Season 2 More Difficult?

edited March 2013 in The Walking Dead
Season 1 was amazing, it featured heart breaking emotion, awesome action sequences and rich character development. The highlight of the Game in my opinion was 'Living' with the choices we made. In my opinion, to make these game changing choices affect the player to a larger extent, is to remove the Rewind System. This would ultimately affect the player far more than knowing they made a bad decision and rewinding to the scene before to alter their approach to a scenario for the second time. What I mean is, the player would then be FORCED to LIVE with His/Her choices. It would have a greater emotional impact on the story, knowing you Killed/Saved a character to result in the death of a beloved character. It would be far more excruciating as you can't go back knowing you may or may not have made an unchangeable mistake. What do Y'all think?


  • edited March 2013
    You aren't forced to use the rewind button. If you want to live with your choices, like I did, you can completely ignore it.

    Also, this has nothing to do with difficulty.
  • edited March 2013
    I am aware you aren't forced, I just stated my opinion as an idea. I just figured it would be far more 'Difficult' to deal with the choices you made knowing the possibility to rewind was not available. I did as you did also and completely ignored the option to rewind. I just thought it may be far more depressing for those who did rewind to alter their decisions in the previous Season:)
    Also, I attempted to alter the Thread title to "What I Would NOT Like To See In Season 2". Sorry if it affected you, I'm new to the Forums.
  • edited March 2013
    I am aware you aren't forced, I just stated my opinion as an idea. I just figured it would be far more 'Difficult' to deal with the choices you made knowing the possibility to rewind was not available. I did as you did also and completely ignored the option to rewind. I just thought it may be far more depressing for those who did rewind to alter their decisions in the previous Season:)
    Also, I attempted to alter the Thread title to "What I Would NOT Like To See In Season 2". Sorry if it affected you, I'm new to the Forums.

    I get that not rewinding adds to the story, but I never really debated that.

    If the rewind button isn't there, people will complain. If the rewind button is there, people will complain. Telltale can't really win in that regard.

    Really, it's fine the way it is.
  • edited March 2013
    I think it would anger many a player who make mistakes if that feature were removed. Not the in-game moral kind of mistakes either. Perhaps a player misreads a dialogue line, a pet tries to jump on their lap and causes them to push the wrong button on the controller, the battery on the controller dies, etc. There are many things that can cause people to screw up scenarios like this unintentionally, and it would really suck if they couldn't go back to do it the way they intended to.

    I understand not wanting people to rewind with the intent of trying to save a character or change a decision they intentionally made, but being unable to fix genuine real world mistakes that were out of your control would sort of ruin the experience for some people.
  • edited March 2013
    Riadon wrote: »
    You aren't forced to use the rewind button. If you want to live with your choices, like I did, you can completely ignore it.


    Same here. My first game no rewinds just lived with the choices I made.
  • edited March 2013
    in my first play through i just kept on even when something happened that made me make the choice i didn't want. in life things happen that you dont expect to happen. i live by that and accept it .
  • edited March 2013
    I wouldn't mind season 2 being more difficult, but not by removing the rewind feature.
  • edited March 2013
    Mornai wrote: »
    I think it would anger many a player who make mistakes if that feature were removed. Not the in-game moral kind of mistakes either. Perhaps a player misreads a dialogue line, a pet tries to jump on their lap and causes them to push the wrong button on the controller, the battery on the controller dies, etc. There are many things that can cause people to screw up scenarios like this unintentionally, and it would really suck if they couldn't go back to do it the way they intended to.

    This is why I would want to keep the rewind feature. There were times that I read Lee's choices and it sounded different in my mind. I don't remember the exact dialogue options, but say there was an option that started something like "I don't think this is a good idea" and when I chose it, it finished with "because you're a stupid fucker." Like way darker and not at all the way I had intended it. I would have hated being stuck with some of the choices I made, when I don't really consider them to be the choices I would have gone with. lol :P
  • edited March 2013
    I am aware you aren't forced, I just stated my opinion as an idea. I just figured it would be far more 'Difficult' to deal with the choices you made knowing the possibility to rewind was not available. I did as you did also and completely ignored the option to rewind. I just thought it may be far more depressing for those who did rewind to alter their decisions in the previous Season:)
    Also, I attempted to alter the Thread title to "What I Would NOT Like To See In Season 2". Sorry if it affected you, I'm new to the Forums.

    The first time I played the game I didn't even know that you could rewind and change your choices.

    But anyway, usually the fact that you cannot change your mind and you have to live with your own choices makes it easier for people to accept it and/or believe they made the right choice. Here's a TED talk about that:
  • edited March 2013
    i think they could give us the option when we start a new 'game' or save slot to have rewind on or off that way people have the option...i never rewound on my first no matter what happened..

    or just leave it as it
  • edited March 2013
    Dildor wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind season 2 being more difficult, but not by removing the rewind feature.

    But what do you mean by "more difficult"? More puzzles? Harder choices to make? These games are not meant to be challenging by gameplay, meaning you dont have to be "skilled" to play it.

    It's just a story, where you have some control over what happens. If you want skill in a game, or a difficult one. Try the NES, SNES classics or a new game like Dark Souls.
  • edited March 2013
    Rewind your choices = destroys the game for me.

    Your first choice is the real choice. Deal with it !
  • edited March 2013
    Haha, I have played through the game twice and just found out there's a rewind button. Just don't use the function, what's the problem?
  • edited March 2013
    I am aware you aren't forced, I just stated my opinion as an idea. I just figured it would be far more 'Difficult' to deal with the choices you made knowing the possibility to rewind was not available. I did as you did also and completely ignored the option to rewind. I just thought it may be far more depressing for those who did rewind to alter their decisions in the previous Season:)
    Also, I attempted to alter the Thread title to "What I Would NOT Like To See In Season 2". Sorry if it affected you, I'm new to the Forums.
    Even if the game didn't have a rewind option we would still be able to reload the last check point we reached before we made the tough choices. For decisions to feel final check points would probably need to be further apart to discourage people from reloading check points so they live with their decisions.
  • edited March 2013
    dee23 wrote: »
    Even if the game didn't have a rewind option we would still be able to reload the last check point we reached before we made the tough choices. For decisions to feel final check points would probably need to be further apart to discourage people from reloading check points so they live with their decisions.

    But that's also annoying if your game crashes or you gotta shut down your game for any reason. You should not get punished for that.
  • edited March 2013
    dee23 wrote: »
    Even if the game didn't have a rewind option we would still be able to reload the last check point we reached before we made the tough choices. For decisions to feel final check points would probably need to be further apart to discourage people from reloading check points so they live with their decisions.

    Perhaps they could have implemented a system where every time you exit the game it automatically saves, and that is the only save you can ever manually load(in that slot). There would be checkpoints before zombie encounters and such but you can't manually load those, they only load if you die in-game and only take you to just before the death scenario.
  • edited March 2013
    Mornai wrote: »
    Perhaps they could have implemented a system where every time you exit the game it automatically saves, and that is the only save you can ever manually load(in that slot). There would be checkpoints before zombie encounters and such but you can't manually load those, they only load if you die in-game and only take you to just before the death scenario.

    That's excessive and unnecessary.
  • edited March 2013
    Riadon wrote: »
    That's excessive and unnecessary.

    Excessive times call for excessive measures... if they ever wanted to change it then such a thing could and certainly would work.
  • edited March 2013
    Mornai wrote: »
    Excessive times call for excessive measures... if they ever wanted to change it then such a thing could and certainly would work.

    I just don't see why they would want to change it. No one is held at gunpoint and forced to rewind. People are just looking for any reason to complain at this point.

    At the very most, they could include an option to permanently turn off rewinding for a particular save upon creation (like standard/minimal, but can't be toggled). Going any further than that would negatively affect too many people, especially considering nothing would be gained.
  • edited March 2013
    mornai seriously ?

    the game pretty much does that anyway... funny how riadon has said the same thing i did....more or less ;)
    i think they could give us the option when we start a new 'game' or save slot to have rewind on or off that way people have the option...i never rewound on my first no matter what happened..
  • edited March 2013
    Milo, you are a braver soul than I lol. If I chose the wrong choice or it wasn't how I thought it would be (asshole Lee over nice Lee and it just was a misleading starter sentence) I always restarted lol.

    But I do agree that it would be nice if you could turn it off or on depending on how you like to play. I just personally like being able to correct my mistakes. :P
  • edited March 2013
    Why should you be able to turn it off? Just dont do it, dont use it. If you miss use it that's YOUR problem. It's there to help others and it's not really a problem other than your looking for a problem with it.

    just cause you can CHEAT does not mean you automatically should and would. But apparantly you people are like that.
  • edited March 2013
    Rizefall wrote: »
    Why should you be able to turn it off? Just dont do it, dont use it. If you miss use it that's YOUR problem. It's there to help others and it's not really a problem other than your looking for a problem with it.

    just cause you can CHEAT does not mean you automatically should and would. But apparantly you people are like that.

    Why shouldn't you be able to turn it off? Some people like to live with the consequences of their actions, but find it hard to resist the temptation to rewind. The "off" button would be for them.

    It would be there to help others, and it wouldn't really be a problem unless you are looking for a problem with it (to paraphrase you).
  • edited March 2013
    mornai seriously ?

    the game pretty much does that anyway... funny how riadon has said the same thing i did....more or less ;)

    Yes. This isn't a petition to Telltale or an official poll that will decide the course of the game, it's a thread requesting discussion on possible alternatives to the current game mechanics.

    And no, the game does not do that at all.
  • edited March 2013
    Riadon wrote: »
    Why shouldn't you be able to turn it off? Some people like to live with the consequences of their actions, but find it hard to resist the temptation to rewind. The "off" button would be for them.

    It would be there to help others, and it wouldn't really be a problem unless you are looking for a problem with it (to paraphrase you).

    Are people really that... I dunno what word to use.

    You wanna play and live with what choices you make, but because you can rewind you do it anyway, that just shows you DONT want to live with what you have done so you are just lying to yourself.

    Though having it as simple as being able to turn it on/off should be very simple to implant but then again, if you can't resist using it then you deep down DONT want to live with what you've done. You want that button to be there incase you "fuck up" and you can redo it again.
  • edited March 2013
    season 1

    has 3 seperate save slots, 5/6/7 chapters within each of the episodes and also check points when you die to just before that scenario.

    evidence. ep1 clem is attacked in the shop for the second time, you don't save her... game over game restarts to just before she is attacked.

    ep 2 david/travis returns attacks katjaa don't save her in time game over game begining of the chat with her...

    or did you mean by messing up you picked the 'wrong' choice ? if you where to rage quit before the game saved then it would go back to the last check point..

    and rizefall... not everyone is that stupid or lacks self control....(but seems common sense is going extinct)...

    the words if it ain't broke don't fix it are starting to apply...
  • edited March 2013
    Riadon wrote: »
    Why shouldn't you be able to turn it off? Some people like to live with the consequences of their actions, but find it hard to resist the temptation to rewind. The "off" button would be for them.

    It would be there to help others, and it wouldn't really be a problem unless you are looking for a problem with it (to paraphrase you).

    But then the off button could be too much of a temptation. We would need a button to turn the off button on or off. Then that button would need an on or off button. And so on ad infinitum.
  • edited March 2013
    season 1

    has 3 seperate save slots, 5/6/7 chapters within each of the episodes and also check points when you die to just before that scenario.

    evidence. ep1 clem is attacked in the shop for the second time, you don't save her... game over game restarts to just before she is attacked.

    ep 2 david/travis returns attacks katjaa don't save her in time game over game begining of the chat with her...

    or did you mean by messing up you picked the 'wrong' choice ? if you where to rage quit before the game saved then it would go back to the last check point..

    and rizefall... not everyone is that stupid or lacks self control....(but seems common sense is going extinct)...

    the words if it ain't broke don't fix it are starting to apply...

    I agree. It's the players fault if they press the button. IF you dont wanna push it or use anything in the game then just dont, if you use it then you really want it to use it / feel like you need to.

    With this way of thinking how they use it, i think that even if they would implent a way to remove the rewind button some would not remove it anyway cause if they dont have it and something happens so they miss pressing something they will get pissed.
  • edited March 2013
    i suppose having two seperate play modes would cover both sides easier

    the suck it and see (other than protagonist death/ key character death you are stuck in what you do)


    be kind rewind (if that needs explaining.....)

    and they still only give us 3 save slots plus some extra achievements/trophies
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