One thing i feel you should change

edited March 2008 in Sam & Max
I love sam and max, the new games are brillaint and live up to there name.

One thing though... am i the only one whose noticed how much the get through a door puzzle has been overused in the series. I mean in some of them you have a couple of them.

This isn't really a big deal just something i keep noticing, I know it's a famous puzzle that works well but maybe it should be more spread out between episodes.


  • edited March 2008
    It has been a bit over used, but it wouldn't make sense if they could just walk into a secret base or something like that.
  • edited March 2008
    yeah it has been used quite often but the solutions to getting through a door vary from time to time. sometimes it is harder and sometimes it is obvious
    zachspy aou are right it would not be logical if sam and max could walk through every door without any obstacles. i also that that would be more boring than solving the doorpuzzles
  • edited March 2008
    It's true, get through the door puzzles are overly common in just about every sort of adventure game. But in Sam & Max, without the door puzzles, I'd miss Superball. '-'
  • jmmjmm
    edited March 2008
    Agreed, but they could still spin the puzzle a bit to make it a little less repetitive.
  • edited March 2008
    what's starting to become repetitive with me is the "three tasks" formula that's used in the second half of every episode (and many times the first half as well). I really do love the games though.
  • edited March 2008
    but it's standard adventure game formula! It makes the games a little less linear if you have three things to do and you can do them in any order....

    It *is* cliche, I'll grant you... even Max knows how it works (see 202 with the Ocean Chimps)
  • edited March 2008
    Somehow, a trick as simple as not mentioning the three tasks beforehand made it much less obvious in 203. I wonder if that'll work a second time.
  • edited March 2008
    probably not, so the next episode there are going to be two or four tasks...aaand superball will let you enter any door he is guarding without hesitation.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    At least the doors aren't blocked by slider puzzles. :p
  • edited March 2008
    A slider puzzle would be classic haha. Makes me think of the Dig.
  • edited March 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    At least the doors aren't blocked by slider puzzles. :p

    Thank God for that!!

    Or that horrible lock turning puzzle in Grim Fandango which still infurates me whenever I think about it :)
  • langleylangley Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
  • edited March 2008
    Moai Better Blues had a ... cave puzzle. That was a nice change of pace.

    Actually, Max's "I bet there are three of them!" in that episode was really fantastic.
  • edited March 2008
    The doors are pretty understandable, but yeah the 3 puzzle can get a little tedious sometimes. I think though that it might be because we don't notice when puzzles happen in 1's or 2's but when it happens in 3 it's pretty obvious, so even though there's a ton of non 3 puzzles, we still think the 3 puzzles dominate the game.

    That being said I do always notice them, and get sick of it sometimes regardless of what I said.

    Superball and variating 3 puzzles make it great though.
  • edited March 2008
    i think it is not drastic that there is the 3 puzzle formula and i think a slider puzzle would be nice to.
    a horrible puzzle was the secret room in grim fandange because the elevator depended on the cpu speed
  • edited March 2008
    Gresman wrote: »
    a horrible puzzle was the secret room in grim fandango because the elevator depended on the cpu speed
    Only because some moron scripted it without using the built-in engine function to make it cpu speed independent. The end credits were messed up, too.

    Both were fixed in a patch.

    It was late, and I was very tired.
  • edited March 2008
    are you implying that you were that m...ehh, i mean, it was your doing?
    good thing i don't script games, it would happen to me all the time..and i like writing software for neurosurgical robots a lot better.
  • edited March 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    are you implying that you were that m...ehh, i mean, it was your doing?
    good thing i don't script games, it would happen to me all the time..and i like writing software for neurosurgical robots a lot better.
    You're a ROBOTOlogist?!?! :eek:
    He's a PRISMAtologist! Arrest him!!!
  • edited March 2008
    Chuck wrote: »
    Only because some moron scripted it without using the built-in engine function to make it cpu speed independent. The end credits were messed up, too.

    Both were fixed in a patch.

    It was late, and I was very tired.

    you had me stuck for months on that damn elevator puzzle! :mad:
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    Just goes to show, you should always look for patches.
  • edited March 2008
    Will wrote: »
    Just goes to show, you should always look for patches.

    Patches! We don't got no stinkin' patches! We don't got to show you no stinkin' patches!
  • edited March 2008
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    My modern PC can't do the elevator puzzle, even with the patch :( Some day I'll play Grim while rendering out a video or something, so I can get past that part.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    Ditto for me, never made it past the elevator, even with patch.

    Wow. So it's Chuck's fault I never finished Grim Fandango. Who knew.
  • edited March 2008
    haha and I thought I was the only one :p
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