who was given responsibility he didn't really seem to want, but felt obligated to take. You can say the same for Lee, more or less (though Lilly and Kenny I feel shared a lot of the leadership role), but there are two distinct differences:
One is that Rick (and some of his group) have lasted years longer than Lee. If Lee had lasted the same length of time, I wonder how he would have turned out. Especially if he got to live with all of the mistakes he made along the way.
The other is that Lee was blessed to know the fate of his family (all dead with no way he could have helped) and a clear-cut end with his wife. Is she dead? Maybe. Probably. He doesn't know, but though he seems to still love her, that relationship ended a long, long time ago.
Rick had to watch the people he cared for most **spoilers** (Shane, Lori, Judith) die. Along with many friends he made along the way. Not to mention that he actively could have prevented, and did cause some of the deaths. The only person he really has left is Carl, even though he does have friends and a love interest. (Being vague on purpose 'cause I have no idea how to do spoiler thing lol.)
For those reasons, I can't really compare the two because I feel they aren't on equal footing.
If I had to, though, I would say I probably would consider Rick the better protagonist. I think he definitely had to make harder choices than Lee, had to do more deplorable things than Lee, lost more than Lee, and has more at stake than Lee. And while he might have lost his happy, he never really lost his resolve. I find that admirable. And I think he's raising his son to be a better leader than he himself ever could be. :P
Rick hasn't managed to do that yet.
Honestly at this point I'd rate it: game > comics > show.
Aw, I have to disagree about the comics. I think they've slowed down a bit, but I think it's because a bunch of bad, bad shit is about to go down.
Rick is one-armed in comics.
One handed. Lee lost more XD
I rest my case.
Depends on the kid. *comic spoiler*
That kinda depends on how you define... intact.
Uh... source?
He's like a Ben that doesn't fuck up "all" of the time.
2 years later Rick is still alive with his closest allies and has a fortified town starting a war against a homicidal maniac with a master of martial arts and a man with a tiger.
As for Rick - he's gotten a TON of people killed on his way to that "town".
Que te puedo decir son totalmente distintos como serie, comic y videojuego son totalmente diferentes, me siento un poco familiarizado con Rick estuve en una posición similar estuve en hospital 2 años hasta el coma, aunque un solo día por fortuna, perdí familia, es muy difícil hasta pensaron que había muerto imagínate mi sorpresa cuando regrese ya se estaban peleando por mi departamento chiquito pero es mío, es normal que actué de esa forma, aunque le falto más coraje, veras si pasas por lo mismo (no se lo deseo a nadie) vives con odio, te acostumbras a que nadie te someta ni que nadie te quite nada, por eso lo de amigo solitario, ayudo pero mantengo mi distancia, del mismo modo Rick mantenía un margen de distancia pero el deseo de ayudar no te lo puedes quitar esta en uno, por eso mi gran coraje con Lee, tampoco tenía nada es fuerte lo admito, pero su debilidad es que no sabía apreciar lo que más deseaba, lo tenía enfrente y no lo vio, no sabía cómo ser como actuar, no se requiere ser profesional o pasar por malas experiencias para saber, es sentido común actúa conforme lo que necesitas con lo que se tiene ve por ti y por los tuyos.
Yo aprendí de un verdadero maestro de combate él decía: El fuerte se cuida así mismo, pero el más fuerte cuida de los demás.
Lo que les fallo a los escritores de las 3 entregas: Solo el que sea quemado sabe lo
que es el fuego.
This is a real question whether and quite difficult to answer.
I can tell you are totally different as series, comic and video game are totally different, I'm a little familiar with Rick was in a similar position I was in hospital two years to coma, but fortunately one day, I lost family, is very difficult even thought he was dead imagine my surprise when I get back and were fighting for my tiny apartment but it's mine, it's normal that I acted that way, more courage Duper, see if you go through the same thing (not wish it on anyone ) live with hate, you get used to no one subject or that no one will take anything, so what of lonely friend, I help but keep my distance, just as Rick kept a distance range but the desire to help so you can not remove this one, so my great courage with Lee, also had nothing is strong I admit, but its weakness is that he appreciated what he wanted most, what was in front and did not see, did not know how to be and act, not one must be a professional or go through bad experiences to know, is common sense you need to act according to what we have seen for you and yours.
I learned from a master of combat he said: The strong cared for himself, but the strongest cares for others.
What I fault the writers of the three installments: Only you know what is burning is fire.
Seriously, next season we could see up to six characters returning; Clem, Kenny, Christa, Omid, Molly, and Lilly. There could be others too, but it'd take effort xD.
A better hand... Ha-ha-ha-ha..
More like spoil-spoil-spoil-spoil... hint... LOL I know what you talkin' bout
I actually fell of my chair laughing after that post, rofl.
Oh yeah, inside jokes ftw. High five? Oh wait... Gotta give ya a hand there, not many people would admit that. Rick should have died so many times now, only lucky the Saviors have been messing with them. But poor Mr. Asian. Trying to be discreet, no racism intended >.>
Rick is also quite interesting outside the comics. Kirkman was gonna kill off instead of Shane just to show how it would be for a kid to grow up without their real father.
he also HATES that he took off his hand so early, and he has also said that he could kill of Rick at almost any time, that Rick does not have to live through all the hopefully 300 issues.
Yeah, I read it. Just as he could kill anyone he wanted. Different from the show though, where the producers are scared of killing Daryl xD.
I'm glad the game is more based on the comics, because they take it more seriously. They put the "die" to "anyone can" in the walking dead lol. Seriously, Lee? Like, the Lee Everett? Talk about a mind fuck.
I dont understand why they would wanna kill off Daryl. He's like the best survivor of them all, the odds of him dying on his own would just make no sense.
That also could make the show.. "unrealistic". If they will always keep the fan-favorites it's gonna get stale. I liked Dale, but he was asked to leave, not sure how it was with Shale and Lori.