TWD, AMC, Season 3... Sucked.
Was it just me or Did season 3 suck something awful? I mean the first half was pretty cool and set it up for something sweet. The Episode Clear was one of my favorites of all time. But the finale, and Season 3 as a whole was a big let down. Nothing really happened and nothing was resolved. Not to mention the attempt to make the Governor as evil as he is in the comics was done terribly. Lots of his "evil" scenes were forced and somewhat cheesy. I am a die hard fan of TWD but just extremely disappointed.
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Totally agree, that was worst season ending. Why they didn't follow the comics story? It will be great ending of season (read issue 48). AMC disappointed me very much. I don't even know will I wait, and watch the next season or not.
All hope for the second season of the game, and the new issues of comics.
I know I was wanting the whole
I thought the second season was really good. They spent a little too long searching for Sophia, but the mid season finale pretty much dead already made up for that easily. The second half of season 2 was just brilliant as well, and faster paced for the people who were complaining about it being slow. But season 3, a few good episodes, but it was just full of cheesy moments and bad directing and story writing in general.
I agree fully. The sad thing is they have completely turned me off and im not even excited for season 4. I will probably give it a shot but not expecting anything good. They really did set it up for something big to happen, instead nothing was resolved.
Haha yes! that is true. I was really looking forward to just an evil man like the comics. Another area of disappointment
Don't worry, the new showrunner for S4 has been responsible for what many say are the best episodes of the show, like Clear.
I want the guy, who made the season 2 finale to be in charge. Hopefully that's who also is responsible for episodes like "clear", which in my opinion was a very interesting episode, as it brought somewhat of a change to the third season.
That finale was brilliant but I think the guy in charge of S3 actually made that, I'm unsure though. I liked the change Clear brought, I hope more episodes like that in S4, just going out for supplies and meeting people in different scenarios
This seems to be the fourth showrunner. The last of them - Glenn Mazara said "I didn't like the way which series began to follow ", or something like that. What if he tryed to follow the comics scenario, but the AMC did not want to follow the scenario of the comic, so Glenn Mazara decided to leave?
No way? That is good, Clear was my favorite out of this season. Pretty much dead already was my favorite of season 2, and my favorite of one was the Pilot, Days Gone By. All those episodes are ones that focus more on the human aspect of the universe. They are also slower, but with big cinematic elements and good dialog.
I never really liked the Glen Mazara or whatever guy. I liked Frank a lot, but the person behind Clear was excellent. You have renewed a small amount of hope for me in the show!
I think it was something like that, it's hard to get the full story with these things / From what I understand, Robert Kirkman and a few others had problems with the direction Glenn Mazarra wanted to take the series so he's left or been fired. I dunno if it's because he wanted to stick too closely to the comic or deviate too much from it /
I think I heard Frank Darabont was fired because AMC wanted to cut the budget by 20-something % yet up S2 from 6 to 13 episodes, which probably sounded crazy so he refused.
Yeah and Frank was accustomed to movie production, and wanted to spend more money and take more time to produce a better quality production, so they let him go. Freaking idiots. I always noticed Glenn didnt understand what Robert had done and is still doing. He didnt keep to the flavor of Frank and Robert.
It also makes sense that Glenn wanted to deviate more, he was the man in charge of season 3, he deviated a lot, and ended it in a terrible way complete opposite of the comics. I bet they fired him because of that. They need to bring back Frank or at least someone who knows what the show is really about.
I've just checked and the new guy Scott Gimple was behind "Save The Last One", "Pretty Much Dead Already" and "18 Miles Out" for S2, and "Hounded", "Clear" and "This Sorrowful Life" for S3. I'm unsure if I can remember some of those but I guess we have them to go on.
I like a few of Glen Mazzara's episodes but ultimately I wish Frank Darabont had stayed to see where he was going with it, plus it sounds like it sucks to basically get fired from the show it was your idea to put on the air /
However it is... mind blowing to try to understand what is happening over at AMC. People get hired & fired all the time.
We are just about eye to eye on this. Frank was the creator of the show, and because he wanted it to be better they fired him. As much as I like AMC they really have F*cked up the potential of this show.
Gotta agree to that, action is neccesarry of course, but overuse it, and it gets boring. Some nice walker kills are a must-have for the show, like for example Michonne's walker kill in "This sorrowful life" while she is tied to the pillar. But pointless shooting is never a good replacement for story and good characters. One fact I hate is, that they have so much ammo, takes away a part of the "survival-feeling".
Exactly, lack of action doesnt make something boring, its lack of good storytelling that makes something truly boring. And that is what happened with season 3, tried to get too action packed and tried to surprise you too much. Well every series has to have a crappy season i suppose, lets just hope they can pull it out and make something worth watching for next season!
I will agree with the prisoners, but it was good that Allen's family died. They were terrible, and I hated them from the start. At least we got to keep Sasha and Tyrease (however you spell his name) I wish that Morgan was with the group tho!
The Walking Dead TV Series is horrible. Season 2 wasn't the worst because the characters had nothing to do, it was the worst because the show's writers were painfully aware they had nothing to do, and thus insisted on throwing in one moment of zombie-related tension per episode. The problem is they didn't seem to know how to do this without completely robbing the characters of basic cognitive functions, forcing you to wonder how in the blue hell these people survived in the first place. There is no greater example than the time they chuck Glenn down a well.
Please, for the sake of my sanity, somebody tell me why they shoved Glenn down a well. 'we need to save the water, it might not be contaminated' Rick says, as the fat zombie with oozing wounds paddles around doggy style. How much more freakin' contaminated can you get? How are you gonna' test it? Don't look at me, I ain't drinking zombie ass water. They then tie Glenn's safety line to a rusty old tap, instead of oh I don't know, THE BACK OF THE CARAVAN.
Season 3 started off pretty well (although for some reason T-Dog was using a spear) by having Rick straight up murder an enemy first episode. Time was he would've spent several episodes trying to make peace (Shane). But the show quickly descends into it's usual atrocious writing. The writers just can't seem to make up their minds on how to portray the Governor - dangerously troubled or cackling slasher flick villian. I was laughing when he chased Andrea, whistling a cheery tune and scraping a weapon along the wall like Freddy Krugar.
Don't even get me started on the season 2 finale. Head-shooting zombies perfectly from a car zooming along bumpy ground during midnight. Nobody in the world could pull off those shots.
From that point of view, you're right, but don't you get me started on "guns" and "realism" in tv shows/movies/games, I've seen worse... silencers making quiet "pfffffzzzzz" noises, in season 3 actually, while in real life the gun still is very loud, even with a fat giant silencer on it. That thing is no magic tube that makes sound disappear. The good ol' pillow-silencer won't work in real life, the governor shooting way more rounds with his AUG than its clip can hold, without reloading of course etc.
I was talking about how the actors pulled off that emotional Shane vs Rick showdown, and they did very well, especially Andrew Lincoln as Rick.
Season 3.5 was boring and dumb.
Just to nitpick, the AUG has a magazine, not a clip.
And yeah, I tend to turn my brain off when it comes to that kind of thing too; e.g. the governor firing that same weapon right-handed when by definition, he's now left eye dominant. Basic marksmanship, you need to use whichever hand is on the same side as your dominant eye.
I never understood the difference, but you're probably right.
If the new showrunner is the guy who brought us Clear - the first episode since the PILOT that I can say I actually like - I'll watch season 4.
Or how about Herschels infinite shotgun ammo? Or them shooting through the fence with their guns between the chain link. For a show that uses guns as much as this as a tool for basic survival you would think they would get that stuff right. But like the other guy said, its just one of those things you have to deal with. I would say the finale of season 2 is nowhere near one of the best episodes. All it is is people shooting and people dying. Clear, Days Gone By, Pretty Much Dead Already, Hounded, 18 miles out and Nebraska are great episodes for two main reasons. Character Driven, with good dialog.
And I will say season 2 is not the worst because its not the worst. Season 3 is the worst season so far. It was twice as long as season 1 and longer than season 2 and yet we started in a relatively close place to where we ended. Rick and his group at the prison, the governor and his group away from the prison. Nothing changed in season 3.
The governor was not evil enough for me. I wanted pure Evil like the comics.
The capacity of his shotgun is 8 shells. They just did not show recharging. I'm looking forward to the appearance of Negan in the series, I hope he will not be such as the Governor
I liked the portrayal of the Governor much more too, much more suave and not so greasy and creepy.
Really? That is a first, I will be honest, I would not have been upset with season 3 if they ended it right. There were a lot of things I didnt like, and a lot of pointless boring scenes where nothing, not even character development happened, but if it would have ended the way the comics had ended the prison arc, man that last episode would have made up for everything lame in season 3! Instead nothing, NOTHING, was accomplished. Bad Guy lives, Good Guys live, back to square 1.
I feel the TV show was more entertaining to watch, despite the lack of progression throughout the season.
The prison arc was taken out entirely and instead we just got a faceoff with a Governor that wasn't all that bad and was a political mastermind. It's a weird trade. You take out the slow burn of insanity to cut to the action quicker. But on the other side you take the guy who kicks things off with quick action ("Hi, let me cut of your arm! Har har, I'm the bad guy!") and turn his arc into a slow burn of insanity.
Here's an idea, just adapt the fucking source material. Stop taking one step away from something and putting that step somewhere else. I hate this show.
Long and short, a magazine has a feed mechanism. Clips don't. Hell, I can't even think of a weapon used by a first or second-world military over the past 50 years or so that takes clips, unless it's being used in a ceremonial role.
Oh those are clips, the things you put in your Mosin Nagant for example, I thought it was just another word for "magazine" since everyone always uses it as if it was, so I did too.
A question there: The M1 Garand had clips as well, but it was semi-automatic, didn't it have a feed mechanism then as well?