If Lee Took the Shortcut...

edited April 2013 in The Walking Dead
Lee! We all know and love him, however, a mistake that couldve changed the whole storyline, Lee made. Lee decided to go all the way around Hershals farm from the tractor, instead of going through the back yard like hershal did. If he cut through the back, he may have had enough time to asess the situation and realize that duck needed to get off the tractor for lee to move it of shauns foot. This would mean that duck wouldnt have gotten grabbed in the first place and kenny couldve pull shaun out while lee backed up the tractor! Silly lee!


  • edited March 2013
    oh come on. that wouldn't be as exhilarating :(
  • edited March 2013
    Lee, being an intelligent person, knows the merits of a dramatic rescue (or rescue attempt). By taking the time to run around the house as he did, he ensures that no matter what he does, he looks like a badass no matter what he chooses.
  • edited March 2013
    Rock114 wrote: »
    Lee, being an intelligent person, knows the merits of a dramatic rescue (or rescue attempt). By taking the time to run around the house as he did, he ensures that no matter what he does, he looks like a badass no matter what he chooses.

  • edited March 2013
    Heh, well there are a few inconsistencies, such as how easy walkers spot people. I mean, walkers does not spot Doug and Lee chilling outside the drugstore, but they spot Clementine from almost a mile away during the ending.
  • edited March 2013
    anderswhk wrote: »
    Heh, well there are a few inconsistencies, such as how easy walkers spot people. I mean, walkers does not spot Doug and Lee chilling outside the drugstore, but they spot Clementine from almost a mile away during the ending.

    Who's to say they're Walkers, hm?
  • edited March 2013
    crispy01 wrote: »
    Who's to say they're Walkers, hm?

    Ouch, burn!
  • edited March 2013
    These are the models in the distance, Doug and Ben. Pretty sure it's suppose to be walkers.

  • edited March 2013
    anderswhk wrote: »
    These are the models in the distance, Doug and Ben. Pretty sure it's suppose to be walkers.

    I don't think a walker is capable of noticing someone from that away, especially one that wasn't literally silent. Also those are most definitely not Doug and Ben's models, they could be red herrings though.
  • edited March 2013
    It wasnt necessarily that the walkers actually saw her. But it is possible that they were just walking in tha direction.
    Also, do u really think that clementines reaction would be what it is, if she just saw random walkers?
  • edited March 2013
    Maybe it was suppose to symbolize that she is in trouble, with Lee not around to save her. Basically another "punch in the gut" ending, as if the ending before the credits wasnt enough.
  • edited March 2013
    i think that this maybe further in the future, the ending that is. This could be in ep 2 or 3 of season 2, and it is just a little trailer i suppose.
  • edited March 2013
    anderswhk wrote: »
    These are the models in the distance, Doug and Ben. Pretty sure it's suppose to be walkers.


    They're placeholders, because telltale knew people would be able to extract them and didn't want to give the game away. They mean nothing.
  • edited March 2013
    The Fallen wrote: »
    They're placeholders, because telltale knew people would be able to extract them and didn't want to give the game away. They mean nothing.

    Could be.
  • edited March 2013
    anderswhk wrote: »
    Could be.

    Not could be, is. Jake(Telltale team) posted that they are placeholders.
  • edited April 2013
    Mornai wrote: »
    Not could be, is. Jake(Telltale team) posted that they are placeholders.

    I did not know there was any official word on that. I only judge it from the scene itself, and the models used.
  • edited April 2013
    anderswhk wrote: »
    I did not know there was any official word on that. I only judge it from the scene itself, and the models used.

    Here is the link to the post in question, if you're interested.

    Anyway...I wonder why Shawn couldn't see the walkers coming before Duck ran over his leg. They're certainly not the quiet type, and he was looking directly at the field they were attacked from while working on the fence.
  • edited April 2013
    Mornai wrote: »
    Here is the link to the post in question, if you're interested.

    Anyway...I wonder why Shawn couldn't see the walkers coming before Duck ran over his leg. They're certainly not the quiet type, and he was looking directly at the field they were attacked from while working on the fence.

    Simple, Teleporting ninja zombies! I mean how else can a walker hide under a bin for all of episode 4?

    When they first arrived at the house they made enough noise to make the walker that was sitting under a bin 10 steps away from the house come to them but nope that walker didnt move at all... instead it was used to give lee the chop :/

    I think chet was forshadowing the bite when he said hot dish night...

    Lees body was warm and alive -- Just like hot dish... Coincidence? I think not.
  • edited April 2013
    ^What about the walker in the store? He just was kinda... minding his own business. He looked comfortable more than anything.

    And if anyone was foreshadowing, it was Chuck, saying "If something were to happen to you"

    Lee: "It WON'T."

    Chuck: "...If it WERE, you have to prepare the girl..."

    Seriously, I was like 0.o as if Telltale was trying to mess with my head.
  • edited April 2013
    Mark$man wrote: »
    ^What about the walker in the store? He just was kinda... minding his own business. He looked comfortable more than anything.

    And if anyone was foreshadowing, it was Chuck, saying "If something were to happen to you"

    Lee: "It WON'T."

    Chuck: "...If it WERE, you have to prepare the girl..."

    Seriously, I was like 0.o as if Telltale was trying to mess with my head.

    That walker was trapped inside a jewelry case, so he didn't really have any other options. I thought he was just relaxing in a chair at first. :D
  • edited April 2013
    ^Yeah, exactly. You'd think he'd be walking around or something. If someone like Clemmy can break that window one swing with a bat, I'm sure that walker could have gotten out. At the least, he would have gotten out of that chair. And he basically was chilling in the chair, legs crossed. He didn't seem in a hurry to leave until Lee slipped on that glass counter.
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