Telling people about your past

edited May 2013 in The Walking Dead
When Carley gives you the option to tell people about your past, how does the episode play out if you chose not to tell anyone or just certain people. I told everyone cos I figured it was going to bite me in the ass somehow. I'm just curious if choosing to be silent meant Lilly would accuse me of being the traitor.

Also does how you tell people make a difference? I think the first option was "I killed a man" and the second was "I was on my way to prison"


  • edited April 2013
    Lilly will not accuse Lee for, she feels, he wouldnt betray the group when he has Clementine in his life. Also when Lilly spills the beans concerning Lee's past if you hadn't told Kenny, he'd be quite pissed at you.

    "We're you planning on ever telling me! Fuck, you have a little girl with you!!"

    Clementine will also express gratitude towards Lee if you told her. It doesn't really affect Ben if you tell him or not, same with Katjaa.

    The way you tell if it doesn't really affect anything other than slightly changing the conversation.
  • edited April 2013
    I guess it just depends on if you want to be vague about wy you were going to prison. I pretty much told everyone I killed a man, but Kenny's got some pretty hilarious dialogue if you use the "prison" line.

    Lee: I was on my way to prison before all this, so, yeah...


    Kenny: It wasn't for touching kids, was it?
    Lee: Jesus, man, no!
  • edited April 2013
    Only people it really affects are Kenny and Clem.
    Tell Kenny: He appreciates it.
    Don't: He is quite pissed as said above.
    Tell Clem: She is speechless, later on she appreciates it, and I think it is important for her to see you trust her - but that's my opinion on that.
    Don't: She'll find out eventually, and is heavily disappointed you didn't trust her.
    "Why haven't you told me? I wouldn't have been scared or something." - Not the way I chose.
  • edited May 2013
    I was pretty honest with people after I lied to Hershel and he tore me a new one. I didn't, however, tell Clem, trying to protect her, and I got the above quoted line out of her.
  • edited May 2013
    Rock114 wrote: »
    I guess it just depends on if you want to be vague about wy you were going to prison. I pretty much told everyone I killed a man, but Kenny's got some pretty hilarious dialogue if you use the "prison" line.

    Lee: I was on my way to prison before all this, so, yeah...


    Kenny: It wasn't for touching kids, was it?
    Lee: Jesus, man, no!

    I went that exact route. Man why did you have to remind me and make me laugh out loud in a public place :') Oh Kenny...
  • edited May 2013
    Natsumi wrote: »
    Also does how you tell people make a difference? I think the first option was "I killed a man" and the second was "I was on my way to prison"

    it changes what you say and how people react eg. with lilly one choice she is as vague as you and is sort of understanding, but the other she admits that she knows everything that larry did, but you really need to play it twice and use both confession choices to get the most information you can about what happened
  • edited May 2013
    She also speaks differently to whether you kill her father or not.
  • edited May 2013
    Lots of little bits get changed depending on your choice n the meat locker. The one I always notice is that in the argument between Kenny and Lilly after getting back from the drug store with the stuff, you stand next to whoever you sided with in the meat locker. I have no idea why I like that so much.
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