My view on Ep 203

edited February 2008 in Sam & Max
Hey guys,

so I'm from Germany, and I was looking forward for this episode, as it plays partly in Germany. :D I hope Europeans don't stay in your mind as emo, vampires or crazy raving people :p

Great episode, and I kinda like the soundtrack more than the one from the last episodes. Maybe it's the techno beat at Jürgens (with "ü" ;)) castle, that makes this soundtrack special. It simply fits, more than the one in ep 202 on the easter islands (I missed some holiday tunes...).

Also I think the graphic gets better, it's not "naked and pure" any more. I guess you're investing more time in it now. :confused:

The episodes get better and better, Telltalers, keep up the good work! The season seems to be worth its price. Thumbs up! :)



  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Thanks! I'm glad you weren't horribly offended by it. :D
  • edited February 2008
    Hi everyone,

    Also a German, I LOVED playing ep. 203. Still, when it comes to mimicking German mannerism and dialect, "'Allo 'Allo" reigns supreme :-)

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