SPOILER - What if you brought Lee back as part of Clem's defense psyche

edited June 2013 in The Walking Dead
I was wondering if you could make a special edition of season 2 that Lee comes back(mentally) as Clem's guide or helper that effects the her decisions in next season 2 to show how a child is sort of handles being by herself at that age. Showing the player how she is mentally handles being alone in this nightmare and have a transition of her succeeding or -not --into being a little girl to a woman ((human being)).

Story opener-- have the player join up with her or be her and see how she evolves in the game.
or turn her into a savage "monster" that the player has to deal with later in the season based off of season 1 choices and things leading up to season 2 as a result --maybe as a plot twist in season 3 or halfway between season 2 and the end. Sorry, if this sounds confusing.


  • edited June 2013
    I like the idea of bringing Lee back as a hallucination that somehow guides Clem, albeit not in a way which tremendously affects the plot.

    Sort of like how Daryl sees Merle after falling down the cliff. Daryl uses that hallucination as inspiration to escape.
  • edited June 2013
    ^^^ The guy said it all.
  • edited June 2013
    will he have a blue glowie around him too? Guiding her through the ways of the force and eventually ending in the climatic battle between her are Darth Zombie?
  • edited June 2013
    It is quite possible that it will be. After all this is very easy to go crazy, especially for child. It will be interesting: insane little girl in the world of zombies, I think it's makes her even more cute.
  • edited June 2013
    I actually like the idea of Spirit Lee being a major plot point. He influences Clementine's decisions, and she can decide whether or not to listen.
  • edited June 2013
    Does this mean everytime we see Lee it will be in a white dress.:rolleyes: I like the idea because it makes since in the situation and we get to see are beloved Lee Everett once again so we all win.
  • edited June 2013
    i think it's an interesting idea,because in one way we will be playing it in that sort of way.
  • edited June 2013
    That would be interesting indeed. Like, maybe if Clementine and the new P.C. got cornered by walkers, she would see Lee waving to her and then walks away to the way out and she follows him, getting herself and the new P.C. away from the walkers.
  • edited June 2013
    That would be interesting indeed. Like, maybe if Clementine and the new P.C. got cornered by walkers, she would see Lee waving to her and then walks away to the way out and she follows him, getting herself and the new P.C. away from the walkers.

    You gave me a great idea. The more times the player and Clem get stuck in a situation, she always seems to find a way out. Other times she's found "conversing" with herself. Eventually we figure out she;s having hallucinations of Lee, but it makes her less brave, and also helps them out of bad situations.
    edited June 2013
    Having lee talking to her through hallucinations is a bit too much...

    Having flash backs of lee talking to her/guiding her from the previous episodes would fit better.
  • edited June 2013
    I'm not sure, that seems to fan-wanky. (Yes that's a word...)
  • edited June 2013
    Well they are going to mention Lee quite a bit since everyone liked the man, so why not crazy hallucinations.
  • edited June 2013
    that would be very nice if they made Lee like a spirit guide or comes in a dream to guide Clementine. It be like he never left her.
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