Episode 3 loads Episode 1... Acts like I never played before

edited March 2013 in Game Support
I could really use some help. I've read about other similar issues, but haven't found any solution for this problem.

The other day I purchased and dowloaded all of the episodes on Xbox Live. I played through episode 1 and 2, then whenever I began episode 3 it loaded episode 1. As soon as it loaded the first cut scene of Atlanta and the title card appears I pressed start and exited to the main menu. Apparently in that time it has autosaved episode 1, as my save file currently reads episode 1.

This happens every single time I try to play episode 3, it just loads episode 1. I don't even get the option to randomize my choices, like if I try to play ahead and start episode 4 or 5.

I even went back deleted everything from my Xbox (but my gamesave), re-downloaded each episode and replayed everything. Sat through the credits each time, and when it was time to play episode 3 again I kinda blew. Wouldn't ya know same exact thing all over again.

At this point, after playing everything twice completely, I would almost be okay with just playing the rest of the game with randomized choices, but no matter what I do, episode 3 will never load or give me the option to randomize my choices. Even when using a new blank save...

Please help. If I don't finish this game it will forever sit in my achievements only half complete, taunting me til the end of my days.


  • edited March 2013
    Having exact same problem also. pretty bummed right now.
  • edited March 2013
    Same issues here, I downloaded all the episodes sunday, I play four time the second but every time I try to play ep.3 it reload the first.

    As it is now, I spent 1600 points for nothing.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2013
    Hi all, we're aware of this issue and are working directly with Microsoft on a fix. Please stay tuned to this thread for info and updates.
  • edited March 2013
    Yeah this is bullshit. I started to play just to wait this long for the episodes and when i finally get all the episodes they wont even load. Can i get a refund?
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2013
    As per the official post:
    MattP wrote: »
    *UPDATE 3-12-13*
    We have received confirmation from Microsoft that a fix has been implemented regarding the issue of customers NOT being prompted to download a Title Update (which may result in multiple playthrough issues) for nearly all regions, with the exception of Brazil, Australia, and New Zealand.

    We are working closely with Microsoft and currently targeting a date of Thursday, March 14th to confirm a fix for customers being affected in Brazil, Australia and New Zealand.

    Please see the updated post here for more info. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience to you.
This discussion has been closed.