Is Telltale going to try to find a way to make S2's ending MORE miserable than S1's?

I sure hope not. After the latest episode of GAME OF THRONES, I've had my fill of things turning out for the worst in my pop-culture entertainment.

Seriously,'s not all that bad. Like Grant Morrison once wrote: "Only a bitter little adolescent boy could confuse realism with pessimism." Please remember these words, even while you're writing the darkest, bleakest episode of season 2.


  • edited June 2013
    Oh Game of Thrones. For every Tyrion, you give me two Joffreys and a Littlefinger.

    I've already said that I think that one of the reasons that season 1 worked so well was the fact that it wasn't miserable 100% of the time. Those moments that let us take a breath and have more lighthearted interactions with the characters allow attachments to be formed and tragedies to hold weight.

    If the atrocities are too relentless they lose impact, but with no conflict at all we lose tension. There's a balance to be had, so I hope season 2 follows suit.
  • edited June 2013
    Tell me about it, for every good character you either get two bad ones, or the good one dies so you always have more assholes, which is why I like it.
  • edited June 2013
    I saw that episode, and are you saying you want everyone we liked in season 1 to die all at once, because that would make it quite depressing.
  • edited June 2013
    well in my opinion there is only two ways to make it sadder by killing clem off or having either christa or her baby die during labour
  • edited June 2013
    Or both, if you want people leaping out windows due to the miserableness.
  • edited June 2013
    I seriously doubt season 2's sadness will even be close to season 1.
  • edited June 2013
    Unless they kill Clementine at the end which I am betting that won't happen, not saying it's going to be a walk in the park but they can not top Lee's death without killing Clem.
  • edited June 2013
    Chrsita having her baby and it dying when she has it might just do it
  • edited June 2013
    Seriously,'s not all that bad. Like Grant Morrison once wrote: "Only a bitter little adolescent boy could confuse realism with pessimism." Please remember these words, even while you're writing the darkest, bleakest episode of season 2.

    It's The Walking Dead man. Realism=Pessimism there. As like in Russia :D
  • edited June 2013
    Just say the words Walking Dead and all you think is pain death sadness and more pain, it's not a happy world and if you think there will be a happy ending then you were not paying attention.
  • edited June 2013
    Yes, I have a feeling they are going to try and top season 1 somehow. But even if they don't, it's okay, because I think most will agree season 1 was something really special. Also I'm outta this thread before I get Game of Spoiled.
  • edited June 2013
    Unless we become just as emotionally attached to the new main character as we did with Lee and if that person dies, I don't think it will. Would be nice to get a happier, but still dramatic ending to season 2 this time.
  • edited June 2013
    Good point, that would in general reaction.
  • edited June 2013
    Personally, I think trying too hard to make it more heartwrenching would be a bad decision. What Telltale does best is it makes everything work organically to the story. If they just throw in tragic events for the sake of easy drama, it won't have the same impact. As long as they do interesting things with the Walking Dead universe and its characters, I'll be pleased. Obviously I'm not under the impression that the story will end happily, this isn't Disney, I expect to go through some fucked up shit throughout the game, but whether I expect the same level of emotional turmoil? Who knows, it may not be the same level, it may be the same, it may be worse, but I don't want the writers to force a story just to please fans and at the end of the day doesn't come naturally to them. Part of the reason I think season 2 may feel very different is that now the novelty has worn off, we're used to the world, season 1 has made us apart of the zombie apocalypse, and like Vernon said "this is how our world is now, and we might as well get used to it", so I think we'll become a bit more desensitized to what we see. That alone will make the story more powerful, no matter how miserable season 2 is in comparison to the first.
  • edited June 2013
    Just say the words Walking Dead and all you think is pain death sadness and more pain, it's not a happy world and if you think there will be a happy ending then you were not paying attention.

    I'm not asking for unicorns and rainbows at the end of episode 10, I'm just not interested in seeing Clementine eaten alive by zombies in loving detail either. As Mikejames pointed out, hammering the player with atrocity after atrocity will only get numbing after a while. Heck, even SEVEN allowed its two leads to occasionally come up for air.

    At any rate, I don't think I'd want to fork over my cash for a video game where a horrific ending is completely unavoidable, but that's just me. :o
  • edited June 2013
    We will have bigger groups, romance and more death. Maybe the players loved one and child dies and he is left alone with Clementine... OR the other unthinkable death to send us to misery.
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