Sam and Max 104 reboots on launch

edited February 2008 in Game Support
Having the day off, I decided it would be a good time to play through Sam and Max 104. But it's rebooting my computer every time I try to start the game. I get the welcome screen, click "Launch", get the Gametap and Telltale logos, then a black screen, a little bit of sound, and *poof* reboot.

I tried this with the original game I downloaded when I bought the season pass (AbeLincolnMustDieFree.exe 2007.11.4.0) as well as the one currently available for download (SamAndMax104_AbeLincolnMustDie_Free_Setup_2.0.0.9.exe 2008.1.30.1240). Both give the same result. I can run earlier episodes (well, I only tried 103) without a problem.

I've got:
- Radeon 9600 with the latest drivers (8.453.0.0 dated 1/22/2008)
- Athlon XP 2800+
- XP Home SP 2 with all updates
- DirectX 9.0c

Any ideas? My day off is rapidly vanishing :-(


  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    If something is rebooting your computer, it is almost always driver related. If possible, you might try rolling back your display drivers to the previous version, as well as updating your soundcard driver. Also, it couldn't hurt to update your DirectX. I know 9.0c is the "latest version" but Microsoft has been updating DX for 4 years without changing their version number.
  • edited February 2008
    Rolling my video card drivers back to an older version did the trick. I still find it strange that episode 103 worked fine with the new drivers, but episode 104 didn't...still, the game's playable now, so that's what counts :)

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