Giant Bomb

Remember this thread? Well, Jeff and Ryan Davis (who quit Gamespot after Gerstmann's firing) have now formed their own site, which launched late last week.

What has this got to do with Sam & Max? On their podcast (which was actually for Ryan Davis' blog before it got put on their site) they discuss Sam & Max, and how much they love it. The discussion starts at 55:00 (they are discussing CSI before this, if anyone is interested) and continues through to 57:03. They all seem to love it, which in my opinion is high praise.

Just thought I'd let you all know!


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
  • edited March 2008
    Wow, I didn't know they were such fans of it! :)
  • edited March 2008
    Wow, I didn't know they were such fans of it! :)

    Nor did I! I knew that Jeff enjoyed the games due to the positive reviews he gave them back on Gamespot, but I didn't realise he was so into it as he expressed.
  • edited March 2008
    nice to know i have to check this out i like listening to podcasts during work :D
  • edited March 2008
    Hey, cool. I didn't even know Jeff and Ryan started their own site. I saw their movie podcasts, and their new office is going to look awesome when they're finished.

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