Selling Sam & Max my comics

edited February 2008 in Sam & Max
I recent light that I'm poor, combined with the reprint of Surfin' the Highway and the fact that I've also recently seen the Color Collection be sold for up to £370 (!) on Amazon, I've decided that I no longer need my few Sam & Max comics. The ones I haven't sold already have been put up on eBay:


I'm sad to see them go, but I'm sure someone else will want them or appreciate them more than I.


  • edited February 2008
    Must be nice to have such rare books, and I'm sure you must be sorry to see them go :(

    If you're out to make money out of them, I feel I should give you a bit of advice though. You've got your Sam & Max: Freelance Police Color Collection at £75 in an auction. The previous two auctions on eBay only went for £10, and people spending £75 on an auction may take the time to check on that before bidding.

    I'm not saying you should lower your price; there are a couple of people on and Abebooks selling them for around £80 buy it now, so you're in-line with your current competition.

    You just need to add a buy it now, to catch people who want it straight away and are going to be buying on an impulse purchase.
  • edited February 2008
    Remember.. somebody listing something for a price on Amazon does NOT mean they are going to sell it. Look at the price of the item on Amazon and then look at the prices on Ebay. The prices I've seen on US Amazon and other online comic books stores are usually at least 4-5x more than what the same books actually sell for on ebay.
  • edited February 2008
    I've got my eye on that Bad Day on the Moon comic. As long as it doesn't get too high, I think I'll buy it.

    Is all the stuff in BDOTM in Surfin' the Highway?
  • edited February 2008
    Sorry, Rob. That can't have been an easy decision. :(
  • edited February 2008
    I've got my eye on that Bad Day on the Moon comic. As long as it doesn't get too high, I think I'll buy it.

    Is all the stuff in BDOTM in Surfin' the Highway?

    Everything is in Surfin' The Highway*

    The Colour Collection is priced waaaaaaay to high. The original Surfin' the Highway doesn't even sell for that much anymore. I believe one went on ebay a couple of weeks ago for around $30

    I'm surprised to see that Bad Day on the Moon is in colour. I always thought the original 3 Sam & Max comic books were black & white.

    *except the webcomic
  • edited February 2008
    Crap, I didn't realise I put it at £75. That is why I should never do anything in the morning. :p
    I've put it back to what I was thinking I put it at. Sorry about that. *slaps forehead*
  • edited February 2008
    xChri5x wrote: »
    The Colour Collection is priced waaaaaaay to high. The original Surfin' the Highway doesn't even sell for that much anymore. I believe one went on ebay a couple of weeks ago for around $30[/SIZE]

    Actually, before the announcement that they were being remade, they still went for $130+. Collectors check too, apparently.
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