What the hell is wrong with these people?
I have really no fucking idea what the hell is wrong with these people
I'm talking about those that made odd choices in the walking dead
For example I'm going to talk about not feeding Ben in episode 2
A lot of people feed Clem and Duck and Carly and Kenny but just a few people feed Ben! I'm going to tell you why you should feed Ben along with Clem and Duck. So Ben was sat next to Clem and Duck and when you feed Clam and Duck you should've feed Ben too because he was a new guest and was just sat next to Clem and Duck and it wasn't a good move to let him just watch
I'm talking about those that made odd choices in the walking dead
For example I'm going to talk about not feeding Ben in episode 2
A lot of people feed Clem and Duck and Carly and Kenny but just a few people feed Ben! I'm going to tell you why you should feed Ben along with Clem and Duck. So Ben was sat next to Clem and Duck and when you feed Clam and Duck you should've feed Ben too because he was a new guest and was just sat next to Clem and Duck and it wasn't a good move to let him just watch

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I've feed Mark too because he was the owner of foods
You need to know that I kept Ben's food for myself! Cry now!!!!