How happy can life in this zombie world ever possibly be?
Hey all,
My first ever post here even though I've been a long time reader. Just want to say I LOVED the game, it toyed with me like no other I can remember, but that said I just wanted to ask your thoughts on:
Honestly, what is the best possible life the characters can hope for in the Walking Dead world even if they do survive? I mean the constant having to fear for your life at all seconds of all days for the rest of your life doesn't seem like much of an existence
Do you think humanity could ever re-band together again and build some kinds of anti-zombie city fortresses with established protocols of how to grow food, treat the dead (burning them perhaps?) and things like this?
I mean I know the overall "theme" of the games is basically hopelessness, but if we have only absolutely no hope of anything improving to look forward to, what is the point?
Would be interested to know your thoughts, and OUTSTANDING game Telltale!
My first ever post here even though I've been a long time reader. Just want to say I LOVED the game, it toyed with me like no other I can remember, but that said I just wanted to ask your thoughts on:
Honestly, what is the best possible life the characters can hope for in the Walking Dead world even if they do survive? I mean the constant having to fear for your life at all seconds of all days for the rest of your life doesn't seem like much of an existence

Do you think humanity could ever re-band together again and build some kinds of anti-zombie city fortresses with established protocols of how to grow food, treat the dead (burning them perhaps?) and things like this?
I mean I know the overall "theme" of the games is basically hopelessness, but if we have only absolutely no hope of anything improving to look forward to, what is the point?
Would be interested to know your thoughts, and OUTSTANDING game Telltale!
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It may take a very long time, but eventually things will be just like the way they were before, with the possible exception of people who die or are near death. They would just adapt to this, like making cremation mandatory everywhere, having guards near people who may die at any minute, something like that, until they formulate a cure of some sorts. They will overcome these obstacles, and wrestle control of the planet back from the dead.
In the beginning there will be no hope. Your family will die, your friends will die and you will die. A few decades or so later, though...and the sun will start shining once more.
In short, the zombies may beat us down and make us think we have no hope, but eventually we'll send those sons o' bitches back below the ground where they belong.
Here here! Cheers!
Being only a game player i'm not too familiar with how pregnancy and childbirth are handled in TWD universe... if people can't have kids normally won't the human race just eventually dwindle and die out completely?
Yes, there is a LOT of moments of hopelessness in the game. But at the same time, I think TTG left enough slivers of hope: Clementine lives. As long as there's someone left alive, there's still hope of a better future no matter how dark the present seems.
And basically what Mornai said. Humanity will rebuild.
But how? I'm only a game player so I'm not sure how pregnancy in the universe is handled, but if people can't have kids normally won't the human race eventually just dwindle and die out?
Ya basta de insultos te voy hablar con la verdad es difícil pero trabajando en equipo se puede se muchos han sufrido pérdidas como Padres, Madres, hijos, están devastados necesitas unirlos, que trabajen en equipo y no es tarea fácil, en lo personal tengo más probabilidades estando solo que un grupo que está pensando a qué hora me van a comer. Realmente sobrevivir no es lo difícil, los caminantes solo son peligrosos en masa, me preocupa la mentalidad de algunas personas eso es lo difícil.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxIf we rely on the comic and serious amolaste you swallow a community honored him and all that, (and called me child), is based on the comic protect you but I sleep with your wife and your daughter every night, as well, do not you think is insulting, that is the mindset of the writer of the walking dead, already answered just went around looking for the illness if you want I reveal the future thinking it not that way I'll break your heart and all hope for a decent life.
Enough of insults I will speak the truth is hard but teamwork can be many have suffered losses as parents, children, are devastated need to unite, to work as a team and not an easy task, personally I have more likely to be only one group is thinking what time I will eat. It really is not hard to survive, the walkers are dangerous only in mass, I worry about the mentality of some people that's the hard part.
There's nothing that says they can't actually reproduce anymore, just that it poses a high risk. If a group of survivors barricades a neighborhood off, clears out all zombies inside and has constant watch duty on every inch of the wall(with possibly a farm or some other food source inside the walls) then raising a child could be safe. They could make several layers of defense against the zombies, with mothers and their children residing in the deepest and safest section, and guards at every layer in case someone inside dies.
However, a big theme in TWD is hope. This was seen in the game as:
-Clem believes that the world will be back to normal.
-Katjaa hopes that Duck won't turn.
-Lee, Clem, and Kenny find the boat at the mansion, etc.
Not to mention the little useless speeches that Rick gives to his group about every 10 issues of the comics about staying optimistic, when all goes to hell again.
It's very likely that Kirkman is going to pull off "the zombie apocalypse is going to last forever" ending in the TWD, so zombies are pretty much going to stay in the series.
Humanity never needed doctors and hospitals to reproduce as a race. Yeah, there was an incredibly a high rate of infant mortality and mothers dying in labour till relatively recently (i.e. the 20th century in the First World). And I think humanity has managed quite well in terms of making babies from its tiny beginnings to the global overpopulation of today. I'm confident humans can eventually bounce back from a ZA.
Maybe I'm reading "normally" wrong in your post, in the case please feel free to clarify.
Reminds me a good quote from Geralt of Rivia from the Witcher game: "I've heard enough high and mighty speeches that yours doesn't impress me."
Yeah sorry, what I meant was I'm not sure if it's explained in the universe whether or not kids are stillborn or come into the world already "turned" due to being infected from the moment of conception or something else like that that makes giving birth even more risky or difficult. As I said it was only mentioned that christa was pregnant in the game and they didn't go into much more detail so any info you can provide would be appreciated
Well, a pregnancy successfully occurs in the comic, and the baby is perfectly healthy. The game follows the rules of the comic, so there ya go.