I'm insulted!

edited March 2008 in Sam & Max
OUR vampires are NOT fruity.

They're AT LEAST as manly as any american vampire. Of course, there IS the odd queer one, but you really shouldn't generalize.

That said, I really haven't met an emo vampire yet. I kinda always assumed that undeath and its perks and troubles wouldn't allow for feelings of inadequacy and "no one understands me" type of whining.

Course, I can be wrong.



  • edited February 2008
    Welcome to the pointless thread!
  • edited February 2008
    hmm i have to say ive not seen many vampires in germany except the vampirelike creatures on wacken open air and angela merkel on tv :D
  • edited February 2008
    Well, I didn't mean German-only vampires, I meant ALL European vampires.

    Sorry about the confusion.
  • edited February 2008
    I've seen vampires during my short visit to Berlin. They grow on trees. It's hideous.
  • edited February 2008
    in my expirience they are mostly found near governmental buildings
    is this assumption correct?
  • edited February 2008
    I'd say they tend to be in those buildings rather than simply around them.
  • edited February 2008
    Some are more than others
  • edited February 2008
    Maybe you tried to pick them before they were ripe? :cool:
    mish wrote: »
    I've seen vampires during my short visit to Berlin. They grow on trees. It's hideous.
  • edited February 2008
    could we please stop this discussion about german politicians? just because someone sucks doesn't automatically make that person a vampire...:D
    OUR vampires are NOT fruity.

    They're AT LEAST as manly as any american vampire. Of course, there IS the odd queer one, but you really shouldn't generalize.
    american vampires neither are manly. i doubt there is a thing as a manly vampire. the only one i could think of is blade, but he's more a vampiry-thing..all other american vampires are a bunch of sissies.
  • edited February 2008
    hmmm american vampires are sisses. good to know!
    i was kind of thinking about the black adder millenium special with the french who said that they all were whimps and wusses. that lead me to the question: what are french vampires?
    maybe they are whimpsy wusse-like creatures which smell horrible and are quite rude to peaople who dont speak french or zombie or vampire!

    i think i have to think about this one a while!
  • edited February 2008
    I don't know about French vampires, but I do know that British vampires are funny.
  • edited February 2008
    lets make this thread about vampires aroud the world.
  • edited February 2008
    Now we're cooking with gas.

    About manly vampires... I dunno, I'm pretty sure Dracula was manly.

    However, like all minorities, vampires are being labeled wrongly due to a small portion of them.

    Just because those few like to suck on other men, it doesn't mean all of them do.

    Okay, that was way out of line. Sorry about that.

  • edited February 2008
    I've grown tired of this thread.
    I think I'll set fire to it's corners.
    Good luck on escaping.
  • edited February 2008
    i quite enjoy this thread. okay i give it to that only 4 people are writting posts here but its good clean fun or so!
    dracula was kinda manly he was sucking mostly women i think!
  • edited March 2008
    Noone will set fire to this thread. It has an asbestos thread suit.

    That said, those four people posting here are obviously the most intelligent and good looking IN THE WORLD!

    Also, I find the silence of the Telltale Team regarding this subject quite, er... telling.

    I bet they regret portraying European Vampires as, hum... Jürgen and are rite now feeling undeserving of their breakfast cereals. If they eat cereals at breakfast, that is.

    Cheers! fridayrg0.gif
  • edited March 2008
    Also, I find the silence of the Telltale Team regarding this subject quite, er... telling.

    I bet they regret portraying European Vampires as, hum... Jürgen and are rite now feeling undeserving of their breakfast cereals. If they eat cereals at breakfast, that is.

    I actually eat waffles for breakfast. And to be fair despite Max's line we only show Germanic vampires as fruity.
  • edited March 2008
    I was talking about English politicians... and Scottish ones, Irish ones and Welsh ones.
  • edited March 2008
    is there a difference between them and other politicians
  • edited March 2008
    I actually eat waffles for breakfast. And to be fair despite Max's line we only show Germanic vampires as fruity.

    Yes, but still... I mean, imagine you're a German vampire playing this game. It's embarrassing, to say the least.
    Gresman wrote: »
    is there a difference between them and other politicians

    Yes. English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh politicians live in a desert island far, far away.

    Stuff of legends and the like.

    Cheers! fridayrg0.gif
  • edited March 2008
    right, like santa clause or vampires...wait...no, forget it.

    anyway, i don't think episode 203 displays jürgen as a typical german or european vampire. he's just a sad little guy striving for attention. i mean, how desperate do you have to be if you're trying to impress a bunch of zombies. of course zombies are cool, but more in a cannonfoddery kind of way.

    about dracula: which one are you talking about, the character created by bram stoker or that guy from romania, that impaled all his victims. their name are similar, but i think they are not the same person.
    at least the stoker version is not manly, in my oppinion. of course this depends on your definition of the term, but, as i see it, he was just an old fart stalking married women..
  • edited March 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    right, like santa clause or vampires...wait...no, forget it.

    anyway, i don't think episode 203 displays jürgen as a typical german or european vampire. he's just a sad little guy striving for attention. i mean, how desperate do you have to be if you're trying to impress a bunch of zombies. of course zombies are cool, but more in a cannonfoddery kind of way.

    about dracula: which one are you talking about, the character created by bram stoker or that guy from romania, that impaled all his victims. their name are similar, but i think they are not the same person.
    at least the stoker version is not manly, in my oppinion. of course this depends on your definition of the term, but, as i see it, he was just an old fart stalking married women..
    They're the same name, actually. The Romanian leader Dracula is where Stoker got the name, and possibly some of the mannerisms.
  • edited March 2008
    right, but i'm not sure if stoker's dracula was supposed to be the undead vlad the impaler (aka dracula) or if he just liked the name..
  • edited March 2008
    i think stoker's dracula is loosly based on vlad
  • edited March 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    They're the same name, actually. The Romanian leader Dracula is where Stoker got the name, and possibly some of the mannerisms.
    Dracula is NOT the name of the leader
    Vlad Tepes ( what U call Vlad the impaler) was a ... well... a man so obsessed with justice that he became a despot with those that weren't respecting the law by impaling them with a pike. He lived around the 1700-s.
    Foreign guys comin' through Romania were so scared the story came about a crazy guy in Transilvania drinking the blood of his victims. And that's how Jurgen-Er, Dracula was born!!
    Cei de la Telltalegames sunt cei mai buni oameni care fac jocuri din lume!
  • edited March 2008
    unsilviu wrote: »
    Dracula is NOT the name of the leader
    okay, but some people, besides me, refer to him by that name. i checked it on wikipedia, but of course you never know if there are mistakes..
    ..here's the link if someone likes to read a bit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlad_tepes

    anyway, back to the discussion about manly vampires:
    since vlad tepes probably never was a vampire, my point stands that bram stoker's dracula still is a sucker.
  • edited March 2008
    tell me the name of one genuine vampire who isnt litarally a sucker?
  • edited March 2008
    Yes, Dracula was loosely inspired on Vlad Tepes who was himself a bit fruity. I mean, he impaled other men.

    Dracula however, was as manly as they get. 400 years old and STILL chasing women. As per the movie, you even see him shielding his eyes away from Jonathan's blood.

    Also, since he could change to dog, or wolf, or whatever it was, he probably brought about what is nowadays termed "doggy-style".*

    This blatant revision of "History" brought to you by a complete butthole. Hey, it's a family forum, I can't write *rs*.
  • edited March 2008
    Yes, Dracula was loosely inspired on Vlad Tepes who was himself a bit fruity. I mean, he impaled other men.
    hmm, i never thought about it that way. sigmund freud would be proud of you..:D
    400 years old and STILL chasing women.
    yeah, but wanting women doesn't necessary mean you're manly...women wanting you is a way better indication.
  • edited March 2008
    My knowledge of action movies says that vampires arent manly because they dont swear till the air turns blue or run around smoking cigars and holding chainguns. Therefore, vampires are not manly.
  • edited March 2008
    ACTION movies? Vampires in action movies?

    Of course those aren't manly! I'm talking proper, classic horror movies.

    Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing. Nothing unmanly about their Hammer vampires.

    Check out "The Brides of Dracula".
  • edited March 2008
    absolutely manly more than one wife!!! :D
  • edited March 2008
    Hmm the abscence of vampires in action films is annoying...
    Rambo Two: First Bite?
  • edited March 2008
    Besides, what are you complaining about? in 201 max threatened to bomb my hometown!
  • edited March 2008
    did he do that??
    you just have to talk to him about it
  • edited March 2008
    Can't trust those kiwis.....shifty.gif
  • edited March 2008
    why dont you trust brown fruits which are yellow or green inside
  • edited March 2008
    wouldn't those officially be kiwifruits??
  • edited March 2008
    i guess they would be
  • edited March 2008
    Right, this has gotten silly. Bombing kiwi towns, or kiwing town bombs, or whatever.

    The point of the matter is this:

    I love kiwi fruits, bombing towns is overrated and while most vampires do tend to be fruity, action movies are boring.

    Cheers! fridayrg0.gif
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