I can guess what Telltale is going to do in S2...
Horror sequels are always about topping their predecessors (unless they're DTV, of course). Doing things bigger, better, scarier. So, if Telltale were to top killing off the PC at the end of S1, how would they go about doing it?
By killing off the PC in mid-episode.
Why not? A lot of shit went down in part 3, where most of the original group was slaughtered. How else could Telltale up the ante besides axing the PC before part 3 is even over? Player control would then abruptly switch to another character in the group, and maybe it could even be a character Telltale has gone out of its way to make us hate, just to twist the knife.
Looking at the pattern of the game's story arcs so far, and the WALKING DEAD universe's one and only real rule - "anyone can get it any time" - don't be surprised if this comes to pass.
By killing off the PC in mid-episode.
Why not? A lot of shit went down in part 3, where most of the original group was slaughtered. How else could Telltale up the ante besides axing the PC before part 3 is even over? Player control would then abruptly switch to another character in the group, and maybe it could even be a character Telltale has gone out of its way to make us hate, just to twist the knife.
Looking at the pattern of the game's story arcs so far, and the WALKING DEAD universe's one and only real rule - "anyone can get it any time" - don't be surprised if this comes to pass.
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Following that pattern, the PC is probably safe.... at least until season end.
What? Killing off main characters?
Tales of Monkey Island had Guybrush die too.
Actually BTTF had Doc die even.
All got random explanations on how they are alive again(time travel, he became a ghost and found his body, and... time travel again
Clem finds a time machine and brings everyone back to live. Ding! Problem solved
I'd hate for Telltale to stop trying, but yeah, I can't see any tragic moment topping No Time Left.
Either way I hope that making the deaths more abrupt, or more gruesome, won't be what makes Season 2 memorable.
Kind of predictable though, as I've read this idea quite some times and drew the conclusion, that this is one of the very few things they could do myself some time ago... question is: will that fact keep them from doing it?
Lee being bitten came surprising and shocking to the majority of the players, but quite some people saw it coming though...
Can't tell what they're going to do...
That's why i could see it coinciding with the end of the game as a whole. They wouldn't need to worry about future games being affected by it since it would be the last installment.
Perhaps it is predictable, but who knows...
Agree. It will be very predictable and not interesting.
No one wants to think about it, but in the soul of everyone understands that in the end, it will happen.
true words...
I know The Walking Dead was never set up for a fully happy finale, and the first season had one of the best endings I've ever seen because it was such a beautiful tragedy, but I just have trouble picturing any satisfying conclusion revolving around Clementine's death.
Depends on whether you mean satisfying in terms of the story coming to a worthy ending, or the death itself. Seeing her die would not be satisfying in any way, and they couldn't possibly write it to be satisfying for the player, but it would be a great ending, since it'd show, that in an apocalypse anyone can die, even kids, even Clementine. And the ending, and especially the part where she dies a probably nasty, painfull death would stay on your mind.
Sorry if grammar's wrong, but I'm not from an english-speaking country, and it's a little late here and I've got quite a headache
If the game ends with her dying, fuck it. I won't be satisfied at all. I'd rather see something more creative than that.. something more hopeful. Not a happy ending, per se.. just something a little more creative than senselessly killing everyone.
Well, both really...
As much as I wanted to see Lee live, I felt that his last moments made for an incredible finale, but one of the things that made the last episode so hard-hitting was the desire to strive for someone else. I already figured that Lee was going to die, but I didn't start shedding tears until Clem started begging him to get up. It was knowing that we saved her, but she would be on her own now; knowing that we had taught her all that we could right up to those final moments. "I'll miss you..."
That's what made it both genuinely tragic and beautifully heartfelt for me. Bittersweet if you will.
We already know that no one is safe in this story, but the idea that Telltale would give Clementine a nasty death for the sake of shock value, or for the sake of trying to make a strictly hopeless ending, isn't what I would want to see at all.
You've watched "Night of the living dead"? Or "Dead set"?
However, I must be mistaken, all the same TWD differs from the rest of the stories of zombies, then that TWD is a story about people. Maybe there is still hope for Clem? (really really hope so!!!)
Clementine is not everyone. There could be survivors that would still be alive at the end of the day, people we came to know through the previous season(however long the game lasts). She may hold more weight than most other characters for some, but that doesn't mean if she dies everybody else does too.
Omid, Christa, Kenny, Molly, Lilly, Vernon and co. all have varying chances at still being alive. If they all lived but Clem died would you still call that "everyone dying"?
I'd argue that ridiculously unhappy endings in recent years have become just as cliched as ridiculously happy endings. Let's hope Telltale will strike that perfect note if/when the series ever finishes.
Just imagine if it was Vice versa, Clementine would dieing instead of Lee, and you should decide: shoot her in the face, staring at her big, angel eyes... Or leave her. Imagine what emotions evoked the words "I'll miss you" "Me too" in that situation.
Either way, knowing that Vernon was off on a boat somewhere or that Molly was still running around, wouldn't exactly have been a consolation prize if Lee hadn't been able to save Clementine.
It's the Duck situation times a million...
Me neither, but she would never commit suicide, and if she would get shot by some bandit,... that would be a very shitty ending. The only options left are: 1) she gets bit, but escapes the herd -> dies of fever, painfull, resurrection.
2) she gets overrun by walkers, and that would be nasty and painful as I said.
3) she dies by some accident, like accidently falling off some building (but that's not very likely of course...)
assuming she dies at all, not like it's decided or something, just speculating.
It took me almost 15 minutes to man up and pull the trigger in Duck's death scene and it was awfully hard to do it... I don't even wanna imagine how wet my controller would get if it was for Clem... I would need way more than 15 minutes, and would probably die from the inside... and those words would feel like giant whales dropping on my guts... or kicks to the stomach. And there would be no way I could leave her, no fuck it, even if it's hard for me, I wouldn't let her turn, that I know since the nightmare scene in episode 3...
regardless of all ideas in this thread, one thing is for sure:
If they want to top season 1's ending, they must be very skilfully about it.
Right on. This is pretty much what I was trying to express in my above post, but Mikejames says it a lot better.
I don't think I could have done that :,( I probably would have raged off the game, like god damn, it's Clem!!! Why? It was hard enough with Lee, it was equivalent to Clem leaving me to die
I figured from the start odds are Lee would die, between being zombie fiction and the opening sequence making it clear Lee would be atoning for past mistakes.
But then Duck got bitten and Lee has that nightmare. Even though I saw the nightmare coming a mile away, I became scared right afterwards because I realized "Oh shit, that might happen for real at some point!" So after I shot Duck I was terrified the game would end with Lee surviving after having to kill an infected Clementine.
I think reason I didn't cry at the ending was because of how relieved I was that Clementine survived. I was really dreading they might just kill everyone and you just be left with a bleak emptiness as an ending.
I thought that would happen too. That part of the game with Clem scared me so much, I'm still kinda terrified we'll be forced to put her down(sounds kind of like a hated pet
Que te dijo la última esperanza de The walking dead es Telltalegames el comic es un asco, sale el Negrito bimbo como médico brujo con Garfield a su lado o si señor llego el elegido debemos luchar contra el lado oscuro, una nueva amenaza se acerca Lord Carl Vader pronto surgirá entre las cenizas y Obiwan Grimers deberá enfrentar su peor creación, mientras los X-men se enfrentan en un lucha continua contra los acólitos de Chary Brown, en una desenfrenada lucha mientras el dúo dinámico busca desespera mente al arácnido para crear un antídoto, pero no es posible Máximum Negatron se interpone haciendo una tregua Yoda Prime para escoger un nuevo elegido para poner las fuerzas bon ice en su lugar aún no se deciden quien será Gaznate Marínela o Dog chau. Así de ridículo está el comic, y si Telltalegames le sigue el juego que te puedes esperar su mejor carta para salvar la temporada es la niña, si escogen otro personaje será otro más que en dos semanas está muerto, no sé si lean los comentarios de otras páginas pero la mayoría ya no quiere ver más personajes muertos con Glen fue suficiente ahora amenazan al favorito de la televisión hubo fuga de información, si lo matan se acaba la serie de televisión, si matas a la niña se acaba el juego, no les da por dejar algunos vivos que se marchen con la esperanza de sobrevivir sería un final diferente a todo lo que hemos visto no lo creen.
Lo de la vacuna si es verdad la saco otra historieta hace una semana es vieja la historieta alguien la saco a la luz está incompleta no la terminaron, pero si cruzo la frontera sin que nadie se hay dado cuenta imagínate el daño que le ocasionaría a The walking dead, el comic que todos esperaban que fuera el triunfador de todas las series fue derrotado por un don nadie, tengo una copia pirata no te voy a decir cómo se llama pero tiene bastante fuerza.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAmigosolitario predicts the future again pay close attention.
You said the last hope is Telltalegames The walking dead comic sucks, as does the Negrito bimbo Garfield witch doctor with his hand or if I get chosen lord must fight the dark side, a new threat is about Carl Lord Vader soon emerge from the ashes and Obiwan Grimers will face its worst creation, while the X-Men face a continuous battle against Chary acolytes of Brown, in a wild fight while the dynamic duo to arachnid mind looking desperate to create an antidote but it is not possible maximum Negatron gets Yoda making a truce to choose a new Prime elected to put ice bon forces in place yet to decide who will gullet Marinela or Dog Chau. So the comic is ridiculous, and if you follow the game Telltalegames you expect your best card to save the season is the girl, if they choose another character will be another two weeks rather than dead, do not know if read comments other pages but most do not want to see more characters with Glen was dead enough now threaten to there favorite TV information leakage, if just kill the TV series, if you kill the girl is just the game, not given by letting them go live some hoping to survive would be a different ending to all that we have seen do not.
What the vaccine if it is true the other cartoon bag a week ago is old cartoon someone brought to light is incomplete not finished, but if I cross the border without anyone's notice imagine the damage they cause to The walking dead, the comic that everyone expected to be the winner of all series was defeated by a nobody, I have a pirated copy I will not say his name but has enough strength.
Well Night of the Living Dead had a very cynic end: all main characters dead, but humanity prevailing. Dead Set had an end that fitted the characters. They were really stupid, except for Alex and arguably Patrick.
I know right?
Also, did mods miss the part where he said he had a pirated copy?
Dude. This opened my eyes. It's so deep maaaaaan.