Who did you tell about Lee's past?

edited March 2013 in The Walking Dead
Let's revisit a key point from episode 3 if you saved Carley.

Who did you tell about Lee's past, and why?

-I only told Katjaa and Lilly. At the time, I thought that Katjaa was a caring woman, and she would've understood what Lee went through. I also told Lilly because she was the next person I could trust in the group. I didn't care about Kenny at all during the first twenty minutes of the episode.

EDIT: Sigh, I forgot to post multiple options in the poll. Oh well.


  • edited March 2013
    I chose Clem in the poll - but quite frankly I told everyone, Clem deserved it the most though. Anyways, I can't keep secrets too good in real life, and so I couldn't do it in this game either, it was clear to me, that they'd find out anyways.
  • edited March 2013
    Everyone but Ben. Even though Kenny was being a real ass to me at the time, I thought about what Carley said how the longer I waited the more it seemed like I had to hide and I figured if Kenny heard it any other way it would torpedo what was left of our friendship so I figured it was best to just get it out of the way.

    Lilly was easy since she was mostly focused on hating Kenny at the time and I figured she really wouldn't give a shit and Katjaa and Clem were always fair with Lee so I felt they simply deserved to know the truth. Kinda regret telling Kat about what happened in the meat locker. Figured if Kenny knew I told her that it'd kill any little goodwill trusting him with my secret did but so much happened after that it never came up.

    I didn't tell Ben because I hadn't known him all that long, I wasn't sure I could trust him yet and it didn't seem like a big deal if he heard the truth from someone else. I mean Kenny could ditch me and Lilly was going crazy, but what the fuck would Ben do if he found out Lee killed somebody? He'd probably just be afraid of him. :p
  • edited March 2013
    Everyone but Lilly.

    Because fuck Lilly, that's why :cool:
  • edited March 2013
    I told everyone. I had a sort of brutal honesty thing going on since episode 1, meaning i tell everyone everything about me, with one exception for Clem. I never told her that her parents were dead, but as for everything else I've got nothing to hide.
  • edited March 2013
    I told everyone, even the newcomer Ben.

    Carley was right that keeping Lee's conviction a secret is a liability and he should come clean before the others found out the hard way. I was hesistant to reveal the truth to Kenny since I sided against him with the meatlocker incident, but I figured that he's better off knowing than never considering his mood at the time.
  • edited March 2013
    Hey, here's a good follow up question. Did you tell people you killed someone or that you were on your way to prison? I said to everyone I told I killed before. I figured saying I went to prison was kinda dodging the issue and it would just lead to people asking "What for?" Best just give them the whole truth so there's nothing left to be used against me.
  • edited March 2013
    Hey, here's a good follow up question. Did you tell people you killed someone or that you were on your way to prison? I said to everyone I told I killed before. I figured saying I went to prison was kinda dodging the issue and it would just lead to people asking "What for?" Best just give them the whole truth so there's nothing left to be used against me.

    I just told them that I was a murdering bastard because I didn't feel like extending the conversation any further than needed.
  • edited March 2013
    I told all of them during my second playthrough. The first time i did not tell anyone, same with the bite.
  • edited March 2013
    Kenny and Clementine,

    They were the two i felt i had the most to lose if they discovered i was lying to them. Lilly already knew and already hated me, in short she was the problem so that was never an option. Katjaa had enough on her mind/i wasn't sure how she'd react and Ben was....Ben.

    As for how i broke the news, i was direct with Ken, thought he'd appreciate some blunt honest and he more than anyone else really needed to hear it from me, played the softer hand when talking to Clem, I was a bit worried about what she might think, but needed her to be able to trust me.
  • edited March 2013
    Godamn everyone. I knew someone would sell me out eventually, and Carley, Clem and Lilly already knew, Kenny had my back at that point, Ben would be too terrified to ever even attempt to use it against me, and he needed someone on his side too, and finally Katjaa is a very understanding and caring person. Even if all that wasn't true, I knew it would bite me very hard in the arse otherwise.
  • edited March 2013
    I told Clementine because she needed to know the most, and then Kenny and Katjaa because they were my friends. I didn't tell Ben because I felt like I needed more time to get to know him before I say anything to him. I didn't tell Lilly because I was sure Larry couldn't keep his mouth shut around her. When she tried to use the info against me and Kenny says that he doesn't care about any of it, that was when it made it all worth it.
  • edited March 2013
    When she tried to use the info against me and Kenny says that he doesn't care about any of it, that was when it made it all worth it.


    Priceless. :D
  • edited March 2013
    Everyone. I wanted everyone to hear it from me in case it secretly turns into a game of telephone behind my back. Kenny, Katjaa, and Clem also deserve to know IMO, because they are good friends.

    It will be funny to tell Duck though.

    "Hey Duck, I need to speak to you for a minute."

  • edited March 2013
    I told Clementine because she needed to know the most, and then Kenny and Katjaa because they were my friends. I didn't tell Ben because I felt like I needed more time to get to know him before I say anything to him. I didn't tell Lilly because I was sure Larry couldn't keep his mouth shut around her. When she tried to use the info against me and Kenny says that he doesn't care about any of it, that was when it made it all worth it.
    Exactly this.

    And yeah, the look on Lily's face when Kenny told her he didn't care about Lee's past was priceless.
  • edited March 2013
    double_u wrote: »
    Everyone. I wanted everyone to hear it from me in case it secretly turns into a game of telephone behind my back. Kenny, Katjaa, and Clem also deserve to know IMO, because they are good friends.

    It will be funny to tell Duck though.

    "Hey Duck, I need to speak to you for a minute."


    I really think they should have given us an option to tell Duck, and it's all just completely over his head. Like, no matter how Lee describes it to him he just keeps thinking it's part of them playing Batman and Robin, Lee eventually gives up and you get a pop-up that says something like "You tried telling Duck...but he had no idea what you were talking about."

    Then you can go tell Carley about it. :p
  • edited March 2013
    Everyone the first time.
  • edited March 2013
    I told everyone but Clem and Lilly (and maybe Ben, I can't remember if I told him). I didn't tell Lilly because I didn't know I could and I didn't Clem because I was an idiot and thought that she was too young to here things like that.
  • edited March 2013
    I believe I told everyone except Ben. I wasn't especially well off with Kenny at that point, but like Carley said, better for the truth to come out sooner rather than later.

    I didn't imagine that telling Ben would have much for negative consequences, but thought it could be a bit much to take in when we still didn't know him very well.
  • edited March 2013
    i told everyone because being honest it always better, i cant be bothered to fill my head with lies and try to remember what lies i have or haven't told, also it is impossible to really trust a liar even when they tell the truth.

    and a sort of meta reason is that i wanted to learn what had happened myself, i wanted Lee to tell me what had happened in full detail, but unfortunately he never gives any real details which in reality would make people not trust what you say because it would make people think there was more that wasn't mentioned
  • edited March 2013
    On my first playthrough I felt the need to tell everyone because I felt like a had a shot with Carley and I didn't want her to think I was some dishonest douche. On my second playthrough though, I only told Clem and Kenny.
  • edited March 2013
    First playthrough: Everyone
    After that only Clem and Kenny. I sometimes told Ben to scare him xD
  • edited March 2013
    Everyone. Even Lilly, who hated me. It's important to stay honest with each other in a ZA.
  • edited March 2013
    I told everybody, even Ben. Although when I told Katjaa, it seems like it really didn't matter to her since she was so worried about what happened in the meat locker. "Misery loves company" :D
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