(TV SHOW) That was really sad to see and I almost cried...
It was a suicide mission Merle knew that, and so did we but it was so depressing to see him losing his finger and getting shot by the Governor (Philip), but the worst part was..
Seeing Merle as a walker and Daryl having to kill him. The two brothers.
Despite what he did to Maggie and Glenn, it was under the influence of the orders that the governor gave him.
If someone I loved turned to a walker, I couldn't bring myself to put an end to it, it'd just be too much on myself.
P.S.: If Andrea had killed Philip when she had the chance none of this would have happened. He deserves to die for everyone that he's murdered.
It's Daryl's duty to kill the governor now for what he did to his brother!
Seeing Merle as a walker and Daryl having to kill him. The two brothers.
Despite what he did to Maggie and Glenn, it was under the influence of the orders that the governor gave him.
If someone I loved turned to a walker, I couldn't bring myself to put an end to it, it'd just be too much on myself.
P.S.: If Andrea had killed Philip when she had the chance none of this would have happened. He deserves to die for everyone that he's murdered.
It's Daryl's duty to kill the governor now for what he did to his brother!
This discussion has been closed.
Edit: I see it at a wide street for Phillip's death: Andrea, Daryl, Rick, Michonne, Tyresse, Ben's father(don't know name), or Milton. MANY possiblities, all with reasonable purposes.
There is one thing that I respected about him; his strong sense of family loyalty. As much of a dick that he's always been, he always had his little brother Daryl on his mind and has been doing everything for him to the very end.
Daryl's crying broke my heart, seriously, poor man, he never had much, and now his bro's gone, and he had to do it...
There was a time where I really, really, really hated Merle, but I believe, that deep inside he regretted what he did to Glenn and Maggie, I know, there's no evidence for that, but... I don't know. As a character he was great, mostly due to Michael Rooker playing him, the voice was really great, and the looks fitted the type of character.
As Merle shouted: "I AIN'T GONNA BEG!" that was one of the most epic moments in the show. Say 'bout him what you want, but he went out with pride, and he was an asshole till the bitter end, although, he seemed to have changed a little, like a stone started rolling, he let Michonne go, and he tried to kill the Governor, it might have been for pure revenge reasons, but due to the fact, that he let Michonne go, it might as well have been to help Rick's group, or maybe even to save them, to make up for any pain he caused to them, after all, from all of them he knew Phil best, he knew what this guy was up to. He didn't tell Rick, Glenn, nor Daryl, maybe to not put them in danger, or to not put Daryl in danger, maybe he planned to run off and kill Phil some time ago. Guess we won't find out.
But it was horrible for Daryl. It was sad to watch him have to take Merle out, but it was great - both for the story, and the character. Who really wants to have their loved ones out eating people, turning them, continuing the cycle.
As for if I could do it, if I absolutely had to, I would. I would rather put them down with love than have some stranger use them in an arena somewhere.
Yeah, even now, and even in the show Ben screws things up, seriously "Ben" seems to be the synonymous for "bad luck." Our group in the game had "Ben" following them... and "Ben" was the reason so much shit happened.
Well... if it comes to a ZA in the real world, kill anyone who's called "Ben" to be sure, or stay the hell away from them. (If anyone feels offended, that's just a joke of course...)
Get enough "Ben"s in one room, probably end up causing the ZA.
And I FUCKING hate Andrea,that little scumbag deserved it,she had the chance to kill the governor..Her car is a slut,that's all I'm gonna say -.-
NB:No hate on Laurie Holden,she's rad!
Thanks for the spoiler.
This is the spoiler forum. You probably should have been prepared for some spoilers. Anyway, the picture of Merl as a walker has been floating around the web for some weeks now.
Maybe once the season finale will be spoiled here, finally a shit storm comes up but...
Thing is: nobody gives a shit about others, and nobody thinks twice before opening such threads, here we once again see, it hasn't aired everywhere yet, and hopefully people learn to not post Show-spoilers on the game forums.
If a Moderator sees my post: Please, is there any chance you could add an additional forum section called "The Walking Dead Show Discussion - SPOILERS" ?
Then once and for all we wouldn't have those problems.
By the way I'm not complaining because I was spoiled, because I already saw it, but because someone else was, and more might be... (Not only by this thread, but also in future, if we don't find a way to discuss things better.)
-No flame to anyone, just constructive criticism...
Same here! I cannot stand what the writers, Kirkman included, have done to Andrea's character! She's one of my favorites in the comics! She's so strong and kick-ass. I can't stand seeing her as this weak and stupid xP
I agree. TV Andrea is a terrible character. The writers for the show try to make her appear badass, but somehow made her a dumb shit at the same time. "Oh look at me, I just stab a walker with my knife! I'm so hardcore! FOR REALZ!"
I couldn't stand Andrea ever since she shot Daryl to prove how hardcore she was with a rifle.
A true badass uses both brains and brawn, and Andrea certainly lacks the former.
Haha. I'm not saying that, but I have to admit, as dark as it sounds, I HOPE they are going to go as dark as TV drama can. I hope that what happens to Michonne in the comics happens to Andrea, 'cause I'm tired of them kind of pussyfooting around the governor's true dark side in the show.
He is one seriously fucked up dude. They made him much more cordial for the show (which was a nice change, but I keep waiting for the axe to drop.) I thought that they were just building him up to break him down. Still waiting for him to really spiral. :P
Also, I never hated Merle, but there were times where he gets annoying. I teared up not because he's dead, but Daryl's reaction killed me
I have to say, while I was anticipating
Totally; he has some sort of cheating-fate superpower. He can go into bullet time and make someone walk in front of him and take a shot for him.