Oui, mais il faudra attendre un peu. Le jeux en version phisique aura des subs en 5 langues. Le patch devrai sortir en quelques jours pour PS3, car Sony a une politique plus stricte en thermes de contôle avec les patchs et DLCs que Microsoft.
Of course English is taught at school. But bad students should not be excluded from this great game of Telltale. Personally, when I have to quickly answer to a question and I don't have time to read / translate, the choice is a bit difficult.
Or do most people in Europe. Learn English.
Dont they teach that in school down there?
Of course English is taught at school. But bad students should not be excluded from this great game of Telltale. Personally, when I have to quickly answer to a question and I don't have time to read / translate, the choice is a bit difficult.