The Walking Dead on Wii U seems unlikely.

edited March 2013 in The Walking Dead
The majority of game developers aren't willingly currently to develop games for Nintendo's next-gen Wii U console, and those who were have announced that games won't be for reasons given.

One of the most recent is Saints Row IV. I assume Deep Silver thought about it in terms of profit and came to the conclusion that producing it for the console wouldn't be lucrative so they decided to go with Xbox 360 and PS3.

I know it's still somewhat early, but Wii U's getting a lot of bad feedback and the one that has the power to fix most of the problems is Nintendo, but as of now they haven't done anything to improve the situation.

Please note: I find Wii U to be very interesting console, but it hardly has any games right now, system needs major updates and Nintendo's not doing all they can to make Wii U be successful.


  • edited March 2013
    Zombi u is a great game
  • edited March 2013
    Aw man, bad feedback? I thought this console would go places... :/

    Ah well, it's not like i don't own a PC and i only own a Wii U over here. Still, it would be cool to see the game on that console.
  • edited March 2013
    Wii U seems to be skipping on another game -- Dead Island Riptide

    If Nintendo doesn't do something about Wii U it won't be financially sustainable and then to an eventual cancellation of the console.
  • edited March 2013
    Phil_TWD wrote: »
    If Nintendo doesn't do something about Wii U it won't be financially sustainable and then to an eventual cancellation of the console.

    Ok that's a bit extreme given how bad most consoles start out. I mean the Vita just started to gain in popularity. The majority of Nintendo consoles are sold to get... well Nintendo games. Oh which there are only 2 of.

    Makes sense it isn't selling so hot right now.
  • edited March 2013
    Phil_TWD wrote: »
    Wii U seems to be skipping on another game -- Dead Island Riptide

    If Nintendo doesn't do something about Wii U it won't be financially sustainable and then to an eventual cancellation of the console.

    Dead Island is from the same people publishing Saint's Row 4, so that's hardly indicative of a trend for anyone other than Deep Silver. And Telltale have consistently said they want their games on as many devices as possible. A lot of their earlier games lest gen were on the Wii and they even put the Walking Dead on iPods.

    Seeing as they work mostly in digital distribution and the kind of games they make have lower budgets than a lot of stuff these days they're overall risk is a lot lower than a lot of other companies as well. None of that means they will make/port the Walking Dead for the Wii U necessarily, but I wouldn't judge their willingness to do such a things on other companies.

    As for Nintendo going under, that's seems pretty unlikely. For better and for worse, Nintendo are financial tightwads. It's probably why none of their systems ever play DVD's, because they'd have to pay royalties to the DVD Consortium. But it also means they're usually never in dire financial straits either, especially when their handheld systems are usually profitable as well.
  • edited March 2013

    Poor Wii U...

    It has so much potential but I doubt gamers will want a console which major developers are willing to skip over...
  • edited March 2013
    Come to think of it, I actually haven't even touch any Nintendo system since N64!
  • edited March 2013
    Viner16 wrote: »

    Poor Wii U...

    It has so much potential but I doubt gamers will want a console which major developers are willing to skip over...

    Didn't devs say that you could port a 360 game to WiiU in less than a week? Something seems a bit fishy with that story, especially when it comes from EA who were REALLY excited for WiiU before launch...
  • edited March 2013
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Didn't devs say that you could port a 360 game to WiiU in less than a week? Something seems a bit fishy with that story, especially when it comes from EA who were REALLY excited for WiiU before launch...

    Lol if you read the comments apparently EA showcased BF3 on the Wii U during E3 but stated that they didn't want a port on Wii U but would rather develop from the ground up to take advantage of its capabilities.

    The Conspiracy thickens...
  • You know you done fucked up when your console gets less sales than it's predecessor.

  • Actually, the reason why it won't get ported to Wii U (or 3DS) is because of the girl in the Motor Inn in Episode 1. Nintendo has a very strict "no real-world religions" policy with their consoles to avoid anyone from trying to blow up Nintendo's HQ (it's why The Binding of Issac was rejected from the 3DS eShop and why they changed the Fire Temple music in Ocarina of Time).

  • Kinda sad though. The U has a great Concept for Point and Click. If not the best from all of the three Consoles. It really is just because Nintendo wants to keep their Family Friendly Concept. And yet it has Games like Survival Instinct and Zombi U.. The U's overall Failure is basically Nintendos own Fault. They shouldn't be afraid of Kids since most of them are playing on DS Handhelds anyway.

  • Come on. Nintendo has your problems with third parties since N64. And I can assure you that anyone who bought a Wii U was willing to play Nintendo exclusives.(The reason I have one), and if you have followed Nintendo these years you would have already know that to play others games you would need and PC, PS4 or XBox One. Well, for me, is always a combo of Nintendo + Anyone that has exclusives in this gen that I want + PC = Happiest gamer ever. I can play almost everything. :D

  • I love the Wii U, it has much wasted potential, but I wouldn't like to see TWDG on it, it won't work out.

  • It is quite a battery eater as it takes about 4 hours until you need some more.

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