Should all of S2 happen during winter?

I can't help but think of having one episode set around Christmas, where the new survivor group is doing its best to celebrate the holidays, despite the macabre circumstances. (I don't know if the comic book has already beaten me to this.)


  • edited March 2013
    It's close to winter, so it'd be great. The comics have already passed 2 winters.
  • edited March 2013
    I like that idea, and season 1 ended pretty close to winter, regardless.

    Minor holiday festivities would be a welcome respite from all of the depressing shit that usually occurs in The Walking Dead. Plus, I'd like to see Clementine's face after opening a Christmas present (a brand new Colt Python .357 Magnum :D).

    We can't really expect much snow, though, this is Georgia we're talking about.
  • edited March 2013
    I believe (if I remember right) that in the first winter of the comics, they realize it's Christmas and don't even acknowledge it. But it's been a while since I read them hehe.

    I think that would be a lot of fun. Plus it'd give TTG the perfect setting to start breaking hearts right away lol.

    Too, it'd be awesome to play through the hardships of winter. Manufacturers weren't worried about getting their winter lines out to big stores. They'd have to find a specialty/sports shop and hope that they had ski coats and whatnot. They'd also have to find a way to insulate wherever they were staying. Which would impede vision, make moving around harder, packing bulkier, so on.
    You can help protect against the elements in a house/room by using duct tape and plastic wrap on the windows, pulling the blinds down, and putting the drapes over it. But how the heck are you going to see someone coming at you? And if we end up with another group in an RV, I'm not sure if it would work the same way.
    Blankets and heavy clothes and jackets will take up a lot of space, and it won't be so easy to pull weapons out of your pocket and whatnot.
    Not to mention that we'd have to deal with people freezing to death.
    What would be really interesting would be if we ended up playing as a really great summer/autumn group - a group that had maybe grown crops and found a small body of water - and winter really messes them up because they have no greenhouse and the water freezes over.
    I know this is rambling so I'll cut it short, the TLDR version:
    It would present a variety of seasonally-unique problems that would be fun to work through and provide plenty of opportunity for death.
  • edited March 2013
    Desmodus87 wrote: »
    I believe (if I remember right) that in the first winter of the comics, they realize it's Christmas and don't even acknowledge it. But it's been a while since I read them hehe.

    I think that would be a lot of fun. Plus it'd give TTG the perfect setting to start breaking hearts right away lol.

    Too, it'd be awesome to play through the hardships of winter. Manufacturers weren't worried about getting their winter lines out to big stores. They'd have to find a specialty/sports shop and hope that they had ski coats and whatnot. They'd also have to find a way to insulate wherever they were staying. Which would impede vision, make moving around harder, packing bulkier, so on.
    You can help protect against the elements in a house/room by using duct tape and plastic wrap on the windows, pulling the blinds down, and putting the drapes over it. But how the heck are you going to see someone coming at you? And if we end up with another group in an RV, I'm not sure if it would work the same way.
    Blankets and heavy clothes and jackets will take up a lot of space, and it won't be so easy to pull weapons out of your pocket and whatnot.
    Not to mention that we'd have to deal with people freezing to death.
    What would be really interesting would be if we ended up playing as a really great summer/autumn group - a group that had maybe grown crops and found a small body of water - and winter really messes them up because they have no greenhouse and the water freezes over.
    I know this is rambling so I'll cut it short, the TLDR version:
    It would present a variety of seasonally-unique problems that would be fun to work through and provide plenty of opportunity for death.

    I lived in Georgia for a few years, you don't need a ski jacket at all for the winters. Even a flannel shirt is enough to stay moderately warm, and it definitely doesn't drop to "deadly" temperatures unless you are practically naked. The worst thing about the winter would be vulnerability to illness, the death of crops, and the lesser amount of animals.
  • edited March 2013
    I don't know how much of a Christmas party anyone could muster, but I could see them talking about it at the very least, maybe have some familial reminiscing. Either way, I wouldn't mind seeing more seasonal/weather variance.
    Riadon wrote: »
    Plus, I'd like to see Clementine's face after opening a Christmas present (a brand new Colt Python .357 Magnum :D).
  • edited March 2013
    I've never been to Georgia :P I just know that in Texas winters have been getting colder the last few years. Lots of snowing and ice storms. Which is something I didn't see but maybe once every 2 or 3 years when I was a kid. (Of course, it depends on what part of Texas you're in, too lol.) I would hate to go through a winter without a jacket nowadays!
    But I would want it to be more accurate. If it just doesn't snow in Georgia, I think it'd be silly to see them walking around in ski jackets hehe. :P
  • edited March 2013
    Since Telltale's going for areas and themes they have yet to visit, I'd say winter episodes are a high possibility. I'd love to see some winter scenery in the game's art style.
  • edited March 2013
    Not to mention walkers buried under snow. Kid starts building snowman = bam! Walkers.
  • edited March 2013
    Well not ALL of the season. Maybe one or two episodes and then a break until spring.
  • edited March 2013
    Kaserkin wrote: »
    Well not ALL of the season. Maybe one or two episodes and then a break until spring.

    That's what I was thinking.
  • edited March 2013
    JakeSt123 wrote: »
    Not to mention walkers buried under snow. Kid starts building snowman = bam! Walkers.

    Mommy, mommy, put the hat on the snowman! What the... fuck? It's alive!!!

    HAHAHAHA I can see the possibilities. Sorry for the sick humor, considering Frosty'd be a man-eater :P
  • edited March 2013
    Season 2 set in winter: Clementine freezes to death if you chose not to steal from the car in season 1, but she survives if you did steal and took the hoodie. ;)

    I would not be happy with myself.
  • edited March 2013
    ^Me either, that'd be a slap in the face :/
  • edited March 2013
    If they are worried about goin to far in ZA time line the winter would be a good idea.
  • edited March 2013
    I already wanted to see winter and snow in the first season,so I would be glad to see it in the second one :)
  • edited March 2013
    A winter themed Walkers apocalypse sounds interesting. It would give new dangers to the group such as dying from the cold, needing more supplies and trying to keep warm without giving your position away.
  • edited March 2013
    Mornai wrote: »
    Season 2 set in winter: Clementine freezes to death if you chose not to steal from the car in season 1, but she survives if you did steal and took the hoodie. ;)

    I would not be happy with myself.

    Maybe not prevent her death, but I wouldn't mind seeing one of my more depressingly pragmatic choices actually grant some comfort.
  • edited March 2013
    Sería diferente el momento Santa zombi como Jefe con renos macabros y duendes satánicos, que miedo, y los repeles con galletas, esa navidad sería una pachangota de regalo que habrá, niños envueltos en chocolate. La verdad no creo que pongan una escena como esa de navidad ni nada por el estilo, el juego es negro no hay felicidad, todo es violar y matar, es más creíble decir que están en el bosque sin comida ni cobija, se enferma uno integrante del equipo van a la ciudad encuentran quien ayude a cambio de tener sexo, regresan y el personaje ya murió es más se transformó y se comió a todos, es más estilo de the walking dead.
  • edited March 2013
    It would be different as far Holy Zombie Head with reindeer and elves macabre satanic, scary, and repeles with cookies, that would be a Christmas gift that will pachangota, children wrapped in chocolate. I do not think to put a scene like that Christmas or anything like that, the game is black there is no happiness, everything is raping and killing, is more credible to say they're in the woods without food or blankets, one member gets sick team will help the city who are having sex in exchange, return and the character died and is again transformed and ate them all, style is the walking dead.

    I am deeply disturbed by this comment :confused:
  • edited March 2013
    Riadon wrote: »
    I am deeply disturbed by this comment :confused:

    No one understands him. Don't try.
  • edited March 2013
    The comment scares me haha. like not even kidding...
  • edited March 2013
    Mark$man wrote: »
    The comment scares me haha. like not even kidding...

    Same here, shit lmao. You guys are making me tear up a bit. Riadon and Anonymau5, too. Hehe

    Amigosolitario, you are one dark dude lol. I don't think that they'd go that far. Although that might make for an interesting interlude between seasons. :P
  • edited March 2013
    Speaking of winter. It's piling up with snow from where I live. It'll be the end of March soon, and for some reason we have snow in early Spring. Sure did feel like winter arrived late for me.
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