Ps3 games-ps3 videojuegos

edited May 2013 in Game Support
hello good morning, I write from Chile, Spanish subtitles would like to request for games that are created for you, as they are expectaculares, like back to the future and walking dead. this would help them to sell you the same game in Spanish-speaking countries, as many people are fans of these deliveries. I hope to enjoy the games with subtitles in Spanish in the near future.

hola buenos dias, escribo desde Chile, quisiera solicitar subtitulos en español para los juegos que son creados por ustedes, ya que son expectaculares, como volver al futuro y walking dead. esto les ayudaria a ustedes mismo a vender videojuegos en paises de habla hispana, ya que muchas personas son fans de esas entregas. espero poder disfrutar sus juegos con subtitulos en español en un futuro muy cercano.
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