sam & max season 1

edited March 2008 in Game Support
Today i tried to install season 1 (i have windows xp home edition)and the cd just wouldn't boot (i do get drive light activity):confused:.


  • edited March 2008
    Autoplay. Is it turned on?
  • edited March 2008
    Yes, because the drive light was on,I was blocking the internet with my firewall (it's zonealarm).
  • edited March 2008
    Um... what?
    Go to my computer and click on your D: (or whatever your disk drive is mapped to) drive.
  • edited March 2008
    Just because the drive light is on, it doesn't mean the Autoplay is on. Autoplay just means that the CD installer starts automatically. Its turned off on your computer, so you'll need to start the installer manually. All you need to do is go into the D drive and click Setup. If there's no icon that says setup, look for one that says installation or something like that.
  • edited March 2008
    if the disc isn't recognised at all either your drive is incompatible or it may be dying if it doesn't recognise all discs
  • edited March 2008
    I tried it again and the autorun does work after it asks me if i want to install i get dvd drive activity (it's a dvd burner) and my firewall is zonealarm:(.
  • MelMel
    edited March 2008
    I'm confused. Are you still having problems?

    Can you see the contents of the disk if you right click on it and explore the contents? If you can do that, you can always manually click on the .exe file to set up the games.
  • edited March 2008
    yes i can look at the contents of the disk:cool:
    And there's nothing wrong with my dvd burner (i just installed and played world in conflict):D.
  • edited March 2008
    The DVD drive should do things after you tell it to install, so I don't see a problem there...
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    Is this a retail version (a CD published by The Adventure Company or DVD published by JoWood), or a DVD that you got direct from Telltale's store?

    Do you have another drive you can try it in? That will tell us if it's a problem with the disc itself, or if it's a problem with the drive.
  • edited March 2008
    It's a retail cd (i've had it for about 5 months) so i know i can't return it:(.
    And i only have one drive in my computer (and there is nothing wrong with it).
    I got it to work on my old machine (i can't use it because i took parts out of it to help build my new pc) and i know it's not my new pc causing my problems because i installed world in conflict with success and it play fine:D.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    Even if the drive works for other discs, sometimes a particular drive will be incompatible with a particular disc, which is why I asked if you could try the disc with a different drive. If the disc doesn't work on a second machine, there's a good chance it's a problem with the disc; if it does work on a second machine, there's a good chance your drive doesn't like the disc (in which case us sending you a replacement won't necessarily help).

    What kind of drive is it? There's a known problem where the retail disc doesn't work with certain drives and replacements are available, but in that case it's an issue of the disc appearing to be blank. If you're able to browse it, then this is probably not the problem you're having.
  • edited March 2008
    It's a dvd burner made by tsst corp.
    Model # TS-H652L.
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