Sam And Max dress-up game

edited August 2010 in Sam & Max
For those who played the Diskette version of "Sam And Max Hit the road" might remember the protection that consisted in dressing eiter Sam or Max, this was then dropped in the cd version (at least i dont remember seeing it in the cd version O_o.

Well, i just wanted to do a dress-up game and thought this would be nice.

The idea was to create a customizable card, but setting this up in php and the databases etc would drive me crazy and flash doesnt do a save area to disk... so you have to do a print screen :P.

Eitherway, play around with the few features I gave it.

Cheers and enjoy

BTW Sam&Max is property of Steve Purcell, S&M Hit the road and most of the images with the exception of the start screen are from Lucas Arts.

Follow this link:


  • edited February 2008
    I was making something like this for the Halloween contest (that's why I needed that picture of Sam on the transparent background), but mine was so bad I never submitted it.
    Yours is so cool! I'm going to be on this for a while. I like the speech bubble and card feature as well... awesome stuff.
  • edited February 2008
    glenfx wrote: »
    For those who played the Diskette version of "Sam And Max Hit the road" might remember the protection that consisted in dressing eiter Sam or Max, this was then dropped in the cd version (at least i dont remember seeing it in the cd version O_o.

    It's on the CD version. I have that version, and you can buy the game from Snucky's.

    Frankly, I liked Car Bomb better than the Dress Up Dolls and the Coloring Book.
  • edited February 2008
    Here's an old similar game done in Shockwave:
    It doesn't have as many clothing options though.
  • edited February 2008
    Dude, that's great! I'm 8 years old again! (Holy bag of cats, has it been that long?)
  • edited February 2008
    glenfx wrote: »
    For those who played the Diskette version of "Sam And Max Hit the road" might remember the protection that consisted in dressing eiter Sam or Max, this was then dropped in the cd version (at least i dont remember seeing it in the cd version O_o.

    The Dress-ups is one of the minigames (that you can buy from Snuckey's) in Hit the Road. I can only vaguely remember it being used for the copy-protection....
  • edited February 2008
    Molokov wrote: »
    The Dress-ups is one of the minigames (that you can buy from Snuckey's) in Hit the Road. I can only vaguely remember it being used for the copy-protection....

    Dont know if it was a minigame, it was a copy protection feature for the diskette version. The cd version doesnt have this as copy protection.

    I remember there being only two minigames in the diskette version, didnt buy the minigames in the cd version though, so i dont know if they converted the diskette's copy protection into a minigame and inserted it in the cd... going to check that out now.

    Guybrush Threepwood: o yeah, i remember you looking for the image ^^, my wife told me to hold this and submit it for this year's contest... but i kinda lost confidence in the contests ;P
    If you need help on how to remove backgrounds of images i can give you some ideas on how to do that in photoshop :) you can send me a PM
    (Holy bag of cats, has it been that long?)
    LOL now i feel really old... didnt realize i was like 12 when i played that game O_o'
  • edited February 2008
    Hit the Road minigames were:
    - Carbomb (like Battleship)
    - Sam and Max dress ups
    - Sam and Max Colouring book.

    Were there others? I can't remember.
  • edited February 2008
    Well, there was also Wak-a-Rat.
  • edited February 2008
    I used to play Wak-a-Rat ALL the time with my dad when I was little. But yes the game did have the dress up game, which of course didn't compare to Car Bomb, which was a real good time.

    Even when I was 10 I enjoyed it. And I didn't even know what was going on.
  • edited February 2008
    there was the one with the car where max had to jump the road signs
  • edited February 2008
    Highway Surfing. Oh, and Wak-A-Rat is better than Whack-Da-Ratz:
  • edited February 2008
    Nothing made that game more than the fact that as you hit the rats more they became more and more beat up. And of course you could hit max in the head :)
  • edited February 2008
    Blehboy wrote: »
    Nothing made that game more than the fact that as you hit the rats more they became more and more beat up. And of course you could hit max in the head :)

    I liked the fact that it worked both ways. The more you missed a rat, the more the mocked you when they popped up.
  • edited February 2008
    I played this week the cd version and yes, it is in there, also tryed the diskette version... and its also there >_< i remember seeing the icon but dont remember ever playing with it ingame, seems my mind only stored the copy protection and not the ingame minigame :P

    anyway... its still fun :B
  • edited February 2008
    Yeah I have Scumm for my Nintendo DS and I play these games on there. Best games I have for the DS, I think. ;)
  • edited February 2008
    uh mixed up and confuesing yet good great job though it could use more costumes
  • edited February 2008
    I replayed the whole Lucas adventure some time ago and after the Wak-a-rat game and Sam said:
    -Wow, I did the maximum score
    and Max:- You really need a life, Sam.

    I was indeed impressed.
  • edited August 2010
    Sorry for the massive bump, but where do you find the minigames? I've played through it several times and never found any of them.
  • edited August 2010
    Sorry for the massive bump, but where do you find the minigames? I've played through it several times and never found any of them.

    isnt it in a sub menu?
  • edited August 2010
    Sorry for the massive bump, but where do you find the minigames? I've played through it several times and never found any of them.

    There's one at each of the Snuckeys.
  • edited August 2010
    When you buy a minigame from Snucky's it should appear in your inventory. Then all you have to do is USE it.
  • edited August 2010
    When you buy a minigame from Snucky's it should appear in your inventory. Then all you have to do is USE it.

    oh yeah, that's right. man, it's been a while...
  • edited August 2010

    It's like Kill Bill.. only WAT
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