Most shocking events in TWD?
What were the most unexpected events for you in season 1?
Mine were Carleys death and Vernon and his group taking the boat.
Mine were Carleys death and Vernon and his group taking the boat.
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When Lilly shot *Doug.
Seeing Clem's parents.
Katjaa's death.
Seeing Mark in the room.
Duck getting bit and Kat killing herself.
Lee getting bit.
Ben falling from the balcony.
Lilly killing Carley- Complete shock.
Katjaa killing herself- Also a complete shock. She never seemed like the one who would do this, but looking back...
Vernon stealing the boat- I trusted this conniving thief, and he stabbed us in the back. Really makes me worry about who i should trust, if anyone at all, in season 2.
Other than that:
-Finding out whose station wagon that was
- - -Being knocked flat by Larry
-Almost seeing Clem die in that creepy station
-And the 2 moments where Clem took off (playing in the garden; being kidnapped by the stranger, she didn't ran off, she'd never leave her precious hat behind)
-Mark's legs cut off
-Meat locker scene
-Doug/Carley's death
-Lee's nightmare about Clem as a zombie
-The stranger standing by the fence
-Kenny's argument with Ben
-Ben in the bell tower
-Lee's bite
-Amputation scene
-Vernon stealing the boat
-Kenny's death
-Lee killing zombies outside the Marsh House
-Clem's parents
-Lee's death
-Post-credits scene.
I also like:
-Cutting off the teacher's leg.
-Travis getting torn apart.
-Whoever attacks Lee at the motor inn.
-Fight scene with Andy.
-Brenda death scene by Mark.
-Talk on train to Kenny about Duck being bitten.
-Katjaa's... stuff...
-Talk to Chuck about what he told Clem.
-How the player reacts to Vernon initially.
-Fight against Molly.
I just like seeing the reactions and the "Q! Qqqqqqqqq! X!!!" lol or for the systems (Xbox, PS3).
Danny killing Jolene
"Secret Room" in the barn
Seeing Mark with no legs laying on the bathroom floor
Kenny dropping a salt lick on Larry's head (lol'd)
Duck getting bitten
Lilly shooting Carley in the face
Katjaa shooting herself
Lee getting bit
Getting Lee's arm chopped off
Ben falling
Kenny giving his life up for Ben
Seeing Clem's parents as walkers
The trapped cop attacking Clem
Seeing the silhouettes in the distance at the end during the last scene
Larry getting salt licked when I tried to save him was pretty shocking. I remembering seeing his mouth move and being like "Hey, he's going to be okay!" HEAD EXPLODES! "What the fuck?! O_o"
Lilly shooting Carley (doug... meh)
Larry getting squashed.
Lee getting bit.
-trying to save larry, salt lick
-Carley eating a bullet
-mark for dinner
-Duck bitten
-Katjaa's suicide
-the clem zombie dream
-getting bit
-cutting bit arm off
-clem shooting Lee
:eek: Those were all shocking... except Mark being food. I knew something was up from the beginning.
kenny's death.
katjaa's death.
meat locker scene(lee open the door and see slaughterhouse)
2) Chopping that guy's legs for human meat in Episode 3
3) Sawing Lee's arm off
4) Shooting Lee
Do you mean Episode 2?
2)Clem zombie nightmare
3) Katjaa suicide
4) Kenny licking Larry in the face