The Age of S&M - Did I miss the boat?

edited March 2008 in Sam & Max
Call me old fashioned, but I'm a brick and mortar kind of guy. However when I saw you can pre-order a signed edition of Surfing the Highway, after many years of resisting I was finally coerced into registering on and giving out my valuable financial data.

But when I went to add a copy of "the Age of S&M" it was nowhere to be found; I always planned on getting it once it showed up in a bookstore (which as far as I've seen, has not happened). But alas it is gone, vanished into mere ether. Is there any information as to when it will be back in the telltale store? Or am I basically screwed?

(I did order the Effigy Mound.)


  • edited February 2008
    As far as I know, it's gone forever. They never planned to put it in bookstores.
  • edited February 2008
    You're basically screwed. I think.

    Same thing happened to me with the Office print. Now I would give my left walnut for it.
  • edited February 2008
    It sold out and Steve likes to keep things rare so it won't be reprinted
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Steve's sketchbooks are basically only sold at conventions, and through our website, and it's Steve's wish that they be a one-time thing. I think his original plan was to try and do one a year, though we'll see how that goes as the years go on!
  • edited February 2008
    Bummer; thanks for the replies though. I would appeal to Steve's better nature but that would probably involve fighting off flocks of dirty street pidgins.
  • edited February 2008
    Tonurics wrote: »
    Bummer; thanks for the replies though. I would appeal to Steve's better nature but that would probably involve fighting off flocks of dirty street pidgins.
    Repeat after me: Pigeons.
  • edited February 2008
    Ho, cuz, you wud tink dat I cud spell pigeons. I got plenny good wit da pidgin tho. ;)

    Anyways, yes, thanks... I must have been using Pidgin IM for way too long now. I could of course always fight hordes of creole linguistics if it would make you feel better...
  • edited March 2008
    Until I get a new job, cash is a little tight. If people still want them I may as well put my copy up for sale.

    I'm not sure what the going rate should be though, what do you all think? It cost me about £15 to buy it, so that's what I've started the auction at.
  • edited March 2008
    Chris1 wrote: »
    Until I get a new job, cash is a little tight. If people still want them I may as well put my copy up for sale.

    I'm not sure what the going rate should be though, what do you all think? It cost me about £15 to buy it, so that's what I've started the auction at.

    Wow, it's up to $83 USD now. I should have bought a bunch. Maybe I'll get some more Effigy Mounds while they're around.
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