Any interesting TWD stories?

edited April 2013 in The Walking Dead
I have been looking for ways to pass the time, and was wondering if there are any good crossovers, side-stories, or the like. At the very least, maybe other people can find new things to try out. I already have three that I try to keep up on, and one I like to add to. Here:

A New Day-

Last Survivor-

The Zombie Apocalypse-


  • edited April 2013
    I currently like this one:
    That one:
    and "A New Day" but you already posted that.

    I wrote one myself, but I won't post it, as it's not that good, though some people actually read it through.
  • edited April 2013
    Here's my favorite:

    It focuses on the idea that both Ben and Travis made it out of the woods, and enter a love triangle with an OC, who happens to be Kenny's daughter. This changes a whole bunch of events, and it's written pretty well.

    I hate most WD game fanfics, because most of them are just around the idea of Carley surviving.

    EDIT: The final chapter of this fanfic came out. While not as emotional as episode 5, I did feel a little dead inside after reading it.
  • edited April 2013
    The third one of mine that I wrote some of has nothing to do with the comics, show, or game; there are no characters that make appearances or mentions. Setting is New York and Maryland. So yeah, I didn't completely mean Carley survivals :D
  • edited April 2013 That's my story Ive been posting on the discussion forum. It's an all original story.

    Ive read The Last Survivors and A New Day and I would recommend them for sure!
  • edited April 2013
    ^Thanks, and nice! I write here as much as I can(which is quite limited...)

    It's an interactive story, so any writer can pitch in and add chapters. Also, the story can branch off in many directions, so it is different from many other forms of writing you may be used to. It also means that some chapters can be crappy while others are excellent, it just depends on who is calling the shots. There are over 300 chapters, although as of late I'm mainly the only one still writing. If you are interested, check it out. I must warn you though, I am no professional, in fact I claim to be far from it!
    I'm just a fan :P

    Thanks for all the stories, I've read A New Day, Boom's, and The Ties That Bond. All are excellent. Keep em' coming! We shall keep ourselves entertained until the next season! :P
  • edited April 2013
    I will definitely give that a look see :). And yes I'm no professional either. Just a fan
  • edited April 2013
    Corcline27 wrote: »
    I will definitely give that a look see :). And yes I'm no professional either. Just a fan

    You are a fairly good writer from what I've read, although the way you write it makes it hard to read, and in truth I had to skim at points because of the way certain things just pop out and others fade into the text.

    Anyway, I like your style and idea, just fixing that up and the such, maybe adding a bit here and there, and you should have some awesome-looking chapters.

    Btw, if it makes you feel bad, you shouldn't; my first few paragraphs were bulky as hell and fairly difficult to read, although either because I wrote it or the font is different, I could read mine much easier. However, I still had maybe 6,000-8,000 character chapters that had maybe 2-3 paragraphs, it was that bad :D

    Now, however, I learned from errors in grammar and indenting and the such, just as you will and probably already have. Aside from that, you look pretty good! Try to keep ideas flowing, surprises and suspense, without overkill. Don't make scenes too obvious! Just try to have fun with it; that's the main thing! If you absolutely have to, image your most strict English teacher and you had to write an essay on a regular basis, and make it look professional xD. Good luck!
  • edited April 2013
    Thanks man I am always looking for good constructive criticism. I am learning as I go. And like you said, I'm having fun with it. Which is all that matters. :)
  • edited April 2013
    Corcline27 wrote: »
    Thanks man I am always looking for good constructive criticism. I am learning as I go. And like you said, I'm having fun with it. Which is all that matters. :)

    That's good! And so true.
  • edited April 2013
    Zeruis wrote: »
    Here's my favorite:

    It focuses on the idea that both Ben and Travis made it out of the woods, and enter a love triangle with an OC, who happens to be Kenny's daughter. This changes a whole bunch of events, and it's written pretty well.

    I hate most WD game fanfics, because most of them are just around the idea of Carley surviving.

    EDIT: The final chapter of this fanfic came out. While not as emotional as episode 5, I did feel a little dead inside after reading it.

    Dude... this... my lord... I expected stuff to make me feel better, not make me so depressed xD. Before I hated Ben, but I actually understood it. But now... after reading that... I HATE BEN! He got pretty much everyone killed! He's worse than the interpreter of Saving Private Ryan!!!

    I kinda expected the ending... but wow now I'm scared about what happened to certain characters(you should know who I'm talking about). I now fear them dying and turning...

    Travis I could actually stand, and I didn't get the "My dad is Special Forces" gag urge! Wow! I can't believe that. And it actually expanded and kept alive one of my favorite characters, and wow what a badass!

    By the way the last character to die... That was ALSO Ben's fault! Travis probably could have saved ___ but he was injured which was Ben's fault, and because Ben kinda caused ____'s death, considering he was how ___ got grabbed, ____ was frozen from having to see the walker. I mean if Ben hadn't ran over to THAT CERTAIN HOODED PERSON and was attacked, they wouldn't have gotten into that mess, and two walkers that were part of the group wouldn't have been seen and a living individual wouldn't have died.

    Just seriously, Ben is now on my list which is still quite small :

    Seriously, he is on the top of that list, in front of the Stranger and even Lilly, whom both increased on my hate meter xD. (Although not as much for Lilly, since another fanfiction actually lessened my anger of her from the canon game, but it's back now).

    That fanfiction just made me feel worse! It was awesome though man, thanks for showing it to me. Just incredible. I saw a lot coming, but there were some surprises(most in mid chapters, I saw through the ending, that sadistic bastard!)
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