Why I hate The Walking Dead

edited March 2013 in The Walking Dead


  • edited March 2013
    And to think that the last moments of the game suggest you might be playing as Clementine in the next season, urgh and barf again.:(
  • edited March 2013
    Playing as Clem would be illogical, she's a child, unable to be the leader of others to order around, clear out a space with walkers on her own and so forth.
  • edited March 2013
    what about the zelda games ? ico ? 'baby mario ?

    they weren't exactly killing machines when they first started out...
  • edited March 2013
    First off... if you spoil, why for fuck's sake don't you go to the fucking Spoiler Forum?
    Can some moderator move this thread? I wasn't spoiled, since I've played it already, but others might still want to enjoy this game theese days too...

    Anyways, you've got some points...
    Whoever does not like Clementine (for whatever reason...) won't enjoy this game too much, still there are great moments too, but if you don't like her the whole thing feels forced upon you, and you can't possibly understand all the emotions the game wants you to feel.

    I love this game very much, since I feel what this game wants me too, and to me it doesn't feel forced upon me, I had very parental feelings for Clem, so this game ripped my heart out of my fucking chest, and... yeah...

    But this game is in no way false advertising, it gives you what it promises you, the story IS in some ways tailored by how you play, of course we imagined more when we saw that saying pop-up on our screens, but the illusion works just great unless you find out what happens if you decide to do some things different on a second run,
    and the game did deserve all of the goty awards, since the acting is amazing, the characters are well written, the emotions feel as real as games could possibly get, the story is cool and the zombies look awesome, the soundtrack is epic... yeah... what more is there to wish for?

    You just can't prevent things from happen because whatever you think (like: No Lee, don't go there, it's a trap...) the character you play, Lee in episode 4 when he approaches the trash bin for example, his mind's occupied with Clem missing, he doesn't think about the possibillity of a walker laying behind the cardboard, he just wants to pick up the talkie and look for Clem... If your family was missing, would you be able to think every step through perfectly? I don't think so... anyways liking this game or not is up to everyone themselves.
  • edited March 2013
  • edited March 2013
    Mass Effect 3 is a better example of illusion of choice than the Walking Dead. I read in an article where it was stated that the game will NOT have an A, B, or C type ending, and then that was exactly what happened. I still loved the game, however.

    At the end of the day, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but that doesn't disregard the fact that a product is good.
  • edited March 2013
    What this game needed to make it your own were some RPG survival elements and progression of your own making similar to Dragon Age Origins or Mass Effect(for example in ME2 you had complete control over everyone's survival if you employed logical thinking and payed attention to what had been said in conversations with all of them).
    Lacking that everything feels forced and pointless.

    You might as well be watching the movie or TV show.

    It's not even an illusion of a choice, it's an illusion of a game.
  • edited March 2013
  • edited March 2013
  • edited March 2013
    2Legit post.
  • edited March 2013
    Oh no, clueless children are starting with the troll nonsense. Aren't there any moderators here?
  • edited March 2013
    ^^^look at this.....
  • edited March 2013
    quatrog wrote: »
    Oh no, clueless children are starting with the troll nonsense. Aren't there any moderators here?


  • edited March 2013
    I didn't mind Clementine, but I've already seen Daddy/daughter narratives many times, so I didn't like the fact that I was the father figure. I wish I could've been a young adult instead so Clementine would have been like a little sister or a companion instead of a little girl I have to take care of and play daddy...

    Even though I liked Lee character
  • edited March 2013
    Criticism is fine, but constructive criticism is much better. You seem to be dishing out the former, with no real explanation or suggestions to back up your criticism.
  • edited March 2013
    Mornai wrote: »
    Criticism is fine, but constructive criticism is much better. You seem to be dishing out the former, with no real explanation or suggestions to back up your criticism.

    Who are you talking to?
  • edited March 2013
    quatrog wrote: »
    Who are you talking to?

    Well...you. As you can clearly see, most of the posts here aren't taking you seriously. You should have mentioned the comparison to the way other RPGs such as Dragon Age and Mass Effect worked in your first post, but you left it at "game sucks cause no choices".

    What does it do wrong, and how can it do better. Leaving it with the first point just makes you seem like you're coming on here solely to bash and throw insults. And if you are...well...okay then.
  • edited March 2013
    quatrog wrote: »
    What this game needed to make it your own were some RPG survival elements and progression of your own making similar to Dragon Age Origins or Mass Effect(for example in ME2 you had complete control over everyone's survival if you employed logical thinking and payed attention to what had been said in conversations with all of them).
    Lacking that everything feels forced and pointless.

    You might as well be watching the movie or TV show.

    It's not even an illusion of a choice, it's an illusion of a game.

    In my opinion this is exactly what this game wouldn't have needed. The Walking Dead is an adventure game, not a role playing game and was never intended as such. In the classical adventures like Monkey Island, Indiana Jones, Maniac Mansion etc., each and every player would have the exact same experience no matter how they played it(only the frustration levels varied). However, there was no YouTube at that time, even the internet was close to inexistent, so people wouldn't watch all the possibilities around and then complain on similarities. Gamers would play the game for themselves and enjoy the illusion created - maybe you should try that approach next time around.
  • edited March 2013
    The thing about this game is: You love it, because it works for you, or you absolutely hate it, because it doesn't, there is no inbetween, it either works - or not, that just depends on what type of games people prefer.

    But still Mornai is right, saying something sucks is easy, but if you think it does, you must have concrete reasons for it, just name those reasons and tell what TellTale could do better next time, I understand, that you hate the thing, that Clementine is forced upon the player, that you don't have the choice to ditch her, and that you don't like the limited amount of choices and their low impact on the further storyline, tell us how they could've done it better, and maybe they regard your opinion, working on season 2...
    Constructive criticism ftw! ;)
  • edited March 2013
    quatrog wrote: »
    Who are you talking to?

    (S)he was talking to you, obviously, since your "criticisms" come off as the rants of a hyperactive child of the troll variety.

    If you really want to be taken seriously, take a less adversarial stance.
  • edited March 2013
    I agree with Mornai and ZeroShoot, if you want people to take you seriously, then give feedback. You speak of how the game went wrong, yet don't speak of how it could have actually perceived it. Give solid facts and evidence on how the game sucks, and why. I personally loved this game, especially for the story. In honesty, I can't seem to get it out of my head. I'm anxiously awaiting season 2 and the interqual. Your negative view does little for the game and those who made it by simply saying it sucks. To be a good criric, one must bash with insults on what went wrong, and then speak on how they went better. But even your insults on the game are vague and general. Clementine is an awesome character, and the central character of the game. Lee was just there to raise her, guide her, and prepare her for the perilous road ahead. Either way I loved the Lee/Clem bond, and I grew closer to her than any other character in a video game as a result. I didn't like how you had such little choices, but you can't have such a great branching storyline with sequels. There are just too many variables/code added/limited room. That and the fact all branches would have to be different, if Telltale has maybe another 2-3 seasons in them, there'd be like 20 endings xD. That'd be fucking crazy, and I'd say impossible with a yearly release. I wouldn't say they lied, your choices impacted the game as much as possible without leading off the main story path. As far as you know, season 1 was just a foundation to put all your choices into action for season 2. I liked how they did it, though I understand your points.
  • edited March 2013
    TWD game is excellent. I have never thought or talked about another games story/character as much as this. TWD could be improved in different areas but what game does not need improvement somewhere. Overall has to be in my TOP 25 all time.
  • Stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

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